And Konan takes it home with some very nice play. Glad I got to watch that.
:eek: Yeah, that was great! Finished right on time, also!
holy shit they’re having a kanji test.
It says the same reading as Ren wins, so I wonder if they’re just looking for funny ways to read particular phrases. Either way, it’s conceptually pretty hilarious; I didn’t know my heart would stop when I heard the phrase “kanji tesuto” in the background, even though I haven’t taken japanese for years.
These tager v platinum unlimited matches. This is just cruel.
was that the one where platinum was spamming bullets constantly? That was disgusting.
Damus and co. are headed to ranbats for those looking for Marvel/TTT matches (and downloads).
We r on are way so hold up for us
If anyone else is coming, could you guys bring consoles and setups?
Yo wre the f in rit are u guys?
Yo. . .
So I know I’ve been out-of-commission the past month. . .
I just want to apologize to everyone for that. . .
I just finished moving into/organizing/cleaning up my new place. . .and as of right now, everything seems to be working.
I’m sorry this shit took as long as it did, but having an enormous library of books, games, and music is not conducive to accomplishing any part of the moving process in any timely way.
Also, organizing my office/cave/spare bedroom ate up a massive chunk of my time.
Not to mention that my new 55" LG TV arrived three days ago. . .and it was broken. The bezel of the TV was crushed and crumpled in the upper left corner. At first, I thought it was a cosmetic issue because the damage was extremely localized. However, when I turned it on, there were a couple giant cracks in the upper quarter of the screen that cut right across the top. The really fun part was the fact that you couldn’t even see the cracks when the TV was off cuz they were under the glass.
When I called Newegg yesterday they said that I did qualify for an advanced replacement, whereby they will send me a new TV immediately and take back the old one. So now I have to wait another week to get my real TV instead of this tiny-ass CRT I have sitting on a TV stand made for flatscreens up to 70".
My stand looks like it’s wearing a bowler hat.
Anyway, so formal apologies to Rochester FGC.
Good news is after this weekend, I’m back in there!
Right now I’m lookin’ at TTT2, P4, and VF as my main games. Guilty, Blaz, and DoA 5 as my secondaries.
So, you guys’ll be seein’ me around again startin’ this week.
That is all.
I absolutely refuse to forgive you and you can consider our friendship entirely annulled.
Unless you invite me over to your new place once you get a non-busted up tv and we play persona and blazblue and gg for a while.
Listen. . . .
I thought I made this clear:
I can’t wait to get my hands on that newly polished Guilty. . .I’m waiting for it to hit PSN on Nov. 1.
Gotta find a character though. . .I’ve put in a lot of time with HOS, but before I dropped Guilty years ago, I had started picking up Baiken. . .so I might try her out. Otherwise if I’m feelin’ super-sexy. . .I could get all oiled up for Faust. Guy was mad fun to play with.

Unless you’re planning to introduce me to your wife I don’t see what your die-mon ring has to do with it. Bear in mind: we’re talking complete friendship-annulment here. Batsu with the arms, EVERYTHING. Cutting all ties, man.
edit: I’m actually super hype for gg on psn; is Nov. 1 confirmed for US release? Last I heard, JPN PSN was getting Nov. 1, and US PSN was getting “sometime in November”.
I played around a little with some characters from XX Reload while I was home over the summer; I remember enjoying Faust and May back when I was in high school, but I had a bunch of fun with Millia and Chip in August. I’ll probably main Millia and find somebody interesting like Venom to sub.
Sucks about what happened to your new TV Wasim, at least Newegg came through for ya, that wait has got to be painful though.
Let’s do some DOA sometime. This game ain’t so bad!
Epic shit is coming, mah friend. Hold on to your sexy hat. Payshunce, good sir.
Epic Friendpartiez will commence.
. . .ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND Chip is fun as hell to play. . .but you can’t win with him, not with his damage/health. . .Millia though. . .that’s what’s up.
Thing was. . .TV was mad sexy when I took it out of the box. . .it looked even finer than the pics I saw online, so I was crazy hype to try it out, but alas, sexytime TV fun was not in my near future.
I’ll hold you to that.
I had fun playing rushdown with Chipp, but Millia reminded me of Tsubaki, who I also really enjoyed playing. I would later discover that Millia is one of the top tier characters in GG, which pretty much clinched her for me. I don’t make my picks based on tier lists, but when I find somebody I like, I don’t drop her because they’re incredible.
:eek: Needs moar vodka