Remy Matchups

I played tonigth with some good players even so they where cocky mofos.

Ryu player (For what I been told he is one of the best around here)

The guy likes to wait for an opoturnity to attack so he wasent that agrresive but 2 to 4 combos plus he liked to karatrow a lot. Dosent sound so bad rigth well…The thing is that only do combos that feed ur stunt metter thus so he could connect his SA2(that take like 50%+ of Remy life.Isn’t that wrong) He usaly sticked to that SA2 since the others one I would parry them off. Also he liked to keep his distance especialy at the end of a match. Oh yeah mp of ryu can cancel an rrf lk.


Typiclal SA3 whore the times he won was because of he conected the SA3.


Was doing SA2 combo that stutns u. When he chose SA1 I would usaly give him a run for his money or win but the SA2 combo does to much damage to Remy(it dosen’t help either that u get stuned after he finsh it.) So everytime he got 1 super bar he would wait for the first lov that I would trow him to activate the super even so he usaly wanted to grab me so he could link it easier but he couldn’t deal well with the spacing game I played against him.

I was reading your post adverse and I couldn’t help wonder, “Do all Japanese Ken players play alike?”

I play with my brother all the time, and he uses Ken exclusively. Now it’s either because he knows how I play, or he’s just really tricky. But he picks SAII, so any jump in attemps on my part would be suicide. Fortunately, I’ve managed to parry it a few times, land, block, and he’d continue flying straight up, open for punishment below. But then there are numerous times where it’s caught me, or he’s done a low mk xx SAII at close range, pretty much destroying Remy’s life bar.

He doesn’t throw out low mk though. He looks for openings, and throws like there’s no tomorrow.

He’s a master at crossovers too, every jump he attemps turns into a crossover (no joke). And he times it so well, that I can’t react with a normal, and rrf just doens’t want to come out. I have to parry or block, and even after that, my options aren’t terribly varied.

What’s my point? Oh right, my original question. Also, have you encountered any opponents that oppose these so called “ideal rules” for playing Ken? It’s occuring to me that perhaps the SF3 scene is too used to SAIII Ken and his “tactics”. Maybe we’ll see a comeback of SAII and less of a reliance on low mk. SAI though, it just sucks.

playing your brother while he has sa2 compared to playing japanese using ken properly (sa3) is a big difference. i think u need to tell your bro sa2 sucks any low forward into sa2 could have been a shippu plus u stock more of them and u have extra for EX. by playing your brother while he has sa2 he’s just handicapping himself (your not really playing ken). sa2 is a very crappy super when u weigh the negatives it has compared to shippu. is he your main competition? i hope not.

for the twelve match up what would happen if u used SA3 on him? think about it, if u air reset and miss half the hits u still did some good damage. while u recover what can twelve do to punish u? a throw, qcb + 2p, or a super (most likely he wont have meter). u then shut down alot of his air dash and fierce tactics, if he low dashs and does a fierce of strong u’ll get the full counter.

I would say that vs Twelve the EX RRF is just too important to stop his Instant Air Dash game, but if Twelve gets scared by you having the Blue Nocturne charged up, it could actually work :slight_smile:
Speaking of Blue Nocturne uses. I think you can use it against Chun. Jab LoV with a hct motion, qct, then, if Chun supers, cancel to Blue Nocturne and if she doesn’t you can set her up that way. Not having lots of EX isn’t good in that match too though :confused:

Today I fought a really good Oro, and I just couldn’t set him up
consistently. His s.rh wasn’t a problem, but rather the double jump. Just wondering how you fight that match… maybe if Oro jumps in, then double jump backwards, you could catch him with a s.rh… If he dashes under high LoVs you can EX Low LoV him though. I think this match basically depends on you avoiding Tengu Stones.

Hey Ever that thing about SA3 against a 12 is a good tactic I use it sometimes against my friends that plays a solid 12 the problem with it is that sometimes depending of the range of where is 12 attacking (This only seem to happen mid air) that the SA3 whiffs and he can punsih u. Even so it does good damage on 12 even if it only connects some hits. One of those retarded bugs that u find with Capcom counter moves.

