RIP Harold Ramis 1945-2014

Fuck you 2014, FUCK YOU.

Loved ghostbusters all my life.

Grabs proton pack, ghost trap, and pke meter


It’s all over the Chicago news here…looks confirmed.

What strange hoax timing on the weekend then…so saddening :frowning:

his old co-workers?

This sucks so much, one of the few decent jews out there and his work was excellent. RIP qq



I know I am not the only one loled @ “dead at 69”


Yes you were.

May a flesh-eating bacteria feast on your dick this day. You horrible, horrible person you.

Is that bacteria called Slimer?

RIP Harold. Gotta rewatch stripes now.

All around a very multi talented man, especially as a champion for the power of co writing. 2014 is already an incredibly shitty year for quality hollywood vets :sad:

Well, fuck. Bye, Egon.

Gonna cross a couple streams of 40s for this man. RIP.

also, paul walker died fast and furiously :tup:

If E.T. or Keaton’s Batman wasn’t in the VHS player as a kid, it was Ghostbusters. RIP.

Difference being nobody could give a shit about paul walker he was a nobody and crap talent, Ramis was a legend.

Groundhog Day is my favorite movie. So sad read this, thanks for all the laughs Harold.

yeah, G-day was a great movie.
Great notion to make a movie about Bill Murray getting stuck in a perpetual neverending loop o a day.
sorta like how Arnold cant get his damn disguise off!

To me, he was the guy who MADE the ghostbusters. He made their gear and did their research.

I had a ghostbusters 2 framed movie poster hanging on my wall from the age of 3 years old (same year it came out)

I watched GB1 and 2 (mostly 1) countless times on VHS. Caddyshack, groundhog day, animal house. My childhood was basically Harold Ramis + Richard Pryor + Don Bluth films all day. :frowning: