ROFL @ program pad scrubs

Rofl today I was playing against a scrub namely:

Drunkenbluex or something and he was using zangief. 4 times in a row no joke he would get reversal throws… he does wakeup super 2x in a row and I’m like O_O

I face him again afterward when he picks Ryu LOL ROFL what a difference, once again he never misses a single special move but he gets owned because Ryu’s moves are not anywhere near as abusive.

rofl at program pad scrubs.


Brace yourself.



First time he did reversal command throw I was like… damn this guy is pretty good.

Second time like 10 seconds later I was like… damn really?

Next match another command throw, once again reversal O_o

reversal, reversal… you know something is up.

then reversal timing super 2x in a row



You know you have the scrub mentality when…

So let’s suppose this was the best player in the world I was facing.

He could get 4 reversal timings in a row?

2 super reversals?

All within 3-5 minutes?

No one can do this.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


You trolls are just showing how low you are… so you’re telling me that someone who can reversal like that is going to get baited into whiffing reversal timing fierce dps like 4 times in a row and lose to simple mindgames yet never ever whiff a reversal?


Really. It’s impossible. By impossible, I mean in my narrow and limited experience, it’s quite unlikely.

Ok, rather than keep this going and mocking the OP, it’s very easy and possible to get reversals. Once you have the timing down, you can use piano inputs to ensure you get reversals consistently.

What is piano input, you might ask?

For reversals, you have 1 frame to get the input right. If you tried to do a dragon punch reversal and did :dp: + :hp: you’d get one shot to get the dp off. If, however, you do the following:

:dp: + push and hold :hp: then push and hold :mp: and then push and hold :lp: release :hp: release :mp: release :lp: (this must be done fast, hence the term piano input)

The game counts both the PRESS of the button as well as the RELEASE off the button as valid input in order to get your move off. Getting a move to go off a button RELEASE is called Negative Edging. So, rather than to try and perfectly time your reversal, once you roughly know where the reversal frame is, you can do the motion + hold 3P/K release all 3P/K and get 6 chances of finding the right frame.

So, while said Gief player might have been using a programmable pad, it is very, very likely he wasn’t.


Tell me your woes and I’ll tell you mine,
Be sure to make coffee, for this will take time,
I am here for you and you for me
When we are done , we are sure to be free.

Complain about all, your doubts, fears, and pain.
If need be, repeat your complaints again
I think when your done, and I begin mine,
You may realize that actually, you are quite fine.

Remember this, dear complainer, that I lent you an ear
When you return home, leave your complaints here.
Your family will appreciate, the time that I took
To write your complaits in a very big book.

Now next time you feel , the need to complain
Pick up that complaint book, and read it again.
I think when your done reading, my dear complainer
You may realize, complaining makes you sound insane.

I play against Drukenblue alot. He is quite good with Zangief, I severely doubt he uses a program pad.

Ummm not to toot vut, i get of reversal like crazy all the time some times three in one round the thing is just getting your supers bar up…

But, ya it can be done

I’m quite aware of this.

So when I lost the match to his zangief I was like… I guess I was outplayed “that was incredible”.

Then a couple matches later I get matched to his ryu.

WOW. There is no way you could suck this much as a player. See the thing is with Zangief if he touches you once you are in a world of pain but with ryu if you get hit once or twice it’s not like you are going to lose 50% of your life or something.

This kid did not even know how to do the basic fire ball trap right. Like he would do fireball, I would jump, realize I get baited, but then jump over his second “reversal” timing fireball to hit him in the face. I guess he hit the wrong mapped button.

Best thing? Right afterward I started crouching next to him to see what he would do… reversal fierce shoryuken EVERY SINGLE TIME. I did this 3 times in a row before he caught on and I mixed it up a bit.

Of course he got owned because he had nothing to abuse.

So perhaps it’s better to revise my statement: There’s no way you can suck this badly as a player yet have 100% of your moves be reversals… no way.

Fuck…I knew YuuVega and Daigo were using programmed pads all those years…how else are they that good…

Damn it…and to think I actually practiced based off their X-Mania footage!

I’ll give you some respect b/c you gave me a few tips before but you’re missing something:

This would be like if Daigo pulled off that famous parry set against justin wong but then would lose a footsies battle to no name john doe

i almost for got what ROFL ment… so your saying he didnt land 360 with the kick cuz if so he’d be rolling on the floor then suplex on your head but then… i gotta gamefaqs this 1

4 reversals in a row? HOLY SHIt. hoLEY SHIT. Daigo right here, new Daigo right hte fuck here