I just called him and left a message for you.
Bought a new machine. Running Win8 now, I try to relearn new interfaces and get with their way of thinking but this feels like a bit of a wreck so far.
Went to clean out an old collection of videos, pre-YouTube. Found GG stuff of mine, fuzzy wavedashing tutorials, Melty Blood ReAct movies, and an hour of high level Fighter’s History Dynamite. BALLOOOOOOOOOON!
Fighters History Dynamite? I gotta see that shit.
Thanks to everyone who came out. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I think I’ve converted another one of us to Jo Jo-ism.
I just got done playing Jojo on GGPO.
Can I just say that Black Ops II is awesome. . .
Treyarch has come a LONG way since the assfest that was World at War.
AND Infinity Ward really bombed with Modern Warfare 3. That game was an unplayable, unbalanced mess.
I’m going to assume that all of us who play fighting games are relatively competitive people. So, if you’re into competition and shooters. I highly recommend this.
Im bad at shooters, and I dont like them much, only one I play is Halo.
I only play shooters to occasionally troll, like in Team Fortress 2 they had a Halloween event boss last month that pretty much requires both teams to cooperate to kill him.
So I just ran around backstabbing everybody.
http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/Team Fortress 2/2012-10-28_00002.jpg
http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n504/RunningWild1984/Team Fortress 2/2012-10-28_00003.jpg
I used to play alot of Quake 3 Arena back in the day too. I had a boss Vash The Stampede skin I downloaded from somewhere.
Looks like you’re running Dr. Enforcicle there, too.
I’d call you an asshole but I spent a long time trolling people as a Dr. Enforcicle spy too. Or using the C&D to hang out in sniper spots and dick them over and over.
I guess we’re both part of the problem ):
Reason: Wild.
So sad, my house Internet went down so I can’t watch CM but on the bright side thanks for having me over Steve, fun times watching Jojo and discussing the failings of bleach as a series
Lol, just watched Ray Ray disrespecting people with his Ryu. Watching Ryu do work in Marvel is always enjoyable.
@Pablo - Glad to have you over, man. Glad someone else recognizes all of the musical allusion in Jo Jo’s.
@Coca - Dat cranberry sauce! Holy Crap, it’s so good! Thanks for bringing it bro.
Just an open note to video game developers:
Pakistan is NOT the middle east. Pakistanis DO NOT speak Arabic. Pakistanis speak Urdu. Urdu uses the Arabic alphabet, but has nothing in common with it linguistically. So please stop making characters in Pakistan speak Arabic. It’s fucking annoying.
Second, stop using Arabic in games (in levels that take place in Arab countries) if you’re just going to make gibberish. It wouldn’t be that difficult to construct just a simple sentence, phrase, or name. It would take all of 10 minutes to figure it out.
Third, Iran is NOT an Arab country. Iranians DO NOT speak Arabaic. Iranians speak Persian. Persian uses the Arabic alphabet, but has nothing in common with it linguistically. So please stop writing in Arabic, when a level is set in Iran. It’s fucking annoying.
So, please, stop your bullshit. It’s really absurd that the only game to actually get shit right was Assassin’s Creed 1.
Sick of all the cultural ignorance.
It’d be like setting a game in Paris, with all the signs written in mangled German, while everyone is speaking Portuguese.
Wasim , going HAM , one post at a time lol
I got Diablo 3 for $10 brand new.
I just started playing it again.
I really like this game. Stay away from the auction house.
For some reason I always wait til a good deal hits before I pick up a Diablo game. Been that way since the original.
I remember the first time I played Diablo, I rented the PSX version and I’m like “DAMN THIS GAME SUCKS”.
Then I pick up the PC version real cheap at BJ’s willing to give it another shot, get accustomed to the true point n’ click controls and I’m like… damn this plays significantly better. It’s awesome
Yo, does someone want to help me beat Diablo ( as in the final boss ), in Hell? I finally got my computer up and running again and I just remembered how salty I am at that mofo.
You are very welcome, man. Like I said, it’s a family tradition to make a double batch. When there’s four of us in the house eating it, it’s no problem to make it disappear, but even I’m not tough enough to eat the full double before it goes bad; I’m glad I found somebody who appreciates it.