Remix Frame Data

Added Balrog (Boxer) and Blanka. Moves missing for both, but that completes the character list.

Great, great stuff Rufus!

I love the complete frame coverage on the hitboxes.
I love the delving into all the extra stuff like special moves hitbox overalap, whiff, jump arcs, etc.

When the HDR section hits sfdojo (some day), I will link your site all over it.

Thanks for all the work! :slight_smile:

Bleh, that’s really the problem.
now I want to add the jumps to the move lists - they’re relatively important, really - and I should look at moves that change when they hit like the Blanka balls and Sumo Torpedo, and then the projectile gallery really wants to get finished, and I’d really like to have a tabulation of knockdown frame advantage, and. of course, there’s that list of things that still need to get done with the main frame data, and I’m only 1/4 of the way through adding the frame counts, if that…

Very nice Rufus. You’re giving the community a really wonderful contribution. I can’t thank you enough for all the work you’ve done, not only on the hitbox images, but the frame data too. Many, many thanks bro. :china: I updated the community thread. You da best!:woot:

hehe, I feel your pain.

When I was working on the, thinks started escalating in terms of permutations and time requirements.
All this was confounded by my lack of html skills.

I currently have 3 sections I’d love to add (many more after those), but each one is a titan of work.
One of those is a SF3 section, but the video gathering and screening on it has been a nightmare in terms of hours, and I’m not ever done with all the screening, recording of data, and not even close to the html.

One step at a time. :slight_smile:
Cause the one thing I LOVE about it, is that once it’s up, it will stand in terms of usefulness for a LONG time.


I’ve been waiting for Rog for sooooo long :smiley:

I can finally see why MP headbutt has so much trouble going through fireballs even though Sirlin said it could now :sad:

Edit: I find it funny how your data compiled here just completely blows away Yoga Book Hyper as far as showing hitboxes and whatnot. It isn’t even close.

Are you considering doing Old ST characters since absolutely no hitbox data is available for them? Kinda pointless, but still curious sort of thing.

Seriously, if you give the option to donate, I’d give you a few bucks; you’ve earned it.

Besides the Cammy Hooligan empty recovery thing I asked for earlier…any chance for Akuma to show up? Yeah, we all hate the bastard, but it would be good information to know.

Hooligan thing is coming. (
Akuma and Old ST probably not.

So her body isn’t actually hittable?

Not during the flip part. She does spend a good long while on the ground after bailing out.

Frame counts and images for Running Bear Grab.

Claw is missing claw extentions on wall-spike.
Claw is missing recovery frame on fierce roll.
Recheck the counts & images for claw’s regular moves.
vertical ball missing images.
rainbow ball might be missing images

Eliminate “Rowspan=2” stuff.
Redo moves w/ reverse tracers for Honda, Fei, Bison (Dictator), Vega (Claw), Dhalsim, Dee Jay - Upkicks, Guile?, T Hawk, Zangief
Show frame 13 or Ryu eyechart.
Recheck start-up frames for all normal moves.
Look into other eyechart images.
Investigate on block and on hit information for specials.

Lower priority stuff:
Honda’s far/close short moves are internally mislabled. There is clobbering potential since close short and forward currently has overlap.
The projectile stuff for Blanka and Guile should have the numbering redone.
Check to see what else should like to be redone with ‘reverse tracer style’ boxes.
HHS jab and strong images are internally mislabled to each other. (linked to the right places)
Hooligan moves are internally misnamed with kicks.
Fierce MGP stuff is internally mislabled (mash/no mash are swapped)
3 substantially similar frames grouped in the last frame on deejays super could be split out.,
upkicks could stand to be redone.
Fei Long doesn’t have any pre-move frames anywhere.
vertical ball internally mislabled with punches.
Fei Long flame kick missing some images in the middle.

You, sir, are most excellent. In all seriousness, if you feel like starting a donation system I’ll toss you a few bucks. You’ve more than earned it.

SRK probably needs the money more than I do.

It’s a matter of opinion. I think her body is quite hittable.


Hahah, yeah. I’d hit it :rofl:

@rufus, thanks for posting the akuma hitbox scans. From your link for it, it looks like the raging demon has vulnerable hitboxes at it’s very start and very end despite being invincible mid teleport. That probably explains people claiming to have countered it near the end on whiff. I wonder how long the vulnerable periods last for?

By looking at the first pic, it would appear that it’s punishable right on startup by something like a spammed jab or lk or whatever, yet i don’t ever recall seeing it be punished in that way, rather it always grabs through most anything you do to it from close range. Is the first scan for it (the one at the top of the page with the blue hitbox) actually part of the SGS frames, or is it just his “idle” frames while he’s standing, before doing the move?

The first one is pre-move in case the move ‘skips’ at start-up. IIRC it’s
64 Turbo 0 frames (including the flash) of invulnerability
8 frames of recovery

Aha, thought so. Thanks for that, so the best option is still to GTF out of the way and/or try to attack the recovery with something arial. Good to know.

Did u think any more about making a new thread to announce your site? Most people don’t know it exists yet, it’s a great resource, and i bet you’d get lots of contribution points.

You rock for going to all that effort.:rock:


Rufus is easily the single most helpful member of this community.

I just have a few questions regarding the new (and awesome) frame counts on each picture. For pretty much all of Zangief’s non-apecial ground moves I’ve seen, you have the start up being one less than whats’s on T. Akiba’s site and the yoga book scans. Are the start up numbers accurate or do they have an extra frame that looks indistinguishable from neutral stance? My last question has to do with the recovery of some moves. Like Chun’s low forward and low roundhouse have one less recovery frame than what the listed values have on said sites. Is that also accurate?

I suspect that the fierce and strong GH’s have more blockstun than the jab one due to my limited testing (seeing what the fastest move I could use out of block to hit for free). They seem to only be different in frame advantage by 1 frame despite jab GH having 4 frames less recovery. Could you look into it?

I am looking forward to RBG being redone (you’re missing Zangief’s neutral up strong and close forward has the pics out of order but it doesn’t matter since they are both mostly useless). Anyways great job man!