The Nguyen family, meaning Wong, his girlfriend, and myself.
:eek: Shame on you, Mike. I expect this out of Matt.
Don’t tell me that ultra face isn’t the singularly best face you’ve ever seen in street fighter.
Shoutouts to perfectly-executed friendhelps.
Wassup everyone
Sorry I been ghost, inbetween drinking on sat and a funeral on sunday, i was all tied up. First and foremost, i hope everyone is ready to deal with this “storm” , im not believeing it til I see it, but still safety first folks
I’m loving me some Johnny on this GG tip. I never really played GG with a stick before, and its just so much easier.
Did anybody watch Canada Cup this weekend?I’m going over the results and I want to see alot of these matches. The Marvel top 16 looks really entertaining. Anybody up for maybe a Canada Cup Archive viewing session this week?Cough__ Wasim Crib __ Cough
TwitchTV app coming to xbox #nice
I’m definately Going to PAX , have people found a hotel already? I found a Best Western not far from convention center that will shuttle us back and forth from convention center and hotel. It’s at 160 something a night, i havent found much better.
anyone else wanna join us for the chili cookoff/art charity in a couple weeks?
in cross? or x-men? either way - yes.
lol X-Men is STILL a more coherent game than XTekken. Even with the half-tank retard midget punks.
I never played AC but I used to play #Reload on xbox (on that hamburger controller too!). How does Faust stack up? I haven’t played any FGs and all that has been running on my 360 is probably minecraft. But my incoming joblessness and perpetual search for a job will give me time to play!
:eek: Simmmmmmmmmmmmmm~
Goddamn it Gary.
You almost made me lose it at work.
Bought 4 e-clips, 2 JLF springs, and a grey balltop from Focus Attack.
I was originally going to buy the e-clips and springs, but shipping was $2.67 for two things you can put on an envelope, so I just said screwit and bought the balltop.
Can’t wait for that TE tightness…
:eek: Awwww snap!
Can’t wait for the new K-style JLF bat tops to drop!
Yes! It made to so happy! <^^>
The Black Ops 2, A soilder in all of commerical good
Once you go bat, you never go back.
:eek: It’s true; got my hands on an eTokki OMNI over the weekend and my world could be considered rocked.