Rochester, New York -- "That is a white ass menu..."

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Basically, SAU at two on saturday, room 1510. Entry is $5.
I support blue friday.

:eek: I will be unavailable for anything on Friday, but I can loan my copy out to anybody who needs to borrow it.

Just call me or something, since I don’t know if I will be on SRK later tonight and I almost assuredly won’t be on tomorrow.

I can swing by yannick’s place and grab bb sometime after 8 tonight if you like, gary. Otherwise, I’ll probably swing by Gamestop tomorrow during my errands and get my own copy so I can practice tsubaki on my own time anyways.

I was in gamestop earlier , it was under 20 bucks , its a bargain investment at this point.

I skipped out on Extend in the end, despite Yannick tempting me with Hakumen.

I’ll wait for CP^Core Slash #Reload Plus.

Holding out for the day Kokoenoe becomes playable.

Naw who am I kiddin’, Hakumen all the way.

I do often wonder how the ASW guys name their kids and their pets; if their goldfish dies, do they get a new goldfish and name it the same thing with another word tacked on the end?

damus is willing to run P4 brackets unless one of us wants to. I’ll ramp up my P4 time in the coming week if anyone wants to level up.

I just want to say I am thoroughly enjoying this jam theme right now.

Guilty Gear and Soul Calibur and Smash are pretty much my tops in terms of % of the cast I actually enjoy playing.

Me and neil are going up to buffalo to practice marvel on sat. I want to be in top form for the tourney. I dont feel like I was really playing my best on wed. If I wasnt doing that I would be at that BB tourney in a minute.

Hey dudes, incoming event for TOMORROW.
Super Monthly Ranbats 4 : October Edition v.2012
Where? Fireside Lounge/SAU at RIT
When? Saturday, October 27 2012, starts at 6:00PM.
What? Ranbat featuring Tekken Tag 2, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Persona 4 OR SSFIVAE 2012.
As Vinh suggested, we might do the each game one at a time. That is, for example start with Tekken Tag 2, finish all of pools/semis/finals etc., then move on to the next game. I’m thinking depending on how many people come, it’ll take…an hour+ish each game?

To those who doesn’t want to play the current game, we can have casuals for other games set up.

Speaking of set ups, I implore you to please bring a monitor and/or console/games. I only have one monitor (possibly another if Mike brings his), and I would like to get at least 4 setups going (2 for tournament, 2 for casuals). Note I still only own AE/Ultimate.

I hope you guys can come and make this a success! Please let me know in the thread if you can come in the first place, and I’ll also set up something in Facebook.

(Psst, also how the crap do you invite people in a group to an event from Facebook?)

top right corner?

:eek: Tully’s, anyone?

which one?

edit: woah holy crap, apparently tully’s = some kind of restaurant over here? I thought it was the coffee chain!

:eek: Jefferson Road.

Shit, I’m sorry. I just ate dinner and was totally down for post-dinner coffee. This is a fine example of cultural disconnect, and I do apologize.

so neil had to bail on my last minute and he was the ride. does anyone else want to practice marvel with the buffalo cats tomorrow?

Damn , I just ate , Tullys woulda been Hellas dope ! Lol

:eek: You guys eat so early. o_0

Or maybe I’m just eating too late. >_>;

I actually didn’t realize that Tully’s coffee was separate cuz I’ve only seen their packed coffee and the logo looks same. Didn’t make sense either cuz the restaurant branding far from coffee house.

I’m just freeing up now… games?

in-person or online?