Remy Matchups

Just wanted to start a thread on that. I noticed a neet tactic in Remy vs Twelve. Super-early Anti-Air rh RRF it destroys Tewlve’s fly game, and he’s forced to play footsies, which he can’t do very well vs Remy clouse up.

more later.


how do u have enough time to super early anti air with rh rrf from seeing a jump attempt? wouldnt that work on every character if u could do that everytime? only way u could do that is if u bait a fly in attempt by busting a RRF right after a LOV. but then again twelve can easily dive or fly in reverse and hit roundhouse to land safely and wait for u to recover.

good twelve wouldnt really give u enough time to charge a RRF unless u charge stored or got it off and anti air jump fierce. and if the twelve player gave u an opportunity to RRF in the first place its just a bait from them. using the RRF as a anti air is kinda not so great for this match up because even if u charge stored u would have to execute it at the moment twelve jumped, there is no crouching in the down back position here waiting to react to him.

How in the hell is Sean good against Remy?

he’s not.

but if he’s able to get in close he can mess remy up with short short super, his kara throw or close roundhouse/close fierce. remy only wins this because sean really cant move forward without taking some damage or making huge risks (crappy forward jump, command dash).

Actually it does catch EVERY opponent off guard the first time you do it… and once they are conditioned to expect that you can get in c.fierce juggles :stuck_out_tongue:

The thing is that once the Twelve realizes that your doing this, they can’t fly over Lovs if they haven’t got meter for the X.F.L.A.T. . Like, at a fullscreen distance, you throw a Short Lov. Twelve’s instinct will probably make him fly over that then early anti-air rh RRF. Once they know that they won’t fly over Low Lovs anymore without meter, so Remy can set Twelve up that way. If they try to fly briefly and then do a aerial normal or the dive special to land outside of rh RRF range, you can CBK it.
If Remy is close to Twelve he can harass him with the c.strong anyway, from a halfscreen distance away you can backdash and then throw a Low Lov. So that way, at every range, he can’t fly TOWARDS Remy when he’s charged up. He can still fly away, yes, but then what? The only thing he can really do then is the Fierce/ EX N.D.L. , and if Remy crouching guards that, he’s charged up again anyway, so he can thow a Lov again. The only thing that can stop the Lov throwing is the N.D.L. , but if Remy gets hit by the N.D.L, and in return he gets to set up Twelve with the Lov, I think it’s worth it (unless it’s the EX N.D.L of course) Another way to do it would be to dash a lot once Twelve uses the N.D.L more, so it’s still ambiguous when he’s charged up.

Actually in the Casual Play of a big tournament in the U.K. called Absolution 2004 I did that technique against Chikyuu’s Twelve and it totally stopped him from flying towards Remy when he’s charged up. So it’s not just some beginner-one-trick-pony thing. I know it doesn’t magically turn the matchup 9-1 into Remy’s favour, but it definitely helps.

For something else, how do you fight Remy vs Chun / Remy vs Makoto? I think that the first is harder, and the 2nd just requires flawless Remy play, but I haven’t figured out a lot about these matchups. Makoto’s c.strong has got more range than Remy’s, so that’s not good :frowning: Although you can still dash all over the place, it’s just that the matchup is hard to learn. One mistake, and Remy is practiacally dead. For Chun, I really only know that surprise Ex Lovs can help you to push her out of the range of her Super…

cbk wont come out fast enough to hit twelve if he decides to land early, u can clearly hit him while low flying though but if twelve lands with roundhouse he can parry the cbk.

i think the best plan is to close the distance get a knock down and mix him up with kara throws and meaties. high lov’s r better to throw since he’ll land on it if he flies low.

makoto is only a problem with sa2, that stun combo can end a match once it lands so its best to keep a low lov out there and mix up anti airs after the lov if she jumps. sa1 works pretty well since it gives him a low game and she can be hit crouching with it.

for chun its all about sa2, sneaky low forward under her moves lots of crouching and half charges mixed with ex low lov’s and uoh’s.

My 2 cents about a match up with Tweleve some of the tactics works but is better to mix it up since some players aren’t that intimated. Also when Tweleve has cornored me up I charge for lovs since they wont let me charge a RRF correctly in thos case I use the standing hp (the one that he trows an upercut when his enemies are above him or realy close). This has worked for me but is not perfect.

Actually SAI does sound useful against Makoto. That could really stop her from just trying to dash in randomly.

