Rolento Match up Thread

Haven’t seen anything yet on here, or anywhere for that matter. So can we all share our knowledge about the bad and good match ups that rolento has and the best way to play and approach them?

Ok well last night I played against maybe 4 different Hugo players and lost against them all.

I’m having no issue anti airing in the neutral game, it’s only when Hugo goes for cross up on wake up I’m having problems. Even EX Escape can be caught out of the air.

The neutral game with Stinger seems tough as a blocked Stinger doesn’t do much damage and Hugo can take those risks to hit me. When I use stand fierce only one hit comes out against Hugo’s armored fierce more often than not. It’s just hard for me to keep at a particular range and avoid getting hit for bunches.

Eventually I steal some rounds with the backflip roll but I couldn’t abuse it up close. Sometimes my backflip got caught by back breaker.

And maybe I’m just unlucky, but Hugo’s wake up back breaker and U2 are hitting me too often. I’d go for an overhead on him (to avoid a command throw) and wake up U2 catches me. I just groan at how unrealistic it feels.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the match up? Is it really as hard as I think is?

Well I’m in the same boat here. Due to Rolentos nerfs on basically all of his normals in this game coming from sfxt. Keeping Hugo out seems like a pain but it’s possible. I basically lose to almost every Hugo I play against because his normals seem to beat every one of yours in USF4, this wasn’t the case in sfxt. Best option in this match up is to not get knocked down at all! Basically every one of Rolentos escape options can be easily selected due to him no longer having a true reversal. As far as I know this is basically a chip and footies game to win just like the match ups with Gief and T-hawk as well.

If you’re going to Evo this weekend, try to play Buktooth’s Hugo. He’s a ton of fun to play against, and a serious challenge. I think I may have gotten 1 out of 30 games off of his Hugo with Rolento.

What does Rolento do against Viper’s burn kick vortex?

Burn kick has a projectile hit box, I havnt tried this but I’m supposing wake up stinger jump and ex Mekong Delta Air Raid (roll portion) would make burn kick whiff?

Just tried this in training mode, both work great. IMO EX Stinger jump is the better option since you’re more likely to be in a favorable position afterwards. There’s also EX Wall Jump andfocus backdash if they’re getting predictable with their burn kicks on wakeup.

Anyone have tips for the Adon matchup? I’m getting completely blown up by him more than any other character.

Ty for testing the anti burn kick moves.

As far as Adon goes, is it the Jaguar Kick pressure? Because of his short jump arc I find stinger does well keeping Adon out. The problem of course is the damage he can get from a single opening.

all you literally have to do is slide. It goes under all burn kicks as far as I know complete whiff.

From my experience, Rolento seems to match-up well against Ibuki. It may differ for everybody, but for me, I can beat Ibuki with Rolento nearly every time

Strong statement, what’s the quality of Ibuki you play against? How are you negating her offense?

Well I’ve played decent to strong Ibuki’s. The Stinger is a fairly good tool against Ibuki if she attempts to an air move. Rolento’s roll move as the main offensive attack works well for me against Ibuki. Since Rolento, has pretty good range with his normals, it’s a great counter against her rolling throw move. The Mekong Delta escape is pretty useful as well and I use Rolento’s back roll overhead (can’t remember what it’s called) if she’s crouching. This is all from my experience, so It might be different for everyone else, but so far I’ve been having success against Ibuki with Rolento. I think I’ve only lost once to Ibuki with Rolento but only because it was a really good Ibuki, but the fight was close however

So against Cammy or Rufus…what do you do? They get in once…it seems like you might as well put your controller down and prepare to lose that round.

There is not that much tricks… Just have to block solid and wait for a way to get out.
Then jab to roll back, if they jump you have the time to jump jab ou AA with mp, even a trade mp means escape …
Lately i was watching nemo vs machabo, when cornered, nemo simply jumped over machabo always taking an auto correct DP, took damage but he was out.
Overall id say jab is your friend for spacing, also try to know you opponent’s offense/ patterns/ habits/ mistakes.
Any hard MU, try to play against the player, not his character.
Good luck!

How are you guys dealing with heavy turtling characters (i.e. Guile, Bison)? I can set up a gameplan for most people that works when I execute, but I can’t seem to find effective ranges to get an offense going.

Can’t really play a stinger game against them at all, and their normals just seem better and trades are generally in their favor. I’m sure some of it has to do with my own problems against those characters in general, but I was curious how you guys approached the match-up

Bison used to be a hard match up for me but for bison I usually do this

(Bison) Standing medium kick beats his slide at max range from what I know.

Jumping light punch and jumping light kick are your best friend in this match up because they both basically beat all of his air to airs every time.

When blocking his scissor kick spam in the corner you can sneak one or two crouching light jabs after. This should stop most Bisons from spamming considering they’re taking more damage in the long run.

Jumping back and jumping forward light kick beats a deep devils reverse. And light punch beats it early.

Practice “instant” stingers to bait bison to jump for a free neutral air to air with light punch. I usually do my instant stingers with the command and toss them out with a punch button.

Last but not least play this match up lame. Make sure you are using all of Rolentos mobility in this match up. I never see other Rolentos use his trick rod which I do.

The command is 3kicks like right before you land while jumping backwards or neutral, “the jumping back command” gets you away from random wake up psycho crushers mid and far screen.

A standing still rolento gets beat here pretty easy but once you figure out the match up and don’t lose the life lead you should be fine.

And are far as guile goes don’t spam the roll move because it can be punished on block by flash kick. Your best bet in this match up it to be patient getting in using your light roll when you see a sonic boom from full screen or using forward medium kick which brings rolento forward a bit each time you do it. also be sure to practice resets once you have guile cornered.

Hope this could help


What do you guys do against hawk ?
It´s so hard to get out of a condor spire press especially in the corner.
They know rolento doesnt have an invicible move.

^ agree. Characters that can go crazy spam-mode on your wake-up seem to get away with it vs. rolento. Personally having problems against Blanka in the same way with side hopping etc, any tips?

My friend is probably on of the Hong Kong’s best Blankas (for what it’s worth) and I get absolutely demolished by him. The matchup feels quite bad with the saving grace being the ability to punish any blocked blanka ball. The only solution seems to just go as ham as possible while watching out for ball. If the opponent is really good at empty-ball spacing, try to walk forward a step in anticipation and immediately block as it will throw off the spacing and potentially lead to a U2 punish.

So far the greatest issue for me is hop shenangians. I had mild success with close and stand teching.

Advice vs guile is to go lamer abuse the stinger invincibility on the way up to back him up to the corner then take your chances or be patient an build some meter if he starts walking forward you can out maneuver him.

Yun match is impossible. Cammy and rufus are pretty tough too.

Blanka balls are all punishable by u2 as is a lot of his stuff. Blocking hop mixups are a pain but if you have been playing since vanilla you can prolly read most of them block em and get out of range