Anyway against an Oro player never trow out lov mid scren unless u only do that in the case of doing a set up to do a rrf or any normal that can be used has an anti air. Also poke him a lot and mix it up with UOH and trows. I use SA2 or 3 on this match mostly because if he 2jump a lov most of the times he would try to attack me so I could do a EX RFF or SA2 and in the case I usa SA3.

So in resume be careful of Oro 2jump and his crazy power to stun.

No. SAI provides the same quality anti-air SAII does. Whenever somebody jumps in when I use SAI, I just do jab SRK xx SAI. Even if they parry the initial SRK, the instant startup of SAI catches them off gaurd. SAI also has the same hit conformation that SAIII does. C. short x 2 xx SAI. It can link from a UOH just like SAIII can. Etc.

As for Remy, I don’t know if you guys know this, but Remy’s rh Flash Kick is the only version taht gives full damage no matter how early you do it. That means that it can be used very early against empty jumpins with pretty nice results.

To AdverseSolutions:

If you want to shut down Yun’s dive kicks, all you gotta do is his s. strong as they are half way coming down. Far s. strong beats it clean or maybe trades sometimes if the divekick came very early. Another thing ppl may not know is taht Remy’s close strong acts as an anti-crossup. I’ve tested this against Ken’s crossup forward. Sometimes it trades, sometimes it hits clean, but it clearly has this purpose. You guys can test Elena’s s.jab, since this move has the same anti-crossup properties. Anyway, back to what i was gonna say. Use far s. strong against divekicks, and if they happen to come in close to you, then Remy will do a CLOSE s. strong, which is no worries, cause as I said its anti-crossup which gives it inherent anti-air properties…at worst trading with the divekick.

Another thing that I was messing around with last night is s. fierce. There are moves that seem to be useless but are in fact good becausethey have a specific purpose. Remy’s far s. fierce is a safe anti-poke. Just look at its properties: it extends then retracts, it’s slow, it has very high periority. I played CPU Necro and owned him perfect, just by whoring s. fierce part of the first round. He would try to poke me and s. fierce beat all his moves clean except for one: far s. strong. I dunno if he hit me after i whiffed or what, but I’m pretty sure Remy’s far s. fierce should own this move because Necro’s far s. strong isn’t exactly godly in the priority department.

I don’t use SA1 in that way simply because people around here are parry freaks and using it has anti air for some characters is kind of retarded like 12,Oro and other that can change their air trayectory. Even so that tactic sometimes works.

Except you can’t connect from max range c.forward, cannot link from c.strong (except on some characters), and cannot link from back+forward. In short, the range is what kills the super. In addition to links and cancels, you can’t reverse moves at max range as you would be able to using super three.

As for shinryuken, it doesn’t do quite enough damage to justify the bar usage. Even if it did, there are simply so many more ways to connect into super three. Thus, there will not be a change of pace in super selection. I saw some french guys using different supers in videos, but that’s because they were casual matches.

Pertaining to remy: Far, s.fierce works as a poke, but is not abusable. Necro’s s.strong has more range, speed, and priority than pretty much all of remy’s normals, including this one. At range there’s little you can do to beat it, so it’s not a good idea to throw it out in an attempt to jam other pokes in that matchup.

Like most heavies, the move is vulnerable if they decide to randomly jump, or are just out of range and can take advantage of the whiff. I suggest using it in situations where this will never occur, such as after a knockdown or after resetting them in the air.

Yeah u can’t link from everything obviously, but maybe ppl should take a look at its strengths:

-faster then SA3 pointblank
-has invincibility something that SA3 doesn’t. I’ve been thrown after the super flash.
-acts as quite a nice anti-air that can mix in with ghetto ones to throw off the opponent (such as early jab srk, then do a deep SAI)
-can be used to escape Aegis sometimes (goes thru, then gets reset in the air, so u can parry w/e Urien tries to trick u with)
-more damage…more chip
-leads to more dangerous corner games…jab srk in the corner, follow up with SAI…can do same thing mid screen as mentioned (off a jab SRK).
-can reverse some moves close up that SA3 can’t…don’t ask me for examples, this is major theory stuff, but it can.
-good anti-air against ppl who whore jumpins…such as akuma and yun/yang. Yun dive kick? SAI will make him stop gauranteed.

This whole Ken Super Art discussion is nice and all, but this thread is supposed to be about Remy’s Matchups.