For Remy vs Urien, have you ever noticed how from some ranges Urien can crouch the High Lov? It seems like the Lovs actually move vertically up and down a little bit too… Not that Remy should have a lot of problems against Urien, but it’s just something to take note of…
I’d say Remy’s matchups look something like:

-Update (4/12/04) or (12/4/04- US Time)-

Yun 5-5
Chun 3-7
Ken 5.5-4.5
Makoto 4.5-5.5 ( i’d assume better at an expert level)
Dudley 6-4
Urien 7-3
Akuma 6-4
Yang 5-5
Oro 3.5-6.5
Necro 5-5
Ibuki 5-5
Elena 6-4
Alex 4.5-5.5
Ryu 6-4
Remy 5-5 (surprise)
Twelve 4-6
Hugo 7-3
Sean 6-4
Q 7-3 (don’t let him get taunts!)

Remy’s Best Match-Up’s IMHO

Hugo - Remy can poke him outta range and keep him at bay with a mix-up game of LOV’s and s. MP’s and c MK’s for mix-up.

Hugo can’t duck them at all. All he can do is parry and be prepared to block against more Light of Virtues or eat a Cold Blue Kick.

Hugo could use a well timed Giant Palm Bomber to kill off a Light Of Virtue. However, if Remy keeps throwing Light of Virtues at different stregths and heights, even mixing up a few EX ones. Then the Giant Palm Bomber could never. Work it would take alotta guess work for Hugo to predict what strength is comin’ towards him and what strength Giant Palm Bomber to use.

Always stay charged up. If Hugo jumps a Light of Virtue, the nu can do a c. HP, Rising Rage Flash (HK) to anti-air him.

As long as Hugo gets close or gets you cornered then my friend you are dead. You can take advantage of Hugo’s retarted attacks like s. HK, c. HK, or c. HP and punish him with pokes or Rising Rage Flashes.

As long as you can keep Hugo at a distance or even cornered, then you have this match in a bag.

However, Sean & Chun-Li might prove problems.

Chun-Li can evade Low Light of Virtues with a s. HK. She cab also evade high ones with c. MK & c. MP. This will then out poke Remy. In addition, she Chun-Li, with super stocked and ready to go, you’re dead. She can Houyouku-Sen through a Light of Virtue. or c. MK counter a high one and link into a Houyoku-Sen. She controls the ground so she wont need to jump at you. So much for anti-airs then.

Sean can roll under or Sean Tackle under High Light of Virtues. Then he can f + HK over High ones. If Seans gets close, he could land soem damage then.

I saw some japanese videos of Remy vs Chun and Remy won… Reasons? i would like to know… because that chun used all her arsenal…

He prolly played perfectly that’s all I can guess. Not let her build bar even though she will. But why dont u hook up these vid’s, a Chun-Li player gettin beat is entertainment to me.

i wish if i had Direct Connect but i don’t use it that much… if you know another way to share it let me know.

Hugo can’t duck them at all. All he can do is parry and be prepared to block against more Light of Virtues or eat a Cold Blue Kick.

A shitty Hugo player, yes, but even amateurs are learning to parry that old lov, cbk crap. It’s getting tired, and is more transparent than a greasy bucket of chicken. Anywho, a better bet would be to do a lp lov, run up and attack away with a normal. A low mp into SAI/SAII if the mp connects. The only safe thing to do for now until everyone learns to parry that too, is an EX cbk.

Hugo could use a well timed Giant Palm Bomber to kill off a Light Of Virtue.

That’s the most pointless thing I’ve ever heard.

However, if Remy keeps throwing Light of Virtues at different stregths and heights, even mixing up a few EX ones. Then the Giant Palm Bomber could never. Work it would take alotta guess work for Hugo to predict what strength is comin’ towards him and what strength Giant Palm Bomber to use.

This strategy is moot. Useless. In the garbage with it! A Hugo player would never do this! They would come towards you while parrying everything thrown their way. And believe me, Hugo players know how to parry. Rrf wouldn’t suffice as anti-air unless it’s EXed either. Throw out a lp lov as Hugo is jumping, let him parry it, then destroy his confidence with a rrf :slight_smile: Gotta be really damn good at charging for this though, but this is the first thing Remy players should learn anyway.

Always stay charged up. If Hugo jumps a Light of Virtue, the nu can do a c. HP, Rising Rage Flash (HK) to anti-air him.

That’s too obvious. Crouching HP was the next thing on the agenda of most easily parried normals. Hugo players would expect this even if they had mild experience with Remy. Best bet would be to dash forward if there’s enough room, parry his attack, then counter or smack him with a reliable normal, then uoh into SA, or seek out other options depending on your situation (throw?). Crouching HP is quite a death sentence, especially if it’s parried. An early RH rrf will fare better.

