Remix Honda Thread

If you timed it right the “Ochio loop” was very hard for lots of characters to get out of. As long as you timed your cr.jab right after landing from the previous Ochio it was all good. Plus with negative edge the Ochio attempt was safe (if they reversal you block, knock them back down and start all over). The only thing they could reversal was your tick, which was hard to do if you timed it right.

But anyway, this is about Remix (did we ever decide on official abrev. for this game? STHD, HDR, what?). So now in the corner I just use bear hug, followed by early cross-up Sumo Splash, or cr. roundhouse, or HHS, or walk up cr.jab tick into Ochio.

Usual disclaimer about how I’ve only played ~80 Remix matches so far, so I could be off-base

One important buff in Remix is how useful Honda’s super now is as an anti-air! Not only does it juggle much better, but the slower speed of the super also makes it a lot less likely for your opponent to jump cleanly over it. I’ve been using it as an anti-air with delicious results.

As UltraDavid pointed out, the improved jumping short is really, really good.

The easy fierce HHS are the cherry on top! I can now fierce HHS out of blockstun at will, ha ha ha. It’s easy to overlook but it’s a great pressure move.

I don’t know if this worked in ST too, but a hilarious thing I like to do is fierce HHS (hit) into Ochio. Store the Ochio, mash fierce to get the HHS only once (don’t extend it), and if you hit cleanly, you could very well be at the exact right spot for an easy ochio by hitting Fierce once more just as the HHS ends. The timing is a bit finicky but it’s a really slick and damaging maneuver, and really hard to counter if the HHS hits. Paf-paf-paf-ochio. It doesn’t work if HHS is blocked, though.

And jab headbutts at mid range (i.e. when they’re likely to actually hit rather than whiff) are godlike against Guile and the shotos. Opening a round with a slightly delayed jab headbutt is so good - it beats instant fireballs, instant dragon punches, forward jumps and general footsies, it chip-damages blockers, and it’s mostly safe against back-jumpers. Basically only neutral jumps and really twitchy block-then-reaction-DPs beat it (and mirror Honda’s jab HHS, lol).

In general, it seems that dragon punch characters are now way more dangerous for Honda than fireball characters. I’m actually more afraid of Fei Long and Cammy than I am of Dhalsim and Chun Li, since they always have that DP to clean-hit me out of whatever, while I have a lot of ways to get around fireballs…

I also have to get out of the habit of storing my super, ha ha ha…

Yeah, I probably just sucked at timing it due to never really using it.

Yeah I forgot to mention that as well, the super is a real nice buff. Guaranteed to knock down, do more damage, and not be countered mid super if blocked, is awesome.

I definitely think I’ll keep him as one of my mains, probably Guile and Zangief too. Who knows though, I still have to explore the others. Loving this game, it’s like the early 90’s all over, but without arcades:(

After playing against, and as Akuma for a bit tonight, I think he might be a bad matchup for Honda. He can zone him really good with fireballs. The red fireball Honda can’t jab headbutt or super through, his air fireballs control a fair amount of space and save his ass a lot of the time. Though if you get in on him, with his weak ass stamina, Honda does really good damage.

Will be an interesting match to watch.

You can still nail him between hits on block if that’s what you mean, Krost’s gief was hitting it wit lariat. With the new juggle mechanic it makes a hell of a mess as an antiair though.

power edit: feilong is a fun match considering you can get a piano ochio on hit or block cwing for free it seems

i don’t see how blanka now wins? His ball upgrade isn’t that great since it loses clean to headbutt and is easy to jab out of. He takes more damage. You still can’t advance on honda easily. It plays the same for this blanka user (average)

Haha that match was funny, I noticed bad recovery from those red fireballs and tried to control spacing, however I ended up most times on the other side of the screen while you shot away (I didn’t want to gamble getting hit with a blue fireball or a shoryuken) However once I did manage to find my way inside all that, Akuma really suffered big.

Hadn’t had it happen to me yet, can you still SRK through it?

Yeah, I have only played Akuma a few times, when someone gets really good with him it could be nasty. I had an OK Akuma player earlier do pretty well keeping me on my toes. Akuma will probably have a really good runaway game. I’m going to play him a bit for awhile, he is fun. You have to be so careful, or bam 50% life gone.

Honda must now time the headbutt in order to hit the Blanka ball in mid flight he can no longer just sit, block the ball, then counter with headbutt! Also with the visual speed change to the slow ball it requires you to be extra speedy on your reactions. it was tough enough to beat Blanka now it will be even tougher! Its a fair enough trade to be able withstand the shotos! I fear Zangief the most now!

when blanka trades a ball with hondas headbutt it also does mad damage, like 20-25%

Honda vs Blanka can get annoying if the Blanka player does keep away tactics by jumping up and back all the time trying to j.MK your stuff.
He waits for you to headbutt into range, jump or walk towards then snaps a beast roll hoping that your guard is down while you try to get in closer.

since the HHS’s priority has been lessened, it is even easier for Blanka to jump in mid range with his j.MK (which is still outside invicible jab head butt range)

Honda still has the upper hand, but it has been lessened allot in this match up.

Honda only has to down back it like always. If blanka jumps up or backwards you can fierce headbutt and force a block upon landing. if blanka jumps in you get a jab headbutt. If blanka does fierce roll you still get to force blanka to block the headbutt.

You get to jab him out of balls as always and advance with slaps as always if you want to. i’m not sure how much of a downgrade his slaps have taken with this particular matchup. Random balls aren’t a good option now just like they weren’t before.

Gutter trash blanka uses not mk. And is the ground poke of choice, i will use this tonight and try to rush down honda on the ground using it. If is much improved vs slaps it might be key, although jab headbut startup will blow through it.

Overall i feel the match is now 6-4 to honda whereas before it was 6.5/3.5.

What do you guys do when blanka crosses up? I’m not quick enough to try for a ochio yet. Even if I block it seems like guaranteed bite.

Akuma finally gave me my first and only loss last night. It was weird trying to get past air fireballs and that damn double hitting red fireball. I even got nailed with a raging demon :mad:

you can jab headbutt through akumas jab red fb

Yeah, I just bite, unless I’m expecting the crossup…then I just Ochio. :slight_smile:

BTW, what the heck do I do to air-to-air with a shoto? That is the only thing that frustrates me vs them. :frowning:

ever since I gave in to the ‘‘the play-to-win’’ mentality: I do not hold back to throw anymore, if Blanka fails to cross up, I throw the mo-fo… because he will bite me first if I dont throw him first

Hand slaps can juggle! I was using Blanka against Chaghatai Honda, I did crossup jumping short, he did super, super traded with my short, and then he mashed jab slaps and it juggled for a total of 2 hits (1 hit super, 1 hit hands). Crazy, I’m gonna go test if you can antiair with slaps and then do super after right now. Or maybe antiair hands, juggle with hands?

That’s probably just because the super’s first hit puts the opponent in a juggleable state, probably any followup could have juggled. Unless I’m mistaken, though, Honda’s super is his only move that can setup a juggle, so it’s not that useful. In particular I really doubt antiair hands -> anything would work.

Even when you put your opponent into a juggleable state, you can only juggle them with moves that juggle, ie, Dictator can only juggle jumping strongs and super, Ken (now) can only juggle fierce dragon punches and super, Sagat can (now) only juggle tiger knees and super, etc. This must mean that hands have juggleable properties, just like Dic’s jumping strong and Sagat’s tiger knee.

How about super (2 hits, opponent cornered), jab hands?? We’ll see.