Remix Frame Data

Some of the attacks in Remix were changed from their Classic versions, sped up or slowed down, and as a result, the frame data was changed. I created a list of changes that (probably) had their frame data changed. This list is based on David Sirlin’s balance articles.

All Classic frame data taken from Yoga Book Hyper scans and NKI’s site. In cases of conflicting info, I’ve used YBH’s data except for Honda’s Super as YBH needs translation there, and all of Akuma’s attacks as YBH has no data for his attacks. N.Sagat data is from YBH.

All Remix frame data captured by Rufus on XBOX360, training mode, speed zero, hitboxes on, using video capture device Canopus ADVC 100 and edited with Kino. Many thanks Rufus. (Note: Some discrepancies on the order of 1 frame every 2-400 or so have been noticed.)

List of Attacks

Attack <Remix Frame Data> = Total Frames
(Classic Frame Data) = Total Frames

Black = non-hitting frames that are vulnerable
Blue = non-hitting frames that are completely invincible*
Purple = hitting frames that are completely invincible*
Red = hitting frames that are vulnerable
Yellow = hitting frames for spinning attacks (eg Tatsu, Lariats) that the character has their back turned
[] = Super flash and other (unknown) states
{} = airborne frames*
*based on YBH and NKI’s YBH translation pic (airborne frames for Remix data may not be exact)
**some attacks have not been captured yet, such as throw ranges and damage


Fake Hadoken <22>
(didn’t exist)


Strong Shoryuken <2 4 [COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR]{20 24} 3> = 55
(2?4?2?{20?24}?3) = 55
Fierce Shoryuken <5 2 {23 31} 3> = 64
(4?2?{24?31}?3) = 64
Short Tatsu <1?{3?7?2? 1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?13} 7> = 49
(1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?14}?0) = 43
Forward Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2? 2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2? 1?2?13} 7> = 57
(1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?14}?0) = 51
Roundhouse Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2? 2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2? 1?2?2?2? 1?2?13} 7 > = 64
(1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2? 1?2?2?2?1?2? 14}?0) = 58
Knee Bash range vs Ryu <>
Knee Bash damage on 1st hit <>
(Normal 26, Behind 27)


Diagonal Jumping Short <{7 35*}> = 42 *Bigger hitbox
({7 35}) = 42
Jab Torpedo <8[COLOR=DarkOrange] [COLOR=Magenta]3[/COLOR][/COLOR] 3 {20} 25> = 59
(8[COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Magenta] 3[/COLOR][/COLOR]?4 {20} 1? 25) = 61
Super <1 [19] 3 [COLOR=Magenta]1 [/COLOR]? 5 1 ? 25> = 55
(1?[18]?5?1???8?1??? 12?8) = 54

Chun Li

Knee Drop <{36 14} 0> = 50
({37?14}?0) = 51
Short Lightning Legs <4 4?4?4?4?4?4?4? 4?4?4?3 6>?= 57
(4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4? 4?3?4) = 55
Forward Lightning Legs <6 2?2?2?2?2?2?2? 2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2 10>?= 47
(7?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2? 2?2?2?2?2?1?8) = 44
Roundhouse Lightning Legs <10?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?1?1?12>?= 43
(10?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?13) = 44
Short SBK <13 8 2 {9 2 3 1 4 1 5 2 11 1 2} 11 3> = 79
(17 4 2 {9 ?2?3?1?5?2?11?2 2} [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]13[/COLOR] 6) = 79
Forward SBK <17 4 2 {10 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 1 1 1} 12 3> = 74
(17 4 2 {11 ?3?5?1?3?1?3?1?4?2? 8?4?3 1} 14 5) = 92
Roundhouse SBK <17 4 2 {11 3 4 1 3 1 4 1 7 2 1 1 1} 16 3> = 82
(17 4 2 {13 ?3?7?2?3?1?3?1?3?1? 3?1?3?1?4?1?7?3 8} 3 18 2) = 114
Short Air SBK <{22 3 9 2 9 3 2} 14 2 [?]> = 66
({24?3?9?2?[?]} 10) = 48
Forward Air SBK <{22 3 9 2 9 1} 14 2 [?] > = 62
({24?3?9?2?[?]} 10) = 48
Roundhouse Air SBK <{22 3 9 2 7} 14 2 [?]> = 59
({21?2?6?2?[?]} 10) = 41


Jab Horizontal Roll <{23) 5> = 28
({25} 4) = 29
Strong Horizontal Roll <{24} 6> = 30
({25} 5) = 30
Fierce Horizontal Roll <{?} ?> = ?
({?} 6) = ?
Short Rainbow Roll <1 {12} 4 {3 24} 1 6> = 51
(11 {13} 10 {10 20} 4) = 68
Forward Rainbow Roll <1 {12} 4 {2 27} 1 6> = 53
(8 {14} 8 {9 24}6) = 67
Roundhouse Rainbow Roll <1 {12} 4 {3 29} 1 7> = 57
(5 {13} 5 {9 25} 6) = 63
Super <when it whiffs 1?[17] 3 [COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR]{26}[COLOR=Magenta] 2[/COLOR] 389 0> = 440
(when it hits 1?[17]?13?{28}???28?8,
when it doesn’t hit 1?[17]?13?{28}???19) = 95, 78


