Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

Yannick on the road to becoming TEKKEN.

The Omni is cool because it’s like the Korean cousin of the Virtua Stick High Grade.

I was just gonna say. Gary, I see your Black Ops video and raise you this one.



and the lights go out
and the lights go out
and the lights go out
and the lights go out
and the lights go out
and the lights go out

You’re raising a parody video with the original? I did like that tho, makes the rage clear to buyers.

For the first time ever… Kill streaks.

At work dressed as old-timey Arab intellectual.

Also, curly moustache.

Also, fuck suspenders.

Look at this old timer who doesn’t understand suspenders.


was in a p4 lobby, 8-man, all 3 bar connections, random stays on. need to document so i don’t decide i dreamed it.

any impressions on that GG netplay? or for my PS3 brothers, that GG nonplay?

I’m pretty sure Gary died and went to heaven. He shall be missed.

I’ve heard that the GG netcode is terrible, janky, and laggy. I’ve also heard that it’s just fine and everybody is a bunch of whiners. I’ve also heard that it’s the same netcode as Persona but Guilty Gear is faster paced and less lenient on input, so you feel the lag a bit more.

Reality probably reflects at least one of those possibilities.

Seems odd to have the same netcode and drop lobbies. GG always seemed slow to me so I’m not sure if speed’s the case, might really be quicker but with more hitstop. P4 may have more of a modern move buffer that makes a big diff.

Kudos to Arc and Sega on inadvertently creating the most net-friendly fighters by far in VF and BB.

Unkudos to Capcom for avoiding GGPO on new titles, caving and making their own, and doing it worse. SMH.

Kickin’ Ass: Old-Timey Style.

and here i was feeling bad about picturing you dressed as business hakan.

Now explain to me again why you don’t dress like that literally every day?

:eek: That fez has to have high upkeep. Not to mention constantly having to curl that mustache. I would imagine those are some of the reasons.

You have no idea, that mustache, stubborn as hell.

You wanna get oiled up and rassle??

I think the general strategy is to just twirl it around your fingers throughout the day, maybe whenever you do something dastardly. Like you know, you just finished tying a lady to some train tracks? While you’re gloating, get a couple curls in.

Wassim! Dat’ hat! :0

I said business Hakan. Quit stereotyping your peeps and step into reality, where the street fighters are based.