RJ-45 Multi Console Cthulhu Arcade Stick Tutorial Ver.2

Hey guys,

anyone any information on making a cable for the N64? Does the MC Cthulhu support N64?


I am thinking it is possible if we added a 3PDT switch in between the RJ-45 out and the Data lines of the Wii PCB and some colums of the MC Cthulhu.

Thanks for the info. I was wanting to pull out my old N64 so I could play some MK Trilogy. However, there is no way I will ever be able to get good at that game on the N64 pad again. Wonder if the MC Cthulhu will ever be able to support the N64… hmmmm? lol

Nope, there just aren’t enough games on the N64 that would benefit from the use of an arcade stick.

Thats pretty much how i feel too. I’d rather that time and effort go into adding the wii code over the 64 code. heh

Killer Instinct and MK is probably the only games I would play on N64, but when one has access to Mame…

Did MK Trilogy come out in arcades? I thought it was only 64, psx, saturn.

Best place to check out MK Trilogy might be GameFaqs.com

Do a search there and it should turn up all the systems the game came out on.

Discovered something the other day…

I’ve prepped my original Mad Catz Round 1 TE for a Multi-Console mod. Painted the black middle portion white with Duplicolor spray paint for vinyl & fabric and it turned out fantastically! (It’s now the white base stick I wanted since I saw the prototype Asian TE mockups. Too bad the PS3 model never made it past prototype!) I painted all around the exterior and everything’s white now except for the area around the Start/Select buttons. I want to be able to read the original stamped lettering!

Anyhow, I found out the USB cable in the Mad Catz TE (PS3 version) has two black mini-cables soldered to the Mad Catz PCB. (NOTE: I may sell the PCB at a later date for anyone who wants to do a dual mod. I have no use for this and do not plan to buy a 360 in the future…) Now, being a frugal guy with electronics – I hate to throw out things that may have a use (and save me cash!) --, I discovered one of these black wires is shorter than the other cables and is bundled around the other four. What it does, I don’t know but you don’t need it after clipping the USB cable from the PCB. Throw away that useless wire! It’s a standard 4-cable USB cord with some little black strand there for whatever reasons.

You DO have to follow the pin-out instructions for USB in Post 2 of this thread. I tried to guess the USB pinout with my Multimeter and actually screwed it up the first time with the RJ45. I actually switched the Green and White cables because I thought that’s what the Multimeter indicated and my PS3 couldn’t register the Multi-Console Cthulu. After I snipped off the original RJ45 adaptor head and redid the cables according to Post 2, the PS3 read the MCC fine.

SO, whenever you get a USB cable or reuse your Mad Catz USB cord, always pin it into the RJ45 adaptor according to the Tutorial (Post #2)!

It may be a little off topic, sorry, but is it possible to use a RJ-45 for a wireless xbox 360 charger?

Just crimped 2 RJ45 Neutrik cables after work today and it works great. The only problem is that for a long time I thought the isolation of wires themselves had to be stripped off for USB… I got confused with the pics above showing how to solder to the MC Cthulhu :confused: Wasted a good amount of RJ45 connectors before someone told me the “trick” hum

I just did my first dual mod with this yesterday. it’s awesome. Wierd, does does the TE Round one not like using usb extensions? The Xbox 360 wouldn’t pick it up using the same usb extensions that the MC Cthulhu was fine with.

Hey rtdesign,

What tool are you using to push the solid-core wires into this connector ?:

I used two precision screwdrivers but it’s a PITA to get the job done. I seem to recall you using a dedicated tool in some tuto but don’t remember where.

Punch down tool. The one pictured is the one that often comes sold with Levitron RJ-45’s sold at home depot. Cheap plastic one.


I actually went to the electronics store and found this one with a metal punchdown.

Thanks, next time I’ll go to my local electronics store, i’ll bring some snapshots of the punch-down tool, the shoptender didn’t know what that could be.

It took me this long to realize that dzign was actually design. In my head for the longest time, it read “R-T-D-Gizin” or “R-T-D-Z-ign” Now I can’t unthink it the wrong way any more! I liked it better that way! Darn you! :sad:

Here’s a [direct link](http://www.neutrik.com/Secure30/getMedia?encoding=ISO-8859-1&client=neutrik&saveAs=true&saveAsName=etherCON_RJ45_Receptacles.pdf&mediaPath=D:\DATA\CLIENT
eutrik\media\downloads&mediaSavedName=Media_507253568.pdf&contentType=application/pdf)for correspondance between the Neutrik RJ45 connector and MC Cthulhu

This will be more handy for me (and perhaps others) to have all in one place.

I just thought I’d post that the pin direction that is posted in the second post for the 3do is correct. I just made a 3do RJ45 cable from an old Genesis controller using the instructions, and it worked fine. You have to trim a little plastic off of the Genesis plug to get it into the 3do system though.

I’m going to have to redo it, one of the cables was too thick to fit in the RJ45 connector so I have a taped monstrosity at the moment.

I’ve found that with cables too thick to fit in the rj45 jack (some usb cables) you can lightly sand the cable insulation down until it fits. I use a sanding block and put the thick wire between my finger and the block and rub evenly. Make sure to switch sides so you don’t sand to bare wire.

Thanks, I’ll try that next time. I’m going to have to order a new cable though, I kept cutting the wire and retrying, so it’s only like 4 feet long now and I don’t want to sacrifice any more Genesis pads.