Either. OMG found an Akihiko who doesn’t drop combos, I could hug him!
I heard from DeAngelo there are games this weekend in Rochester or somewhere over there. I need to do pre-Dust Bowl filming of you guys playing. Where and when is this going down. Please get back to me ASAP.
Looks like there are two different things going on tomorrow, both at RIT. Both on the previous page.
:eek: Crazy night.
Headache… =___=
Wait I’m confused it says the 26th and it says Saturday but Friday is the 26th. Did it already happen?
I mean, I wasn’t at RIT yesterday so I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s way more likely that he mistyped the date than the day.
oh my god I just started watching the Godsgarden stream and caught a match between Dora and Konbanwa Gackt Desu, which i’m pretty sure is the the most s-rank tier handle out there.
We got two things going on today. A blazblue tournament and I’m not sure about the starting time of that . And a ranbat featuring multiple games at 6pm in the Campus Center. Not sure about the room, buy the building isn’t that big anyway , shouldn’t be hard to stumble apon us . Park in U-lot its the closest.
yeah she’s pretty great. at first i was like “oh some chick decided to dress up as i-no i guess they have crazy cosplayers in japan too” and then it turned out she’s the announcer.
And then I saw a guy in a suit standing next to her and realized that japanese fighting tournaments are very very different from us ones, at least from what i can see on stream.
edit: aw yiss tsubaki on stream
:eek: The main commentator is also pretty hilarious, I think I’ve heard him on another arcade’s stream like a year or two ago.
GGs, that match was tight. Hope you took notes, Greg.
Oh sorry. I meant the 27th. Gonna change it.
tsubaki/litchi? you bet, that match was tense as hell. the tsubaki was on top of getting charge at every spare moment, and really made litchi pay for letting her sit at the corner and get like five bars of mugen.
jesus i can’t get over this i-no. hilarious.
This tournament is crazy
Spooku preez
P.S. - Yo, some of these guys are getting pretty crunk, LOL. I want whatever they’re having.
yeah this is pretty hype
edit: I actually really like watching blaz blue and it makes me sad that it’s basically a dead game
:eek: It’s not even really dead, it’s just that Extend was just a plethora of bad decisions that all came at the wrong time for the series as a whole.
In terms of like, US players playing it, then yeah, you only find very small concentrated pockets of players, but I’m almost glad for that because whenever you go to a Blaz tournament, matches are not free; the people who play have more often than not been playing for a minute. Very few scrubs, so you almost always get good or close matches and they’re really fun.
Did it bring mechanics changes that nobody liked, and that’s why they’re trying to switch it up again in CP? Or was extend just one more revision that didn’t add a lot at a time when people were already burned out on new games?
Such vulgar language.
:eek: It was more the timing of the console release on top of the price on top of basically all the money everybody spent on CS2 (and was happy spending) not mattering.
It was less about the game mechanics and more about the actual game. Although people do think it’s kinda boring in the same way Super 4 was.
That, and people think it’s slowed down the game speed significantly. Something Mori has expressed publicly that he’s committed to reversing with CP.