Rogue Resets

More then likely I’m going.

Help with Rogue’s deadly mixup game

I’ve been a Rogue fan for quite awhile, (well since the game first came out) i used pick her and T. Bon all the time and have people all like what the hell happened to my life. This is evenbefore I even became serious with fighting games…seems as if the two gurly’s were ment to be:) Only resently though have I became really interested in this scary chicks air dash mixup game
Looking at the computer play her in her no nonsense mode on level 5 and up is nothing but aw inspiring (she actualy could still kill me if I’d let my guard down and not stay the hell away from her):eek:

Now this might shock some but I have never seen any one outside of the computer play her really well like this, I guess cause all the people in my area are Doom Cable Juggernaut Strider… Freaks. I really would like some good input on how to finally play her the way she was ment to played so I could shake the crowd over here in St. Loui. Right now i basiclay drop kick there a**'s till the decide to try and stop me (that is a hurtful kick):lol: Please give me some better tactics… Most importantly how on earth do you do her airdash cancel effectively!!!

Found a Tron semi-infinte?

I found something really cool [well I hope I did… and it’s not in some fawking combo video] with Tron. Please don’t flame me if it’s been heard/seen. Thanks.

Tron with opponent in corner: dash in, c.lp, c.hp, sj.lp, [let it hit for a bit],, hold foward+hp for the throw, land, c.hp, sj.lp, [let it hit for a bit],, hold forward for the throw, OTG c.hp XX Lunch Rush.

This was done on cable on level 2 damage. This also kills off Doom. It does good damage against Sentinel too. I’m trying to see if I can throw Rogue in their somehow… not sure if she could help since Tron’s throw is reseting the damage. I think it would be wise to just do it once. So do the combo once then…

Tron: [OTG] c.lp,, Call Rogue, Rogue hits, dash behind Rogue, Stun Laser XX Lunch Rush or Aircombo if you don’t have/want to waste a super. OR You can Tag in [I think you can tag in safely after the Stun Laser. Gotta check on that later]


Found a Tron semi-infinte?

*Originally posted by Tanion *
**I found something really cool [well I hope I did… and it’s not in some fawking combo video] with Tron. Please don’t flame me if it’s been heard/seen. Thanks.

Tron with opponent in corner: dash in, c.lp, c.hp, sj.lp, [let it hit for a bit],, hold foward+hp for the throw, land, c.hp, sj.lp, [let it hit for a bit],, hold forward for the throw, OTG c.hp XX Lunch Rush.

This was done on cable on level 2 damage. This also kills off Doom. It does good damage against Sentinel too. I’m trying to see if I can throw Rogue in their somehow… not sure if she could help since Tron’s throw is reseting the damage. I think it would be wise to just do it once. So do the combo once then…

Tron: [OTG] c.lp,, Call Rogue, Rogue hits, dash behind Rogue, Stun Laser XX Lunch Rush or Aircombo if you don’t have/want to waste a super. OR You Tag in [I think you can tag in safely after the Stun Laser. Gotta check on that later]

nice but I already done that combo but still nice. say due to money sitution I won’t be attending ecc8 but I will be going to mid-west because I really want to see team seattle play and not Jwong those guys r hella good, I just hope my rogue can stand up aganist them. If anyone planning on going just let me know.


Re: Found a Tron semi-infinte?

Figures that people found out about it! X_x This game is so broken lol.

hopefully my rogue can get to the semi’s
if not more practice.

Man I’ve been doin these nice a combo’s with Rogue and T. Bon on point**

This combo involves Rogue’s anti air assist, and to add some mo’ craziness to the combo you can add Sentinel Drones, Sabbertooth Expansion, Omega Red throw assist, or just about any of the other characters to the combo with specific assist’s. I basicaly almost know few if anyone else has discovered what I have with the infamous Tron/Rogue teem. With Tron/Rogue/Sabbertooth I have a crazy, craaazzzyyyy looking semi ifinite that can be done anywhere on the screen (not just in the corner like the one most have posted) that involves Trons funny a** qcf p. projectile, Rogue’s anti. air assist and Sabber’s expansion assist…and the best thing is that it is actually practical.
With Omega Reds throw assist I can connect an extensive ground combo with Tron, go into an air combo with the help of Rogue, and end the air combo with Omega’s through assist. Sounds impossible, or like a load of shizzznick? Nope, it is completly possible.:slight_smile:

I really want to let you’ll in on these combo’s, but damn, I want to keep them as my secret recipe. When I pull these combo’s off at the arcade (whether they are scrubs, newbies, are serious comp.) people start noddin’ their heads in amazmint’ or approval.