One interesting thing about Remy vs Oro is that I saw that one video where a Remy player used SAIII and it made Oro play really careful, so no random s.rh…

Hmmm a lot of people that know that SA3 is counter usaly plays less agresive and try to play mind games. The problem with SA3 is that u must be good at parrying if u want to conect it more offten.

Let’s take a look at some weaknesses, shall we? Join me on the adventure:

  • Blocked = you die
  • Why do super when another jab srk will do?
  • “major theory stuff” is right. Yes, please try and reverse with a super that could potentially knock the opponent out of the recovery of their move, while allowing them the “disadvantage” of being able to block afterward.
  • Chip damage? What is this: marvel or 3s? This isn’t Photon Array DHC into Hail storm, it’s a fucking shoryureppa! You’re going to chip an opponent for a win? what if he lives?
  • If you “go through” aegis, you’ll fly out from the smack of the aegis. If the urien is wary of this, guess what? You eat c.fierce into tackle juggle combo of doom, or worse, ANOTHER UNBLOCKABLE.
  • It takes TIME to build up this bar. LOTS OF IT. If you play against a Yun, a Dudley, a Urien, a Makoto, hell, most of the damned cast aside from Q, you will get smacked around like a rag doll if you’re depending solely on your super. Yes, you get EX, but, again, why use meter when you can take advantage of his fast normals and incredibly good mix ups.
  • After you use one super, it’s a trainwreck of a trip to get that meter back. A urien player will work you into the corner, and you won’t have any way to build that meter except taking hits, parrying, or recovery rolling. That sure as hell won’t build as fast as with SA3 if you’re doing those things :confused:
  • I don’t see how it’s a “nice” anti-air if you’ll do, at most, an s.strong xx jab srk worth of damage, at best, you get one more hit and do another unit of damage. Secondly, what if they parry the first three hits and land and block the rest? Pretty fucked, aren’t we?
  • Fair enough, SA1 is faster than SA3 at start, HOWEVER, the likelihood of the both of you executing it at the same time is small. faster start up also doesn’t translate as better in the long run. For example, a shoto does c.forward from JUST inside their max range: far enough range to make you block, you try to reverse with SA1. Theory would have it that SA1 will have a better chance to hit than SA3, instead, SA1 COMPLETELY whiffs on the first uppercut, allowing the opponent to block. SA3, in turn, can and will punish them. Go ahead, try this out on DC/PS2/Arcade, the result will not vary.

So, sorry to say, but, SA1 just pales in comparison. The meters work around EXs a lot better (i.e., using one up doesn’t always mean the loss of the opporunity to use up super), and it’s a hell of a lot more versatile than SA1. Damage wise, you’re probably right, but, if you can play well, the damage will come in time.

Oh yeah, and remy’s fun. Everyone should learn to charge partition to be able to do dash, s.short, ex lov xx super. OMG THE BEST STRATEGY EVER. This is the best Remy in the west coast (thus, the nation) saying: good night and God bless.


what an idiotic post. not worth a response.

Sometimes in this website happen stuff that are WACKY to say the least.

Anyway let’s talk how to deal with a Necro player or something other that what SA is better for Ken.

i didn’t even say sa1 is better. obviously sa3 is more useful. He gets all defensive like a little kid. Against Necro I say throw out booms and deal with his divekicks if he’s whoring them. Meaning jump back forward, early rh Flashkick, meet him in the air with a j. fierce, etc. S. fierce stuffs his c. forward, s. rh, s. fierce, but his far s. strong beats it sometimes. I say keep the risks to a minimum against a SA3 Necro because if u dotn hit with a flashkick, you will receive a b+forward xx strong Spin xx SA3, with followups which stun Remy. Then u get a fierce Spin, fierce Electricity which hurts him so much.

stay far away throwing LOV’S and dashing in and out to mess up his landing if he decides to jump over it. necro can’t move forward fast safely. then u can also cr strong against his standing strong so there’s no real reason to stay close to him other than a wall throw or super. cr fierce beats his drill kicks most of the time, and even if it gets stuffed it’s worth the damage since its not that much.

way to use wakeup super, scrub. :tup:

maybe u should stop ASSuming shit, scrub. I actually threw the computer out of it while standing.