Rogue Resets

STFU how about u play me at evo2k3 and see how she sucks.



Yeah, I second that one. If you think Rogue sucks against Cable, Storm, Magneto, etc. then you haven’t seen a good Rogue player. I’ve seen Pat’s Rogue at DBS at a tournament there and it was a force to be reckoned with.

His Rogue inspired me to play her more often than before. It gets crazier than when the computer tries to rush you down when it gets to like a quarter life. Trust me on this one. There are probably more great Rogue users out there that can hang but Vegita’s is just sick.

Wow, I’m lame. I just now got to this thread. :o

Hey thanks but hopefully I can challenge up to all the people at EVO2k3 this year. last year they played me because my first 2 matches I won and then when I went to get something to eat they had put one lost against me. After I had won 4 matches before I lost :frowning: But anyway thanks say r u going to EVO2k3 if u r me and my boy have some space avaiable. You will have to sleep on the floor and it will be probably between 40 to 50 dollars for Three nights.


Hey what’s up? Yeah, I’m gonna’ try and get a ride from Craig (MAXIMUS) to go there and if it’s cool with you and ya’ boy, I’ll take that open space available. I hope you do great this year if you play. I may just watch this time around since I didn’t go last year. I still need some more training to actually enter and play. lol

Hey what’s up? Yeah, I’m gonna’ try and get a ride from Craig (MAXIMUS) to go there and if it’s cool with you and ya’ boy, I’ll take that open space available. I hope you do great this year if you play. I may just watch this time around since I didn’t go last year. I still need some more training to actually enter and play. lol

Say what day and time are u getting there? There are at least 2 people that I know who are trying to stay also mixup,mike(inifinite) and another guy from Cali so if u are going Pm me your cell phone # so when we arrived there I can call u. Remenber it might be kinda pack up in there but if u really need a place to stay let me know before wednesday. And say its me, chris(magneto_x) and Duane who are in charge of the room.
Halla at u later.


Good Luck Veg- X hold it down for all the Rogue Players

Some resets/tips for you to use:

if you ever air throw or end a combo with FP, before you land airdash xx D+RH to cross them up/overhead them.

Dont abuse Power Drain tooo much or they will catch on and push block everything you do.

Call Storm then super jump airdash to get in safely: Storm stuffs AAA’s for you.

Once your in pin with tron.

If you have sent in the corner do: j.lp,, j.d+rh repeat wile calling tron to pin/chip/build meter.(he can do anything)

dont waste levels with storm, do random hail when your winning to fustrate them.

with storm: launch pause call rogue throw, dash under c.LK is a great and abuseable reset with storm and rogue throw assist.

with storm: on both assist and character:, xx snapback, dash in, s.RH(magneto style assist killing)


and if you have trouble use Rogue Storm Cyclops!

Hey thanks for the tips and hopefully I will make it to Saturday.
We should arrived there tonight around 9:00.
again thanks and holla at u later.


I wonder how all the rogue players(vdo/vegita-x) are doing at EVO?

Good to see LightningStorm found the thread I hope he shares his wisdom like he used to.

DLJ did you ever make it to EVO?

FP Throw Resets/Mind Games:

If you land a throw with rogue land and throw again, and again, then call assist dash over d+RH to cross up for the combo. The assists that work best for this crossup are probly Tron, Cyclops, Psylocke since they come out fast and dont mess up the combo like Doom. However Doom is usuable too i guess.

Rogue’s throw is like Ryu’s in that it nocks the guy down right beside you setting up for another grab as they wake up. The set up is so good I’ve thrown people out of supers like tempest/hsf and assist calls like Doom AAA/CapCom AAA.

I’d recommend doing this after every throw so you can really mess with peoples heads by not throwing and just going for the cross up wile they are trying to LP you thinking your gonna grab again.

Say was up ROC and everyone I had a great time at EVO2k3 wish you guys could have been there. I got the chance to meet VDO and Edma for the first time they are both hella cool. VDO almost won his pool but feel short and lost against Vinnyman from Texas.
I think I had a really hard pool I had Ricky Ortiz, Xecutioner and Shady k little brother. I won my first match against ricky and lost the next 2. After he lost the first won he ran the next two. Then I lost to Xecutioner it came down to my tron 5% life and his Cyc with 5% that how it happen both matches. I wish I knew who recorded the matches so they could put it up. Anyway just wanted to give everyone the info.


Yeah, I saw that match you had. That was hella tight shit! Way to represent the Rogue at Evo! :smiley:

Holy shit are you serious Roc!? Rogue will be in normal jump mode after the FP throw?! That’s crazy! That shit is going to have so many setups!

Thanks man I should have beaten him but I guess I have to wait until next time. At least I had 35 wins down in the acarde that day. I try to beat mixup with his 45 wins the previous day but it started to get so fucking hot. Rogue can handle so many sentinel and storms in one day. Say did u record the matches between me and Xecutioner?

That doesn’t really work since people will just roll or tech hit when the hit the ground after the throw. Actually, I hate Rogue’s throw cause then you have to go chasing after them again. It’s like a get out of the corner for free card.

Although that crossover thing on the way down works after an aircombo with sj. FP. I saw vegita-x do it last year and again this year. Seems to work good on big ass chars like Sentinel but you have to watch out for anti-air assists I would think.

Way to rep Rogue Vegita-x and VDO. Heard you guys made it really far with her on your team. :smiley:

Ya the throw is very easy to tech but people hardly roll after it tho.

And I herd there was a another team tournament before the 5 on 5 did you guys rep an all Rogue team?

LS please tell me you taped Vegita’a match! By the way what teams where you guys using and teams of people you where facing?

No. I didn’t have a camera. :frowning: I wish, hell I’d have had a lot of good shit on tape.

I found this bad ass reset using Sent’s Projectile and Storm’s Projectile. The only weird thing is that it doesn’t work too well on Sentinel, it work’s decently on Storm and Cable, and it just fucking kills Magneto. Well here are the Storm, Cable, Sentinel versions of the reset.

Opponent in corner… [Storm, Cable, Sentinel]

Dash in, s©.lk,, [Call assist], s.rk,,, power drain, land, OTG, c.fp into magic series to power drain or FP throw or GNS.

Damage… About 137 in level 2.

Opponent in corner… [Magneto]

Dash in, s©.lk,, [Call assist], s.rk,,, power drain, land, OTG, s.rk,, (can still work if blocked), power drain, land, OTG, c.fp into magic series [can’t throw no more] or GNS.

Damage About 143 in level 2.

I am trying to use some other assists too. You can ghetto rig it to make it work with Doom’s rocks but Doom has to be at a certain distance and launched at a certain time in order for Rogue to get behind the enemy. You can also get it to work with Captain Commando’s Anti-Air too the timing is just a bit harder and the enemy might be popped up too high. Anyways I’m trying to see if there is a way to extend her combos by forcing the opponent to block and throw in another power drain.

Oh and if you have trouble doing the second power drain in the Magneto combo then do QCF+K. For some reason it doesn’t work with QCB+K even though Rogue’s back is against the corner. Don’t ask why… Rogue is funny that way! ^_^;;; Enjoy the combo!

Sup everybody!! Looks like I’m the newest member to this thread now. I just started using Rogue after seeing what ROC’s Rogue can do to people(especially myself). So I decided to check out this thread and see what i can learn. So far my main solid Rogue Team is hands down Rogue/Cammy/T.Bonne. Honestly I’m still a scrub with this team but beleive this team is no pushover.

I’ll be sure to check out this thread and ask questions more often. But I just thought I’d introduce myself in the meantime thankx, peace!

Hmm I can’t seem to get that Rogue Telport reset without the speed up. I tried it on Juggy, Cable, Storm and somebody else of a different size but no luck. How fast must a do this? :bluu: