Usual disclaimer about how I’ve only played ~80 Remix matches so far, so I could be off-base
One important buff in Remix is how useful Honda’s super now is as an anti-air! Not only does it juggle much better, but the slower speed of the super also makes it a lot less likely for your opponent to jump cleanly over it. I’ve been using it as an anti-air with delicious results.
As UltraDavid pointed out, the improved jumping short is really, really good.
The easy fierce HHS are the cherry on top! I can now fierce HHS out of blockstun at will, ha ha ha. It’s easy to overlook but it’s a great pressure move.
I don’t know if this worked in ST too, but a hilarious thing I like to do is fierce HHS (hit) into Ochio. Store the Ochio, mash fierce to get the HHS only once (don’t extend it), and if you hit cleanly, you could very well be at the exact right spot for an easy ochio by hitting Fierce once more just as the HHS ends. The timing is a bit finicky but it’s a really slick and damaging maneuver, and really hard to counter if the HHS hits. Paf-paf-paf-ochio. It doesn’t work if HHS is blocked, though.
And jab headbutts at mid range (i.e. when they’re likely to actually hit rather than whiff) are godlike against Guile and the shotos. Opening a round with a slightly delayed jab headbutt is so good - it beats instant fireballs, instant dragon punches, forward jumps and general footsies, it chip-damages blockers, and it’s mostly safe against back-jumpers. Basically only neutral jumps and really twitchy block-then-reaction-DPs beat it (and mirror Honda’s jab HHS, lol).
In general, it seems that dragon punch characters are now way more dangerous for Honda than fireball characters. I’m actually more afraid of Fei Long and Cammy than I am of Dhalsim and Chun Li, since they always have that DP to clean-hit me out of whatever, while I have a lot of ways to get around fireballs…
I also have to get out of the habit of storing my super, ha ha ha…