ROFL @ program pad scrubs

As a bait thread… I’d give this thread 1/10.

Its the same thing with anyone you would beat a really great player and, then lose to a scrub that’s the way it goes

It’s online right? What the hell do you expect? I hope not consistency.

I play excellent players in Japan on HDR and GGPO and while I can tell that they are high mid level players (and some even top like Jodim) the game still can become like a circus due to lag spikes. One second they are ticking me to death…the next second we are on opposite ends of the screen whiffing normals like we are playing blindfolded. Lag. Online.

Meanwhile I’ll face hundreds of middle school kids on XBL with perfect connections but all of them can’t play SF2 worth damn despite the latency feeling as if they are sitting next to me.

Reversal throw isn’t abusive even with minor lag or with a programmable pad…if you are getting hit by Zangief’s reversal throw you need to bait it with an out-of-range meaty attack or try to cross him up with a jump in. If you are out of throw range or in a jumping state then Zangief can’t reversal or wake up throw you.


Seriously, I’ve won full sets of matches with what seem like nothing but reversals.


Dude. One time I picked T-Hawk regardless of the fact that I suck at 360 motions and tick’ing. Anyway, I literally would let the opponent hit me if I had no other choice, and once they’d connect I’d start rolling the d-pad and mashing punch. I beat a shitload of players just by that. And I’m a scrub with Hawk and 'Gief. My point? Drunkenbluex is not using a pad (played him/her, very good player).

You’re missing the point:

How can someone go from a “very good player” with everything spot on to missing out on basic shit and playing like a huge scrub?

I’m guessing because they were bored, and wanted to get a kick out of it. Or they were practicing moves. You’ll never know the reason unless they come here and tell you. Or message him/her, although the answer you get, you may or may not believe.

some people simply cant play shotos but beast with other characters.

and the reason he might be whiffing his reversals as ryu is because IIRC ryu has a different wakeup animation and the timing is a little different.

i do that many reversals all the time w/ gief. and if some (biting tongue here)… person called me a programmable pad user because of that, i would be a little ticked.

its really not hard at all to do. just spin the stick and mash all the punches while you are getting up. thats why you try to stay away from gief…

three more points

1- as it has already been said, plenty of people are really, really good with some characters and really really not so good with others.

  1. being able to do a move(or reversal) and being able to do it at the correct time are two very different things.

  2. and would a programmable pad even help that much with reversals? you still need to time it for the 1 frame.

ive never seen a programmable pad. are they really out there? if your specials are mapped to buttons where do all the normals go? sounds like a bad trade to me.

Great thread, would read again. See GAMERTAGS over there below my name <—

I don’t play seriously when I’m on DBX. That is my learn other characters/BS name (see, wifes!)

I play Zangief 99%, and I’m not even that good with him :).

Wakeup super isn’t hard, don’t stand point blank on wakeup… when I have a super charged. Trust me, I look at the bar and know when I have it locked and loaded.

Timing a reversal with Gief isn’t hard, I’ve got it down to a science. See Piano in case try #1 misses, try 5 more attempts in one stroke.

See RAAKAM’s post for more info on how to enhance your reversal attempts :).

See this post ^. Whiffing reversals even if there is no chance at landing it increases your super bar :). If there is zero/low chance of being hit out of the wiff then go ahead. Especially if you use your super ;).

Deep forward J+LK into Super is a beautiful thing with Gief :smokin:

Aight so explain to me how you can never miss a reversal but you literally have nothing else but executing special moves.

Both with ryu and gief you would never miss a single reversal but the difference was is that gief’s moves are abusable while ryu’s are not so. So when you have nothing to your game but getting reversal moves you tell me how does that reflect on you?

PS good attempt at trolling scrub thanks for clarifying everything I posted.

Dear god the irony…
I can’t breathe… :rofl:

O_o it’s werid, because I could have sworn evoanon said “I don’t play seriously when I’m on DBX. That is my learn other characters/BS name.” In otherwords, he’s a good player, just he used DBX, to practice zangief.

I used to spam lighting kick over and over, to the point where I can bust out a great combo with it.

this dude…

I do reversal w/ gief without even doing the piano method. He probably has the easiest reversal IMO along w/ T-hawk. As for Ryu or any other character i struggle doing basic reversal & can probably get tick thrown to death.

Hell i even have problems doing dragon punches on the 1st player side. The guy probably mains gief & you weren’t giving him much of a challenge so he probably use a character he wants to get good at.

goddamn that avatar is gay

I don’t even mean that in an insulting way. Just a “yo, that guy looks ready to commit an act of fellatio on that other guy” kind of way. I like the av

cool story bro


though i guess in this thread it’s better than being on topic.