Rock Combos and Glitches

I was wondering on how you get the xx lvl2 Shine Knuckles to connect because everytime I try it a mid counter comes out.

Can someone show me the Insert commands with the direction and kicks?

If you use K or A-Rock instead (the best Rocks), then you won’t have that problem, since you’re working with Level 3s and CC’s instead. If you really like C-Rock though, then you can do…

d.MK (hold button), qcf, d, d/f+(let go of button)

That will make the super come out, but you need to practice.

Lame rock combo that does 5K even.

S groove rock vs C rolento:

Run > shift, command grab, charge PP, early laser, neo deadly rave [1 hit], raging storm.


2nd plyr, x-up glitch/corner 360 break CC

Don’t know where really to put it between Strategies and Matchups or here, but since the 2nd player crossup glitch is, well, a glitch, I’ll put this here.

Been playing good’ol Rock again lately, this time in A.
No 2/3 lvl 3’s a round
No low jump
No run (But a good Corpse hop Dash makes of for both low jump and run IMO)

Well anyway here’s a string I’ve been messing around with last night

d.HK, crossup dash, block d.LK, 360, break, qcb+HP(1-Hit), deep superjump HK xx
qcb+HK xx 360, break, CC

Well, after the first 360 break 1 hit fierce Hard Edge, the superjump actually crosses up because of the 2nd Player crossup glitch, which pisses me off because my string I’ve been working on doesn’t work unless I delay it a lot or just regular jump if I’m close enough.

Well it’s nice to know, considering I’ve tried to setup the glitch for Rock a number of times in the past but failed, gave up on the matter but only now realize this? I guess when I played K-Rock back when I always broke 360 to shine knuckle/storm so I never knew. It’s information I’ve not seen on here so figured I’d post.

Corner 360 Break CC
I don’t have problems landing a midscreen random CC or an activate qcb+HP one but corner 360 break activate gives me some problems.
Mostly because I don’t know the CC just yet; I just go for deep Fierce Rising Tacoo’s (9 or 10 hits) Then a deep raging storm.

Anyway what I learned is to get this to work properly I have to be “charging” down before I activate, immediately after just up+HP. Everything else I’ve tried to do is screwy on timing like a 1-frame link and I always end up with Jump HP.

Good thing is afterwards you can just do regular CC mode rising tackles without worrying about charging for a split second like with the activation problem.

Another problem though is I think the 360 break has a juggle state that transitions over to CC activations juggle state and has a tendancy to knock your opponent out of the corner **(edit: If you’re not careful. When you land after one rising tackle you can walk back a bit from the corner and do another so it hits deep to stop this) **I am not sure just yet if this also has to do with the 2nd player crossup glitch (similar to N-Chun’s corner crossup juggles as 2nd player).

Maybe it’s the 360 break itself that sets up the crossup glitch?

Damn shame too I was hoping to get some solid easy “free jump in” setups from this stuff.:annoy: Still good to know.

Nothing flashy but got this custom via experimentation

CC d.HPx4, d.HK, s.HK qcb+HP, [HP risin tackles]x2, qcf, qcf+P

Dunno d.HP may be a little slow and impractical to startup especially when done that close for 4 d.HP’s to connect.

Been experimenting with activate RC qcb+HP (1-Hit) d.HPx3 etc, etc vs whiffs but the hard edge seems a little slow. Much better it seems to dash, shinku nage, break, activate, qcb+HP and go from there, but the damage isn’t as strong unless the command grab is done after a shift in the corner.

Something likely and ranged base I’m thinking of is
CC d.MK xx qcb+HP (1-hit), d.HPx3, d.HK, s.HK qcb+HP (1-Hit) [HP ris’n tackle]xN, super

Sorry for the late reply, i dont search here much

basically the glitch is done by tech throwing and following up with a super. Youre probably gonna need a human partner to do this.

Get a Mai and a Rock.

Make them throw each other at the same time (Tech Throw), and after the tech throw, make Mai do her Qcb, HCF + K super (has to be lvl 3 i think) and let Rock do his lvl 3 Raising Storm. If done properly, Mai should elbow through the Raising Storm and the Raising Storm should stick on him. Ive done it several times before.

what’s the most damaging non-super combo when the opponent’s dizzy?

i can’t believe everyone here just talks about super combos, geez

when the opponent is dizzy go for jump in rh, s.rh, fp elbow it does like 4000

Preasure strings?

K rock I notice you can do a lot more qcb+lp as you have a just defend opportunity after, with A=rock there is not much you can do? Do you have time to counter?

Does anyone have any good block strings either safe or unsafe.

can anyone help me on connecting lk, lk, mk xx level 3 shining knuckle? it just seems that every time i do it, rock does a counter instead -_-

I agree with JD helping you to be slightly more aggressive with max range lp elbows. As for pressure strings, I’m not a fan of executing a predetermined set of moves just for the sake of doing so. So I’ll say this if you’re just close enough to have c.lp connect then following with xx lp Hardedge gets you a chunk of guardbar. If the c.lp hits ounterhit you’ll likely get the to combo. c.lp into works fine too, but it doesn’t leaev you at such a good range even on hit, while a blocked elbow leaves you at a great range. btw, if you’re raged and you connect a sweep buffer the shining knuckle motion and press a kick if you see them safe fall. Sweep and elbows is what it’s mostly about for me. max ranged into elbow when you’re not close enough for the jab and into mp reppuken occasionally. it’s not really a pressure string, but the B part of a mixup: close hp xx mp Reppuken after close lk tick for 360 will combo on fatties on counterhit.

I’ve had my share of troubles with this mainly because I double tap it because it’s a 2 frame link (which occasionbally becomes a 1 frame link cus of the frame skipping). The double tap makes for an annoying negative edge that gives me the counter. I’ve found if you delay the motion a little but do it a little faster it becomes a little more consistent. If you don’t double tap, then just keep the mk held down so you don’t get a negative edge. I’ve avoided this problem by using other combos to land super:, …, c.lp …, c.lp, …

why is everyone doing shining knuckle after lk mk? its not safe and not as much damage as deadly rave

Hey guys, i’m using K groove. SO what combo should i use after the 360 throw?

when you do the evac throw and hit them with the Px3 move I saw in a rock combo vid of him getting a trip in afterwards. can someone explain please. 1

i’ve seen that several times too…

It’s been posted several times before. Lightning Scraper (I believe that’s what the light blast is called) should be released early so that they get hit by the tail end of it (later in the animation) after that anthing reasonably fast will connect including the sweep. There’s no ‘trick’ to it, it’s just timing.

need some k groove rock combos


I’m having trouble with the s.HP to the Neo Rave. I’ve seen it in the old youtube clip of him with the k groove, and I’ve seen my friends use that on me, but i can’t seem to do it myself. Although I think im doing it too slow, can anyone tell me an easier way, or an alternative way to use him in either N or K groove?