Rock Combos and Glitches

List your favorite combos here using standard abbreviation conventions. Include the proper damage from the training data in training mode.

In order to get an accurate number, make sure to set your character’s super meter to either “Normal” or “Max Start” because “Infinity” and “Recover” will give the combo an illegal damage boost. Also, make sure to perform the combo against P-Groove or A-Groove because some of the other grooves have meter-based defense bonuses. Finally, make sure to perform the combo when the opponent has a full lifebar, because otherwise the damage will be reduced depending on how low the opponent’s health is.

Also, discuss any glitches or bugs the character has, not including Roll Cancel. RC discussion belongs in a strategy thread.

well sorry but I dont kno the dmg.

but his bnb combo is lp lk mk HP hard edge. but make sure to hold mk so he wont dash.

this really isnt a combo but after knock down when the person wakes up c,mp , qcb hk 360 throw into anything.

other combos is 360 throw from anywhere cancel then shine knuckle lvl 3 doesnt have to be corner a little timing required but u should hit most of the hits and its enough dmg.

and that corner throw combo 360 fireball c.HK raising a storm.

but his most dmging combo I mite say is either in S groove or in N groove. j,HK s,HK xx neodeadly rave lp,lp,lk,lk,mp,mk,hp,hk (wait)HK xxshine knuckle lvl 1.

these combos can also be done with hibiki geese ryo and evilryu and maybe more.

Any Rock Vids

Does anyone know where I can go to find some good rock videos? I only play casual in the arcade right now, but I am planning on practicing and bringing K-Rock to some tourneys in gainesville, any links would be appreciated

man im a good ole arkansas boy and my k-rock is hella dope i owned a ratio2 sagat with a perfect in casual play at the texas showdown im tryin to post sum vids now so ill get them to u as soon as possible :tup:

Just found out that in C you can do Shinkuu Nage -> dash -> lvl2 Shining Knuckle and actually get all the hits in. It’s really hard for me to get consistently though, I find the timing pretty strict. Because of that I can’t really get any figures on damage yet and if you can land the lvl1 Knuckle as wel.

Also, vs Chunli it is possible to land a MP.Hard-Edge after a Shinkuu Nage (360) instead of a HP one for an extra 300 or so damage points. Same goes for Blanka and Honda, but they need specific timing while against Chun-Li you can just stick it out ASAP.

You can land MP. Hard Edge on Guile and Dhalsim too I think.

You’re right. Although I find Guile a little harder to hit because you can do it too early AND too late, but the window is pretty forgiving.

random rock combo i found. the damage isnt that great-almost half life vs same ratio=but it has a lot of flash. pulling it off during a match could get you a lot of “oohs” and “aahs” from the crowd.

in C groove:
[anti air] lp rising tackle, lvl 2 shining knuckle, mp rising tackle, lvl 1 shining knuckle.

woot woot flashiness.

wow i never heard of that one before…does it work with lvl 3 shine knuckle too?

btw, i heard about some otk mixup.
not sure about what it looks like exactly, but i tried to reproduce it in training mode. here’s what i found.

2p only(for 2p corner glitch)done on C-sagat

in the corner, run/shift xx 360, break, run under, and do c.strong(the timing is slightly strict here)
what happens is that you should hit sagat with your backside(and you should be in the corner).
from here, you should be able to run under sagat(outwards), and do small jump foward(direction, not mk) and what happens is you’ll small jump back towards sagat, facing the other way. i’m not sure if you’ll CROSS him up again, cuz i can seem to run into small jump consistantly, but i did do run, into regular jump and i jumped backwards on top of sagat(but not crossed up).

anyways i dunno if it’s really useful cuz i find it hard to get consistantly, and you’re losing damage in the beginning cuz you’re not doing the laser. :confused:

No you can’t get the Lvl 3 shine knuckles to follow up a rising tackle because the first hit of the lvl 3 has 0 juggle potential, and you lose a lot of damage following a rising tackle with a rising storm because three of the hits of the rising storm are replaced by the rising tackle.

okay i tested this out some more and got it down(i think)
i did it on C-ryu

basically same shit but i need to edit my post
so basically you don’t need to run out of the corner and do small jump, you can do regular jump, and when you hit rh(sometimes it didn’t work though) you’ll crossup rh them :-O.

but here’s the best part, when you land, youu’ll end up back in the corner and it’s really hard to tell that he’s gonna end up in the corner, so from here i thought up some stuff you can attempt

1)s.fierce xx jab elbow(for safety reason, i normally would go for c.jab, s.fierce xx jab elbow, but for some reason the c.jab will put you too far and give you far s.fierce)
2)s.fierce xx run/shift, 360 ya da ya da
3)maybe do some crazy small jump mixup again i dunno
4) eh whatever, just add on more otk mixup stuff from here basically

J.HK Lv. 2 knuckle, charge the whole time and end with a Fierce RT. Whoa, I’m good at combos :|.

how about u add sum more like…

J.HK c.lp xx lvl2 shine knuckle xx low rising tackle lvl1 shine knuckle

just to look kool.

Ive managed to come up with these for Rock (im pretty new to this game)

j.MP QCFx2 MK XX QCFx2 LP (charge down) XX up and HP
(the jump ins also work with HK)

Everything seems to fit and ive pulled it off a few times, but when i cancel the Shining Knuckle to the Raging Storm i cant hit it every time, is there any advice on the timing to consistantly pull this off?

when u do a shineknuckle, u will notice that rock is in the air.
when he hits the ground then u can cancel. only at the end of the special will u cancel.

off of a free jump in with full super your max damage should be

j.rh, stand rh, lvl 2 shine knuckle, lvl 1 shine knuckle
it will work from anywhere on screen so just get used to that combo

If you do the backwards lj.RH crossup trick, you can also empty jump and 360 them while they try to figure out which way to block. And then do the crazy setups off the laser and stuff.

Dope corner rock combo:

-run > shift > 360, charge PP + charge down, early PP release, lp rising tackle, lvl 2 raging storm + charge down, fp rising tackle/lp rising tackle > lvl 1 shine knuckle

wont work on some charaters.

i was just messing around with A-rock, and figured out a goofy fullscreen custom

(c.MK/close s.MK) -> c.HPx4 -> qcb+HP (1hit) -> 360+P, cancel -> qcb+HP -> cd,u+HP -> qcfx2+P

Does anyone know how to preform the raging storm glitch, go here to watch this vid

man there is some really cool stuff o and hey can any tell me how to pull off level 3 shining knucks. after the evac, i seen it done any secret specifications??