As long as Hugo gets close or gets you cornered then my friend you are dead.

Yup. This is Hugo’s game. He will get close to you. And believe me, unless you glitch the game, you won’t be cranking those lovs out fast enough. Uoh will save your ass from getting command thrown, and thrown in general. A good Hugo player will probly use effective pokes alot, so parrying will be risky. A random SAI will be safe, and tick damage is always nice (at a close range, full screen is too easy to parry). Beward of overhead properties on many normals. I’d say this is the only real concern, since they lead to lots of stun and keep Remy out of action for quite a bit.

You can take advantage of Hugo’s retarted attacks like s. HK, c. HK, or c. HP and punish him with pokes or Rising Rage Flashes.

These would never be used out of the blue. Unless the Hugo player is retarded or new. And if it was the latter, then you wouldn’t even need a solid strategy. Crouching HP will be your anti-air nightmare. Trade hits with jumping HK or just be prepared to parry it and standing MP everytime you jump.

It sounds to me like you’ve never actually played a good agressive Hugo player, or you’ve been playing too much theory fighter. I’ve seen some scary Hugo’s. The keep back with lov just doesn’t cut it.

I agree on what you said about Chun though. That match is … really scary to say the least. Qcb+k can be seen as a threat too if you’re not always charged. If you’re charged and see it coming, a lk rrf will smack her away. Just beware of standing normals into overheads. But if you let Chun get close anyway, you’re probly dead.

Sean can roll under or Sean Tackle under High Light of Virtues. Then he can f + HK over High ones. If Seans gets close, he could land soem damage then.

Sean is the ultimate mind game I say. I would never use high lov on him unless it was full screen away. His overhead special attack (with the side kick … thing) can be smacked away like Chun’s with a lk rrf. Besides that, his mk into light tornado kick, then a back jump with HK can be brutal to counter. Again, stocked rrf (HK) after the jump back. After destroying that option, Sean won’t be able to jump back. Low MP has never been more of your friend against Sean. Stay close, just out of his standing HP range, and you should be okay. Just watch and counter his attacks. The only thing you’ll more readily be eating lots of is his low mk into lk tornado. But as I said before, if you play smart, he can’t jump back after, allowing you to counter or throw. Ugh, but don’t throw right away, since you’ll eat a jump back HK.

i agree.

hugo is remy’s worst and best match up in the game.

only thing with chun is u need to throw alot, and rush her down. lots of low moves go under her normals as well. and u gotta play with less projectiles while u fight her when she’s charged meaning u gotta be in close. this is seen as a bad match up because u don’t have the luxury of being at your perfect range to throw LOV’S and normals that hit at the tip. one could win verses chun, u just need to play within the flow of her meter. rush her down she cant build meter, she has meter u gotta play even more careful but u cant back up cus once u do u r letting her win.

Chun and Yun are proving to be my toughest matches here in Japan.

Yun is extremely difficult. I once could fight Yun pretty well, I’d counter his dive kicks by jumping up with j.forward and then low LV him into the corner and try to mix up into super.

But here in Japan everyone’s so good with genei that it gets really tough. Also, their dive kicks are incredibly tight, so you have very little room to even get off the ground. Could someone test if Remy can do a standing close forward, the knee, to counter an incoming Yun divekick? I think a far standing forward might come out because it won’t register how close Yun is until too late. Basically my main strategy with Yun is to first off get him away from me, by ideally a throw across the screen or a s.roundhouse against a far incoming dive kick. From there, low LOVs, giving him a break every once in awhile which I predict and jump up with j.fierce. If he’s turtling and parrying the low LOVs I build meter. When genei jin is on I just block low and occasionally do UOH to try to evade command throw, perhaps RH CBK is better for this but getting caught in a genei combo is just something I want to avoid.

Chun is much like Everdred said, generally just build meter like crazy, she can’t rush until she’s got her super, so try some LOV patterns and jam some EXes in there if she starts hopping or crouching. If she jumps in, EX RRF is pretty much your only option, only if she’s sailing directly over you should you try a standing fierce. C.fierce gets parried pretty easily or outdone by jumping jab. One use for Remy’s stupid low RH might be to duck the j.jab with the first kick and then the second connects as she lands but I haven’t tried that. Generally you’re looking to get Chun with low mp into super, and you’re low mp’ing her to keep her out at bay. MIX UP YOUR TIMING otherwise she will get wise and parry the shit out of you. Could someone test if Chun can super after Remy connects a low MK? That would be awful.


