Rocket League: The Official Thread

I quit ranked til i get a good team. So now im just a rocket ronin roaming unranked 3v3s, intervening in wars, scoring goals and then slipping back into the shadows

We are a team without a nation

I have my group of friends that i play with.

GGs joshkaz. We should do some ranked at some point

I got my co-worker to install the game while I was gone and we played some matches night. First thing this morning he walked to my cube and just goes, “Its so fun!!!!”

This moron on my team kept bashing into me and ended up getting MVP. So mad. I just reached Pro this morning, but my game is way off. Having trouble scoring goals.

My buddy came by last night and we played for a bit. We both enjoyed it, so that’s a plus. I suck so bad at it.

My coworker was shit talking me for having a shitty goals/game (gpg) it’s like 0.58 while he has like 0.9.

My point is: I have 3 times the games and I constantly get railroaded into goalie in public games since it seems like no one else is willing to play a modicum of defense even though I’m a lot better in the field than goal and probably better in the field than a majority of the people I play with. (though maybe my goalie “skills” are better than their lack ofthem). I don’t mind playing in goal either, btw. I mind being the only person wiling to get in goal then have people bitch at me when I get beat because I put myself in an attacking position and I’ve been the only person in goal the whole game.

Guess I should include: /rant here huh?

Playing goalie is getting really good to me. 5-save games at a time

Fuck even just playing goalies getting annoying. Niggas on the other team getting mad im blocking all their shots and targeting me out of nowhere tryna demolish me (fact: nj to avoid oncoming ragefag hilar), one dude even started talking shit calling me a camper lmdao wtf?

But the real worst part is when im gonna block a shot and my overzealous teammates ram me out the way to go for it…and miss

Always the worst of being a goalie.

Just like lemme goal and get shots aimed at the goal.

Sit in a corner or on the other side of the field and lemme do my magic. Don’t need you missing by 50 feet and taking me out with you.

Best part is when they blame you for the ball going in.

I’m hating dudes who don’t understand how passing works. Like, balls in the corner, go sit in front of the fucking net while I smash it off the wall to you, what use are you when you come follow me into the got damn corner???

Hell yea ill get pushe dout of the way other tram scores and then its

FUCCBOI420: [TEAM] Defending…
ME: Nooooo!
FUCCBOI420: [TEAM] I got it!

So i go and play offense, turn around and fuccbois in front of the goal with us, other team hits a long shot downfield and scores

ME: i thought u were goalie wtf

Happens all the fucking time, @NickRocks

At this point all I do is Goal.

Am I starting in net? Goal.
Am I not starting in net? Drive to goal because I know my two other teammates will just be gunning for ball. Sometimes I just go and slam the ball since I rarely outright lose, or let it go straight to the goal. After I drive to goal.

After that shit its just playing mid field and watching the ball like a hawk.

Even told teammates to fuck off and get away from the goal before.

Go try to get the ball from them. Fuck out of the net when im in it.

yeah i talk nonstop shit to bad teammates i tell them to log off and quit this game

This is why I tend to try to sit midfield and wait to dash in/back to goal, depending on the situation. Winning is less important than having fun, and I’m not having fun sitting in the goal watching the other two players both follow the ball everywhere.

Which is also why, if I DO get the frontal starting position, damn right I’m gonna follow that up. Bat the ball, and watch the other teammates to see what they do. Usually one or both of them will follow the ball if it does get onto the opponents’ side, so just grab some boost and be ready to either dash back to defend or in to try to score, depending which direction the ball goes.

Found a godlije perfectly in sync team and ofc the game breaks us up before the next match :frowning: sigh

After a good month of playing goalie, i’ve been pretty decent at dodging dudes trying to demolish me/avoiding situations where i’d have to block a fucked up mixup.

Seems like i’m watching the players more than the ball, since you often see the angles on where the ball hits and the trajectory, occasionally i’d be like “where’s the 3rd” and i’d check behind me and i’d see a dude boosting from behind. Neutral jump that shit and block the next shot “No Problem”

Though against a really well coordinated team it can be much more difficult once they start threatening you with a tackle or a them threatening setting up a mixup as soon as you try to move in at the same time. You’d definitely need a team mate to help you cover.

