RENOCREW 2011 (Northern Nevada's Fightin Game Scene)

I’m moving back to Norcal in a week.

Good news is that I’ll be holding tournaments at least once a month. You guys are always welcome to come.

me and jose are having fun title battles

also we need to play at the arcade sometime soon.

Hey, I’ve been scanning this thread and I would like to know if anyone here plays Soul Calibur IV or Tekken 6? I’m a fan of SFIV, but I don’t play it as much as these other two titles.

Anyways, my name is Sean and I’m from Reno- and I’m looking for a local scene for SCIV or T6. If this is only for SFIV then my bad, I’ll keep looking. However, if anyone’s down to get some games in on either of the two titles we can figure something out, I’m sure of it. Anyways, yes, this is my first post- hope to meet some of you and hope to meet some excellent challenges via t6 and sciv.

Also, I’m down to play SFIV it’s just I’ve lost interest in 2ds, slowly but surely.

no Actually not SCIV, at least not many people I know except Cameron and I’m not sure if he’s still into that. But we play Tekken 6 prolly as much as we play SFIV so we always hang out on mondays and prolly this weekend to play some SFIV and some T6 so give me a call Diablux. 771-1918

CAmbell man I hope you do get better and not just for the scene, I think your fucking awesome as a cool dude. I think it’s amazing for all your trying to do man, I support and I am proud I know you just because you are trying to hard to better yourself. Look the thing is now we grow together from now on, you, Nelson, and anyone else that doesn’t think they want to come over should do that so that we can just hang together. I know you can do it Chris, and look I know you can because I know you can. I’m sure everyone here on this thread knows that your awesome, and I’d be glad if you came around more to practice the game.

If we can have this kind of feeling of a team, and effort then we can get better. Thanks Cambell you show how dedication can come through positively, and lets hope we can get things really going strong guys.

CAmbell man I hope you do get better and not just for the scene, I think your fucking awesome as a cool dude. I think it’s amazing for all your trying to do man, I support and I am proud I know you just because you are trying to hard to better yourself. Look the thing is now we grow together from now on, you, Nelson, and anyone else that doesn’t think they want to come over should do that so that we can just hang together. I know you can do it Chris, and look I know you can because I know you can. I’m sure everyone here on this thread knows that your awesome, and I’d be glad if you came around more to practice the game.

If we can have this kind of feeling of a team, and effort then we can get better. Thanks Cambell you show how dedication can come through positively, and lets hope we can get things really going strong guys.

I play SCIV but I’m terrible.

Well, terrible compared to the Cali players who are nationals-worthy.

But still terrible nonetheless. Also I haven’t played in a while.

SFIV Tekken 6 at my place tonight everyone is welcome!!! About 6:30pm till whenever.

Thanks CBK for your encouragement

Hey thanks. I would take your invite for today at 6:30 but I already made plans with a couple friends of mine (I’d bring them, but they’re not into fighters like I am) But I’ll definitley call you this weekend and see what’s going on. And no SCIV? Bummer, that’s my main title- and I actually am trying to plan a trip to EVO to do some money matches this summer. I’ve been part of a SC community (online) for awhile, and have played some of the best offline, via online- though it’s online, so lag effects =/. I was invited to a tournament in NorCal, but couldn’t make it. Maybe if I did bring SCIV over people would play it, casually? I’d really like to try and start a sciv scene until (if it does happen) SCV comes out. However, I’ll definitley play some T6- that game comes as a close second to SCIV (though I haven’t been playing at a high level, I’m still training)

I can bring my T6 title and MY BROKEN controller (my brother stepped on my L2 and L1 triggers) but Ive adapted to using it no problem. I’d also like to bring my SCIV title and see if people would play, if that’s okay with you. One question, how many people usually attend?

I was skimming through- and I obviously don’t know what’s up with you or your problems, but if you have the will there’s a way to get clean. I’m 18 in 3days and I have a weed and drinking problem (it’s all my friends and I do =/) but being someone who understands your situatrion (though I am young) I can be a friend to help you out. You should definitely try to make an appearance at CBK’s place this weekend and we can get some SFIV, T6, SCIV games going and just forget about some problems and relax for a night. I hope I meet a lot of you at CBK’s.

Wel,l CBK just talked to you on the phyone- and I’m not trippin’ over SCIV. I’ll gladly play t6 (though I’m sure ya’ll will kill me, ) it’ll just make me better. I’ll try and get in some SFIV as well.

I’ll play SCIV , I kinda only know SF4 now, but I can still use some SCIV Sophitia basics to give you some problems. Cam is the best in SCIV though, hands down. When Im back, I should attend these reguarly. Im about to go play with Dr.B and some other Norcal folks tommorow…Ill let you know how I do.

Oh man if someone said they played VF I’d be sooooooo happy…

well- when you return, be sure to look me upon here for some t6 or SCIV. and CBK- thank you for letting me over, it was a pleasure. You guys’ are beasts at SFIV. Also, I was pleased on the competition you and your friend Drago gave me during T6. Also, to the other guy I met from the beginning (sorry for forgetting your name) good luck on your move,a pleasure meeting you and you r Viper is bad ass. anyways, ggs, hope you have other sessions- I’ll gladly come.

bummer you guys’ don’t play SCIV though. You should try to get into it, but like you said- you think T6 is way better. haha, i’ll be practing my Yoshi and (maybe) try and better myself in SFIV.

Nice to meet all of you, kinda wish we played a bit more after the Atlantis tourney. CBK is doing an awesome job in keeping the Reno SFIV scene going. My one suggestion is that you should hold some kind of a tourney at least once a month. Spread the word about it, and people will come. Make the entry fee meager, but something - $1.00 or $2.00 bucks. It’s amazing how people will play if there’s money on the table, even insignificant sums.

If you guys want to see how you stack up against some of the Northwest players, check out our 3 on 3 tournament that’s currently in progress:

We play almost every saturday, and vids should be up by the middle of the week.

Good luck again, and see you guys at EVO 2010.

WEll looks like playing today at my house since I have the whole day off, so call and come on over!!!

Is there playin’s happnin monday night?

Hey so yeah sfiv and Tekken bitches, stop your bitchin and learn the game it’s hella fun and if you like diversity this is the game to play!!!

I wouldn’t mind setting aside some time to teach either game if anyone actually wants to learn from me. I’m probably a better teacher than I am a player.

Anyone want to team 3v3 for fuddruckers?

send me an aim


Wow, just missed a nice drama there, glad Reno is still up and running. I would love to go to that Tourney but I’m sure I’ll be bothered again by my family here in Hayward. Anywho, back to watching vids, peace!