Rogue Resets

whos goin to mwc to rep rogue?

me me me

Live my dream. :frowning:

Hey ya’ll, try this one out for size and see if ya’ll can make use of it.

Launch with cfp, sj lp lk lp, slight pause, sj lk lp lk, dhk…

Now what this does is hit them 6 times in the air, and the dhk doesn’t actually hit, but lands you on the ground on the other side of the oppnent really quickly. It’s easier to do on bigger people like Doom, and I haven’t tried it out on Sent yet. Nor have I tried it out in the arcades. See what ya’ll can do with it.

Yeah I’ve done something like that before, I also like doing the majic series ending in J.FP; then pause and do D.J.RK and cancel into Power Drain at normal jump height because the opponent’s first instinct is always to jump and it works 95% of the time.:smiley: :cool:

Ive started using Rogue/Gambit/Cyclops lately and came up with an easy but damn damaging combo off two levels of meter (and it looks pretty damn sweet)

Rogue: lp,(GambitProjAssist)lp,lk,(AssistHits),GNS, RoyalFlush

anyone have any good combo’s or strategies with this team, if so post them up :smiley:

Hey ya’ll, came up with a couple of resets if ya’ll wanna check them out. They’re solo Rogue so you can mix them up with Sent/Storm/Tron or whoever’s proj. assists.

The first one is clp cmp cfp once you launch them do an air dash to the other side and use a sjhk. If you do it right they’ll be standing and you’ll be on the opposite side so the sjhk hit’s them high and you can land and start another ground combo.

Next one is slk smk shk, then sjlp sjlk sjmk, let yourself fall to the other side and do a sjfp so that it doesn’t combo. This will make them bounce up towards you, but what you wanna do instead of throw or anything is land and dash under them so you can start another ground combo on the other side once they hit the ground.

A variation on the above combo would be to do a power drain after the sjfp makes them bounce. By itself it doesn’t do impressive damage, but if you’re kind of near the corner and you end up with your back to it on the power drain, you can land, clk xx into GNS and it’s unrollable. Can’t really take credit for that though, I saw it on the Rogue tricks of the trade vid. Just here as a reminder.

Last one that’s not as cool as the others IMO, but might as well put it out there. slk slk shk, when you launch air dash forward and on the other side of them sjlk sjmk, land and dash under them to the other side before they land and start a new ground combo. Try these out and see what ya’ll think.

With Rogue/Gambit on proj. assist you can jump in, slp slk slp shk, now what you wanna do is call gambit once you start with the slp so that way when the assist right after the shk. SJ right after the launch and air dash forward and do sjlk sjmk. You’ll land on the other side on the ground and can start another ground combo.

With Rogue/Cyke do a regular ground chain into launcher, call Cyke right after the launcher and do a sjfp. You’ll slam them right into Cyke’s AAA, then do sjlk sjmk and land behind them and do another ground combo.

All late replying I know. Hope those help you out anyway.

Rogue + Sent(proj.) is the future.:cool:

Hey White, I think this might be a legit reset combo with Sent proj. Launch and call assist, then sj hk, then dash. It should mix them up on the bottom of the screen. I wanted to test it but my 2p controller doesn’t work, but it looks like it’ll hit them from the back. See if it works.

I think it might work with Storm’s proj too. I’ll try it at the arcade in a few days.

:pleased: Thanks, I’ve been doing some stuff with Rogue/Sent(proj.) that I’ll explain in detail in my next post.

Here’s a combo I commonly use that’s better than her reg AC.

J.FP, S.LK, call Sent proj. S.MK, jump RP hit J.LK, J.MP, J.HP xx Power Drain. (If done away from the corner but near it she can possibly juggle with C.HK xx GNS, especially with Speed Up.)


J.FP, S.LP, S.LK, Call Sent proj. S.MK, S.FP and then QUICKLY cancel into GNS.

Duh, you were talking about proj and not ground. I think I might have posted the reset combo I learned with him and that assist already, but I’ll do it again in case not.

slk smk, call sent proj when you start the ground combo and he’ll hit after the smk. Do a jump, air dash, jlk jmk, land on the other side of them then start another combo. See if you dig.

That cool, it works on most characters 'cept Sent. :pleased:

New Stuff!!!

Well I found something about Rogue’s FP throw than make her mixup game really interesting. After doing it you can call an assist in midair even though the throw send you up a little past normal jump height. It makes it perfect for Sent’s proj., Cyke’s AA, or Psy’s AA to setup something.

Second is this theory Speed Up combo I created while daydreaming about Storm getting owned.:looney:

With Rogue/Sent/Capcom: Speed up inf till near corner and then call Sent G, as soon as it’s about to hit quickly do S.MK which causes the teleport glitch now facing the corner into S.LK, S.MK, Power Drain (throws into corner) Reset!!! normal jump J.LK, J.MP, (call Sent G) J.HP xx Power Drain, (throws into drones), C.FP, majic series into Power Drain (throw back into corner) into C.HK (Call Capcom AA) xx GNS. If this works it will be my crowning achievement.:cool:

Can someone check if it’s possible, thx.:smile: