I can’t believe Jacky Bryant did not return for Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed.
No Ryo Hazuki either!
For shame.
Joe Musashi is cool at least…
I can’t believe Jacky Bryant did not return for Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed.
No Ryo Hazuki either!
For shame.
Joe Musashi is cool at least…
Man, you just reminded me I haven’t played D3 in a long while. I honestly stopped after I killed Inferno Diablo back when Blizzard didn’t know what the hell they were doing with the game, so they thought it would be cool to kill you in half a second. If you need a run I can kill him for you.
Emily Dickinson is a fraud. End of fucking message.
Sunday night music:
Caught up with Breaking Bad. Definitely a good show, though it can be slow at times. I got to say tho, it has some of the best monologues I’ve seen in recent years. Like below
Half Measures
[media=youtube]n3u-6UFLubI [/media]
I thought Walter White would become more of a bad ass like advertised. But he really comes off more as a guy that just goes to the extreme when he is pushed to his limit. He has his moments but flashes of bad ass-Dom does not mean ur a bad ass.
Still prefer the desperation in BSG or the nonchalantness of Mad Men
I always felt his character was too restrained. That’s kind of why I fell out of the series. He really wasn’t a badass at all, not like the way his character was advertised. Didn’t really like the feel of it outside of his moments.
by the way, I caved and bought borderlands 2 during the steam sale.
Shit’s awesome. I’m gonna run through the game as Axton playing with a friend of mine, but right now I’m doing a solo run as Zero and it’s pretty incredible. Any of you guys picked this up? We should definitely click on bandits together sometime.
I love steam.
Wish it had more fighting games.
Just had a first round interview for a QA position in my company.
We’ll see.
We got rid of all our QA, apparently those aren’t necessary in a billion dollar company.
MAXIMUS is also a billion dollar company from what I understand and their QA is so advanced that they got a QA team that monitors the QA division.
QA in their QA.
Plot of Infernal Affairs 4.
It will have flashbacks within flashbacks to accommodate all the flashbacks of the dead people.
My buddy is trying to sell his stick for Xbox, one of those heavy duty SFxT sticks.
Anyone interested?
Yeah, that’d be great, man. How about on Friday or Saturday evening?
Really has one of my fave announcers and silliest move yells.
Went to delete more old movies and found Pop’n Music “performances,” and high level Rumble Fish 2 that made the game look REALLY good.
Won’t lie, been on the PC gaming train over Thanksgiving break. Planetside 2 is the crap, go play it if you can.
I started playing Marvel again yesterday, and for some reason, I get really upset when I lose in character mirror matches (namely, Chris and Arthur). If I have anything going for me in Marvel at all, it should be Arthur.
Then I remember this video, and watched it again
From now on, whenever I get extremely salty, I’ll just watch the video, and just think “it’s only Marvel, why you heff to be so mad”.
From then on, I accept Marvel for the stupid fun that it is.
I’d like planetside 2 more if aircraft could be countered by things that weren’t aircraft or cost real money, but it’s still fun even if hellfires are stupid.
Reminder that, for those of you who have so dearly missed weekly EGS, it’s resuming this week.
Neil is driving to NEC this weekend for anyone that wants to tag along.
Hes also driving to apex in January.
currently nobody in his car for either event.