Hmmmmm, I didn’t know you could hit the relaunch combo off a j.:s: opener, they always seemed a little too high for the relaunch. Im gonna assume you delayed the hits and some shit like that, so ill go work on that ASAP. Thanks a lot.
It works although even the New Testament says you can only open the relaunch combo off of a raw launcher. Done correctly, the relaunch opener works off of j.:s:, c., s.
and probably anything else. The relaunch opener is all about timing the first :s: so that they don’t end up too high and pressing j.:h: during the startup frames of the superjump that follows the :s: (there are 4 frames of startup for jumps and if you press an attack during that time it will come out asap after the jump starts).
I do j. j.:h: j.:s: in the air series as opposed to j.
j.:h: j.:s: because depending on your opener the extra j.
can use up too much hitstun and they will recover after tk rocket punch before the Hard Drive connects.
Wish I could like this comment twice, thanks a bunch man. Although I wish I had known this before the tournament on saturday, but better late than never I guess. While were on the topic though, what techniques do you guys use for landing the tk rocket punch into hard drive consistently? My friend said I should change my grip on the stick to more of “wine glass” type grip, but the idea of relearning motions again doesn’t entice me. Do y’all go for the :qcf::uf: motion? Or the :qcf::u: / :qcf::ub: motion? I go for the up back cause I was a cammy player in SF 4 and Im used to it, but its not always consistent.
I do :d::df::f::uf:. You need to master the delay between executing :d::df::f::uf: and pressing :l:. Unfortunately there are no visual cues for when to press :l: so learning to tk rocket punch is about trial and error until you learn the rhythm. I suggest that you initially err on the side of pressing :l: late. You will be able to see that you didn’t get the rocket punch and know you should have done it later. If you err on the side of doing the :l: early sent will do nothing but jump and you will have no indication of how much later you need to press the button.
One nice thing about learning to tk rocket punch is that you can practice it without doing it in the middle of the combo. Fwiw, I found learning to tk far easier than learning to dragon punch. Good luck.
I like to do the tiger-knee motion as :d::df::f::u:. This allows me to very consistently land TK Rocket Punch into Hard Drive or land Taskmaster’s Legion Arrows after a throw.
OMG, I never realized you had to delay the :l: to get the tk rocket punch, I always thought my input just weren’t clean enough, shit is so much easier now its ridiculous. Im still trying to get it to a point where its second nature, but wow, Im actually hitting it in matches, a week ago I couldn’t hit it at the end of a combo in training mode.
Thanks a lot guys. And dren, I did the combo and it did about 997k if Im not mistaken, not bad for one bar if you ask me. Now just gotta make it consistent and my sent will get even more dangerous.
That’s awesome, glad you got the TK stuff down. If you’re not getting 1 million it’s because a few hits of Hard Drive are not connecting. Try doing that combo in the corner, you’ll get max damage in the corner almost every time. When you do it in the corner follow up the launcher with jumping straight up instead of up-forward. Jumping up-forward in the corner doesn’t work very well. You could also try tossing in a dash before the TK rocket punch so you’re closer to them when you start Hard Drive. I haven’t tried the dash but it seems like it might work.
I say we should post Sentinel’s most reliable combos (for both meter-gain and damage, respectively).
Most of the stuff here is usually old stuff because it has Hyper Sentinel Force as an ender for his combos.
Perhaps maybe we could post his best solo combos starting with no meter and some that he has at least a 1-meter start. From there, we could post assists that can allow Sentinel to land Hyper Sentinel Force to continue the combo into Rocket Punch into Plasma Storm or Triple Super from an assist (Such as HSF, into Hard D, into Plasma Storm)
I’ll probably post some simple combos that I got with Sentinel, moving onto more difficult combos or something.
I like the idea, but for it to work the OP will have to be down and Im willing to bet my college tuition the OP doesn’t even play sentinel anymore. With that said, Im completely behind the idea if we can either get the OP to update the OP or open up a brand new thread. Im down with the latter since it’ll probably require a lot less effort tbh.
EDIT: I might make the thread this weekend if I can find the time on like sunday or something. Ill just need a catchy ass name, cause resistance is futile is pretty sick.
^I think this is a great idea I recently just started using sentinel and I find it hard to differentiate between old and new combos.
Well the guide has two combos off an :l: command grab, the first is dash up :l: :s: j.
:h: fly :l:
:h: unfly
double jump :h: :s: rocket punch plasma storm, does 654,700 damage and is 21 percent meter positive. Really useful if you don’t have the meter for a HSF at the start of the combo, but you have to be a dash away from the corner to connect the st. :l: after the command grab. Also apparently, if you call trish’s peekabo and rocket punch it’ll launch them into the trap allowing you to combo off the rocket punch without expending bar. I don’t know what other assists allow this, but figured id share since I just found out.
The second combo is pretty much what you’ve been doing, :l: command grab, rocket punch HSF, :s: j.
:h: fly, :l:
:H: :s: 2 tk rocket punch hard drives into plasma storm. 1,010,800 damage but almost 300 percent meter loss. Only worth it if your sure it’ll kill imo since sentinel can get 1.2 mill with 4 bars.
Simple, but easy hit confirm jump loop into Hard Drives. Uploading a stronger one tomorrow: [media=youtube]ez9SigtMBLc[/media]
I get it doing this motion all the time and it never fails. All tk motions work, but certain motion require different speeds to do them. Being a Cammy player you should know that XD
Oh yea, I get it now, the issue was I used to input the :l: too early, I was unaware of the fact that you had to have a little delay before doing it. But Im real consistent with it now thankfully. Thanks for the vid btw, ill add it to the guide.
No problem man. I have follow up to that video uploading right now that I believe all the sent players would appreciate. It’s good damage for how simple the shit is to do lol
So what is that combo most people do. I think it looks like :s: sj:m: fly sj:l::h: then dh sj:m::h::s:
Check out the sentinel guide, it has every combo you need to know.
Are you talking about a fly unfly combo?
Here is a skeleton for one:
:s: sj :h: xx fly :l: :h: xx unfly double jump
:h: :s:
Things to note:
j.:h: is fly/unfly cancelable but not double jump cancelable
j. is double jump cancelable
You can throw more hits into that combo or even start the air part with something totally different like
:h: xx fly.
Yup ty.
And wow that guide is beautiful. I really wish every character had a guide like that. Poops for me I don’t go to deep into frames and unused moves to be able to make a nice guide.