I’m havin’ trouble against Urien.

Yu and Yang I usaly try to keep away from them and trick them in jumping after I did a weak cbk so that I could do an RRF. Also in the coner if they want to jump and dive all day I use s. HP. After that is rushing them down and keep them at bay with low low if they are close enougth to do a roundhouse. In the case they are farer away I trow hi lov. Also dash when I see Yang doing his special dash so he could be closer to me.

Urien I usaly jump him when he trows his fireball but I only do that if his on my reach to do a combo. If not I parry his fireball and charge imedntly for a lov or rrf this depend of the distance.Also be carefull when his close to u since he will try to grab u.Oh yeah avoid corners if he uses Ageies reflector.

Please keep us updated Adverse, as to your situation versus Japanese players.

*Could someone test if Chun can super after Remy connects a low MK? That would be awful. *

I tested this out a few days ago (using my feet and hands, heh.)

Selected Chun, and the dummy as Remy. Changed dummy options to Always Block and Infinite Super Arts. With my left toe I ducked with Remy, used my right toe to press mk. I tried mk at various lengths, as well as mid screen and corner with Chun Li blocking and cancelling into SAII. Needless to say, the SAII connects with extreme ease. Remy will eat it, and good at that.

Next I tried it with Chun Li NOT blocking. And you’ll probly not be surprised, but it still connects. The lag on the kick is just awful, making it a bad poking tool against a stocked and loaded Chun.

This may not be a problem if the player doesn’t realize the kick sucks hard ass, but if it’s leaked out, low mk is essentially useless against Chun :frowning:

Again, keep us updated! Try it againt the Japanese competitors, see if they ever react with a SAII! If they do, then you’ll at least know they know about it and can stop using it :stuck_out_tongue:

Against Yun/Yang’s Divekick you can EX Rising Rage Flash through. I know you need to be charged up, but with charge partitioning you can stop them doing that a lot. But isn’t there a “crouch” effect on Remy’s low LoVs? Couldn’t he then do like Short Lov (crouch Divekick) xx SA2 ? If you anticipate it far s.strong should work.

Sonic_Reaper, thanks for testing that. This limits the low game we can play with Chun to low short and low EX LOV. Real weak. I don’t know how many updates you guys want but I’ll try to post stuff that I’m learning. First off I’m out in the sticks in Japan and only get to go to the arcade at most once or twice a week. I’ll usually spend an hour there, especially on the weekends when the competition is pretty brutal.

Last night I was owning an Akuma and Ryu really bad, and later a Ken. I think that Remy is basically an Akuma counter, though that match can get difficult. Regarding Ken, I’ve always taken a specific approach. First off, if you’ve ever seen that classic match with Ryo-chin and the Ken player, just copy everything you see there. Try to give Ken openings to rush and then LOV him while he’s in the air, he will usually parry and if you’ve charge buffered you can EX RRF. Ground-wise, Ken wants to be within sweep range of you, because you’ll be pounding him every time he dashes with EX LOVs. The Ken match gets very difficult when he starts crossing you up, or manages to get jump-ins without you LOVing (hmm that looks bad) first. S.MP works for awhile, but Ken will figure out that parrying that into a j.rh, super works quite nicely. So if he gets one of those off, next time go for the c.fierce because he’ll be cocky after jumping in with no challenge and try to roundhouse your skull. Another tactic that I’m partial to with Ken is picking super I. With some good Remy skills you can get Ken into the corner, especially after a knockdown, throw a jab LOV, dash up and throw him. He’ll learn to SRK this or counter throw so be ready with mix-ups, but get him into the corner. If you can get him there, you can rush him and neutral throw into super I. Kens are usually looking for a parry to get low fwd or strong off into super, so they don’t think about throws as much. And when he learns about neutral throw, just UOH him into super. That said, I usually only pick super I on a Ken I can’t beat with super II.

After the Shoto bloc came a really sick Alex player who I beat twice but then he owned me for about four games. Alex is tough because of his short jump arc and brutal jump-in combo options. If he parries low fierce you’re toast, so do it very sparingly. I recommend and stand jabs to keep him on the ground. His ground game is weak, and this guy last night was using the classic dash elbow into stun gun. After blocking the elbow I’d just dash forward turn around, low mp, super II. He stopped doing that pretty soon. The reason he got the better of me was that Alex’s low jump arc cuts off your ability to meet him in the air with for instance a jab LOV and then EX RRF. I kept getting j.forwards.

Played a Hugo too…he wasn’t bad, I lost really because I rarely play against Hugos.

That’s it for now.