Maybe if you really want to try this combo I’ll tell in the near future, before Marvel 3 comes out or that Capcom Allstar game releases. But for know let me give a hint to those still reading this
lenthy message of mind :smiley: Tron can call on out an assist and still connect an drill rush special after her throw with out the opponet being able to roll.:evil: :wink:

P.S. when is sombody going to reply to my above post, or is it just scrubs still reading this thread.:mad:

Till’ lata {PEACE OUT}:slight_smile:

Man I’ve been doin these nice a combo’s with Rogue and T. Bon on point**

Nice but I’m pretty sure most people knew that because I did. but its good u r practing with tron because she really is a good character if u know how to play with her. O yeah Sorry if no one responed to your early post but me personly can show better then I can explain.
The only advice I can give u is that rush that shit down but first what I do is for the first 8 to 10 seconds I tried to see how does my challenge play and what does he like to do and how do he react to certain situtions. Sometime Its not always good to keep rushing in like that without knowing what your up aganist. Try to just keep mixing it up and play smart espically when playing mag,STROM,sent, and cable. Only a skill rogue player can defeat these characters. Really there should be only 2 character that give rogue so much trouble and thats Storm and sentinel but as for mag and cable u shouldn’t have no problem. Well got to go hope to see you all soon at mid-west.


You Mean It Has Already Been Done???!!!:frowning:

Oh well, I guess it is hard to do something oringinal in a game that has been played all over the world for about four years now…damn :mad: but big ups to vegita_x (ya’ a DBZ fan too I see) for the info though.:cool:

To be sure though here’s description of a couple of the combo’s I am so hyped on :wink: let me know if they truly have been done :slight_smile:

Double jab wit’ tron then call out rogue’s anti-air assist, than time tron qcf lp. move to capture opponet in mid-air. Launch opponet in the air than do a four hit air rave into an air throw. While tron is falling to the ground from the throw call out Saber’s exspansion assist, (you know the one were he travals across the screen and juggles the victim) quickly do trons qcf lp. move again to catch opponet befor they can roll. You can do this combo until your heart is content, or your opponet more likely wises up and thech trow…I think you can swith up the air rave and throw to make this a little harder for them though.

The other combo (not a semi ifinite but nice though) wit’ Tron/Omega/Rogue goes like a thisa’…

Start out like combo above but, after the air throw call out omega’s throw assist than do a Fk. drill rush…tron drills tha’ dope, than omega grabs em and tosses him high into the sky. Nice way to end a combo :lol: Good damage too be so damn flashy.
It is nice to fit all three characters into one combo without the Hyper bar being depleted.

With Rogue what is your meths’ of canceling a combo into an air dash, I see the computer do it all the time…but I cant :frowning: .
And is it true that you can only cancel a move into and air dash
only if it actualy connects, this seems to be the case with me. If it is true man that’s lame :lame:

Holla back somebody…please? :lol:

Apparently Rogue can do c.RH xx sj. D + RH and it connects! I cant believe I didnt try this before. I’ll try to expand on it to make some practicle combos out of it.

PS: You dont need speed up for this.

Hey ya’ll, I found out this cool combo, try it out and see if ya’ll like it.

standing lp lp lk hk launch, sj lp lp hp, after the fp slams them down land behind them and do a power drain on the ground. After the power drain dash fp xx into GNS. Does great damage, just don’t do it too often cause they’ll catch on to that power drain after you do it a few times. See if ya’ll like it.

Ya I like to mix it up with launch sj lp lp d+RH(wifted) land power drain, dash FP GNS. So they dont get used to any one reset.

But Rogue best resets are her teleport ones.

Also ending Rogues c.FP launched AC’s with d+RH(it connects) is really good because both you and the opponent land at the same time setting up for some good crossup/resets.

Do any of you guys use MSN?

Good tip with the Dhk thing man.

And yeah, Just add me to the list or whatever. Laters.

Rogue teleport glich: (get speed-up)

c.LP, c.MP, *s.LK
*as soon as you press light kick you teleport.

This glich is really usefull for reseting speed up infinites or just reseting GNS after a infinite.

You can do it without speed up sometimes if you dash xx c.LP, c.MP, s.LK. But you have to do it really fast but still practile if you master it and use it every now and then.

Gliched Speed Up Combos:

(c.LP, c.LK, c.MP) x 3, c.LP, c.MP, *s.LK xx [(c.LP, c.LK, c.MP)] x 2 xx GNS

(c.LP, c.LK, c.MP) x 3, c.LP, c.MP, *s.LK xx [(c.LP, c.LK, c.MP)] x 2 xx Power Drain, dash in s.FP xx GNS

[when you do the s.LK you teleport and the s.LK comes out on the otherside of the person and does not connect so you have to do a move quick before the can block]

Yeah that’s the correct way to do the teleport but there are only certain characters you can do it without speed up. It all depends on the size of the character. For Ex: all of the femals on the game, iron man, war machine , cyc, capcom, and a few other I don’t feel like typing. Works on storm real well and a good way to get speed up also.


I didnt know what characters It could be done on but I swear when I did it, it was on Sent. It was along time ago so I could be thinking Sent but it was probly warmachine.

>>After the power drain dash fp xx into GNS

I’m having trouble getting this to work. Does anybody have a video of it?

For the Dash fp xx GNS thing, try doing a step or 2 before dashing. It doesn’t work on big guys like Sent or BH or Jugg or on small people. If you got speed up do like 2 or three steps. The timing takes some time to get used to, but just practice.

Anyone going yo EVO2k3?


I wanna see Rogue vs Storms, Sents and Cables at Evo hahaha, she won’t do shit!

Please, she sucks.