Couple things off the top of my head.

•Most important thing for me as a goalie is the fact that you have full vision on the court at all times even when you’re moving up. Make fucking use of it and make plays entirely around it. Use your camera and look to the sides and even behind to scout out what your team mates/opponents are at the moment.

•Constantly adjust your positioning to make it easier for you to block shots or even aggressively if your team mates are setting up. Base it on your opponents/team mates positioning, velocity, and angle. For example you wouldn’t want to be too close to the ball if it’s likely to go over or around you.

•Make use of power slides for positioning purposes. The ball constantly moves so with it you move too, power slide to get that angle you need to intercept or block. Also of course use powerslides if you’re running headfirst to the goal to face the ball immediately afterwards and be at a good blocking position, provided if you already had momentum.

•Trust that your team mates will clear the ball for you if it’s at a neutral position where either team can touch it to either clear or set up. Provided that they’re in a reasonable position. Go for the clear yourself if you’re sure that’ll get a clean hit, and that your opponent won’t get the ball first.

•If the ball is in the air relatively close and going to slowly descend to the front of the goal, first priority is always get some distance and fucking fly and clear that shit before it even gets to that point. Never a good idea to let it sink in front and clear it outwards when your opponents are decent. Shit can get dunked above, below or to the side of you even if you touched it.

•Ideally go for a clear when blocking shots, neutral jumps are alright but occasionally it still leaves the ball at a position where they can get another shot in while you’re still in the air. Also better during trades since if you go for a “block” and your opponent bodies the ball, good chance of it getting sandwiched and eventually finding a gap for it to fly through, which might end up as a goal. If you go for a clear in that case, it’ll probably send it outwards away from the goal or straight up, depending on how well and hard you hit it vs your opponent, other details aside.

•When you clear, hit that shit clean. Especially if you’re going into a not so good position afterwards. Worst case is that you set up for the other team and you’re out of position, 2nd is if you whiff.

LEARN HOW TO FLY. If you can fly, you can clear balls before your opponents can even set up. If only you can fly and your opponents aren’t as good, the ball will likely be on their side of the field most of the game, and you’ll be blocking mostly easy shots. If you can fly, you can clear the ball to the other side while blocking a shot to the goal, instead of just neutral jumping and leaving it right in front of the goal.

•Since flying is important, it’s also very important to build meter while you can. It opens up a lot of options for defending and clearing, the upsides also being that you could be the guy that flies in for the goal. With low meter while your opponent is setting up, you’ll unfortunately have to move closer to the goal and prepare to block the mixup, or take some risks with the meter you have at the moment. Build meter while the pressure is off of you.

•Neutral jumping for blocks is still great, but use it if you’re in a slightly off positioning, or for shots that are hard to react to. If you got plenty of time to react, adjust your positioning and go for the clear.

•If you notice that your team has a good goalie, coordinate swaps with him using “I am defending”. If he’s in a better position to clear the ball, use it and then assume your position. He’ll either stay there or go for a clear while you cover the goal. If you notice that your goalie often goes for the clear whenever possible, keep an eye on him and swap whenever he’s in position for the clear ahead of time. That way if the clear ends up being a whiff or ends up being in a position that it sets up for your opponent, you’ll be ready and your opponents won’t get a free goal.

So keywords to meditate on. POSITIONING, COURT VISION, LEARN TO FLY.

Yeah one of the first things i learned to do is fly, my buddy just refuses to even try high level gaming shit, just wants to button mash like a scrub. Fucking hell, I hate my cocksucker friends.

I understand how to jump aim up and MASH BOOST but my flying sucks.

This is making the rounds and funny af

I got an idea for a hilarious rocket league vid and i’m still surprised no one has done it yet. Just need the perfect clip for it.

I’m fine tuning the editing; it’ll be up tomorrow B)