-Balrog needs to turtle almost the entire match against Cammy. Use standing fierce and standing strong to hit hooligan combinations depending on the range.
-Cammy players tend to stick out cr. forward kick a lot. They are trying to hit confirm a Cannon Drill. Balrog’s cr. forward will beat this and you can link it into a low dash. If you score the knockdown just sit back and keep turtling, cause Cannon Spike beats pretty much every meaty attack you can throw at her, and if you get block you will receive a nasty fierce throw or worse.
-It’s all about maintaining the life lead. If you have the life lead and are at mid-range or further Cammy has to work really hard to do significant damage. Players will try to bait you with short Cannon Drills but don’t fall for them. If they get desperate they may try something weird like a roundhouse Cannon Drill or long range hooligan. This is your time to punish with hard. But remember on the hooligan you must hit her out of the air, if you try to punish her after her ground slide attack at the end of it you will more than likely get Cannon Spike’d.
-If Cammy jumps at you just block. There is not a lot that she can do to threaten you off of a poke other than a tick throw or hooligan setup. As long as you are on the look out for these you are fine. If you try to anti-air or buffalo headbutt you risk getting beat by j. strong and getting combo’d.
-For some reason even high level Cammy players think it’s cool to just stand there and throw out standing short kicks for a second or two from full range. Not sure what that’s all about. If she Cammy throw one from about mid range you might try a jab dash straight or turn punch.
My favorite strategy against Cammy is to charge the TAP for as long as possible. She doesn’t really jump in that much, so you won’t be missing the uppercut rush. Once you get your TAP charged to a FIVE or higher (I love FINAL TAP’S ) try to get some distance between you and Cammy. If you can back yourself into the corner, while you’re still a full screen away from her, just let her make her move.
If she simply just walks towards you, let that TAP go, and deal her a vicious 40-60% damage. Even better, if they want to close the distance with a cannon drill, you can let it go when she is about 1/2 done with her drill animation, and you can land the TAP as she finishes with her whiffed cannon drill.
The TAP is such a useful weapon
On a side note, has anyone tried this strategy? It is one of my favorite CHEAP things to do with Balrog… You get your opponent trapped in the corner, as they are knocked down, you let go of your TAP (usually a ONE charge), they will block it, and as soon as they block, you use the buffalo headbutt.
Most people will try a low kick after they have blocked your TAP, which works out perfect, because the buffalo headbutt beats their sweeping roundhouse
I’ve destroyed people before using nothing but this strategy. They just DID NOT know how to defend against it. All they have to do is block the TAP, then block the headbutt. But people are in such a hurry to get back on the offensive, that they don’t block the buffalo headbutt, they try kick you out of your TAP. Some people just never learn
Megasuperultra was saying something about an extra hitbox on the back side of the attack that caused boxer to get hit by fireballs, but could help against crossups.
I’ve been testing out safe jump short and it seems to be working pretty well, especially in balrog mirrors.
For example,
safe jump short --> blocked, go into a block string
safe jump short --> hit crouching, cr. lp, cr.lp, low rush
safe jump short --> hit standing, cr. lp x2, st. lp, fierce straight rush
safe jump short --> reversal headbutt --> block, cr. lp, st. lp, fierce straight rush
or you could just safe jump short --> throw
Just have to watch out because if you jump short too early, you’re going to get grabbed.
You could throw in a super at the end instead of a rush.
Good stuff. The j.Short, cr.Jab, st.Jab, rush 4-hit combo will work on all chars except Blanka (correct me if I’m wrong); although you wouldn’t want to jump at Blanka anyway. It’s both a satisfying and practical combo, and easily hit confirmable.
Against fat/tall chars you can almost always tack on another cr.Jab for the full 5-hit combo. Fat/tall chars include Zangief, T.Hawk, Dhalsim, Fei Long, Boxer and Sagat.
I believe if you hit short anytime after the apex of Boxer’s jump arc the short will be active for the duration of Boxer’s jump. So as long as you timed the jump itself well, hitting short after Boxer start’s falling will get you a safe jump.
It only wins out completely when your a little bit behind the usual jump in range. I don’t usually like trades, but cr.HP seems to trade VERY consistently, honestly if it gets beat clean, it’s because they’re already on top of you.
I’ve been testing out what to do after the super has been blocked and I find that if your opponent is crouching, and you use the combination of straight, straight, straight, upper, straight, you will be just close enough to do a grab right away.
However, if they are mashing a sweep through the super, you will get hit by it. They can also do a reversal during the upper part, or after the super.
If you’re expecting a reversal, you can mix it up and do a headbutt instead of a grab to beat out their reversal.
Not sure if it’s practical, but it’s another way to get that grab.
I was getting OWNED by the buttslam vs a pretty decent player. So crouching HP does the trick? He had the crossup down pat on it. My boxer is nub, to say the least…
I have a question regarding Boxer’s super on wakeup against crossups. Specifically, Ryu can do his crossup hurricanes in an attempt to avoid Boxer’s wakeup super – however, playing as Ryu, I have had opponents be able to still successfully land a reversal super as I cross them up. I always believed this was done simply by delaying the super input slightly until they have crossed you up, but still doing the motion as if you were facing the original side.
My question is thus: is it always possible for Boxer to reversal super on wakeup against Ryu’s hurricane kick, and have the super go in the correct direction? Or does it come down to high well (and trickily) the Ryu player performs the crossup? Any thoughts appreciated.