Crouching Fierce <7?8* 23> = 38 Bigger hitbox
(7?8 23) = 38
Diagonal Jumping Strong <{2 3
8}> = 13 Bigger hitbox
({2?11}) = 13
Fierce Hop <5 {6 10 5} 6> = 32
(7 {8?10?6} 12) = 43
Jab Banishing Fist <6 12 18> = 36
(6?12?22) = 40
Strong/Fierce Banishing Fist <6 12 22> = 40
(6?12?22) = 40
Punch Lariat <1 6
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3> = 60 Bigger hitbox
(1?6 5?5?5?5?5?5? 5?5?5?5?3) = 60
Kick Lariat <1 [COLOR=Red]6 [/COLOR] 5 5 5
5 5 5 6> = 43 *Low invincibility ends
(1?6?5?5?5?5?5?5? 6) = 43
Short Running Grab <10 15 5 5 22> = 57
(10?16?5?5?22) = 58
Forward Running Grab <12 18 5 5 24> = 64
(12?16?5?5?24) = 62
Roundhouse Running Grab <14 17 5 5 26> = 67
(14?16?5?5?26) = 66


Overhead <4 115 6 7 9> = 42 *Low invincibility (11 and 9 frames)
(16?6?16) = 38
Roundhouse Somersault <3 {2 [COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR]7 29} 12> = 55
(3 {2[COLOR=Magenta] 2 [/COLOR] 7?2?1?38}?8) = 63
Super <1 [17] 5 {[COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]4 [/COLOR] 10} 5 {[COLOR=Magenta]4[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta] 4[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]1 [/COLOR] 32} 7> = 94
(1?[17]?5?{3 1 [COLOR=Magenta]4[/COLOR] 12} [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] 3[/COLOR]?{3 [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]5 [/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]1[/COLOR] 32}?7) = 94


Short Yoga Upflame <15 16 9> = 40
(15 16 9) = 40
Forward Yoga Upflame <17 21 9> = 47
(17?21 9) = 47
Roundhouse Yoga Upflame <20 27 9> = 56
(20?27 9) = 56
Noogie range vs Ryu <>
Teleport <37 [changes location] 20 9> = 66
(37?[changes location]?26 3) = 66
Super <1?[29]?4 4 24[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]*[/COLOR] 45 18> = 125 *High invincibility ends
(1?[29]?4 28 43 20) = 125


Condor Dive <{17 ? 9} 10> = 36 Whiffed
({17???11}?10) = 38
Jab Typhoon Whiff <5 25> = 30
(didn’t exist)
Strong Typhoon Whiff <5 29> = 34
(didn’t exist)
Fierce Typhoon Whiff <5 31> = 36
(didn’t exist)
(Unable to capture throwing frames, probably only active for the 1st frame)


Rekka Ken Jabs <1st:8 8 23, 2nd:6 8 25, 3rd:11 8 28> = 39, 39, 47
(1st:8?8?23, 2nd:5?8? 26, 3rd:11?8?28) = 39, 39, 47
Rekka Ken Strongs <1st:11 7 22, 2nd:8 7 24, 3rd:11 7 34> = 40, 39, 52
(1st:8?7?22, 2nd:5?7? 24, 3rd:11?7?34) = 37, 36, 52
Rekka Ken Fierces <1st:10 7 22, 2nd:10 7 25, 3rd:9 7 36> = 39, 42, 54
(1st:8?8?23, 2nd:5?8? 25, 3rd:9?7?38) = 39, 38, 54
Short Flame Kick <6 {[COLOR=Magenta]2 22[/COLOR] 11} 11> = 52
(6?{[COLOR=Magenta]2[/COLOR] 18?13}?6) = 45
Short Flying Kick <12 5 {3 12 4 3 7} 10> = 56
(12 5 {3?12?4?3? 7} 6) = 52
Forward Flying Kick <12 5 {3?12 5 4 5} 10> = 56
(12 5 {3?12?5?4? 5} 6) = 52
Roundhouse Flying Kick <13 5 {3?12 6 5 4} 11> = 59
(13 5 {3?12?6?5? 4} 6) = 54
Super <1?[17]?8 3 [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]6 [/COLOR]6 [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]5[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]2[/COLOR] 6 5 10 6 23> = 98
(1?[17]?8 3 7 [COLOR=Magenta]7 [/COLOR]5 3 7 [COLOR=Magenta]7[/COLOR] 11 6 23) = 105

Dee Jay

Jab MGU <4 7 6 5 4 4 14 11> = 55 No mashing
(4?13?5?4?18?11) = 55 No mashing
Strong MGU <5 7 6 5 4 4 14 11> = 56 No mashing
(5?13?5?4?18?11) = 56 No mashing
Fierce MGU <6 7 6 5 4 4 14 11> = 57 No mashing
(6?13?5?4?18?11) = 57 No mashing
Forward Dread Kicks <1 {3 5} 2 2* 2 2 {8} 2 12 19> = 58
(1 {3 5} 2 4 3 {8} 2 15 16) = 43
Roundhouse Dread Kicks <1 {3 5} 2 2* 2 2 {8} 2 12 21> = 60
(1 {3 5} 2 4 3 {8} 2 15 18) = 45
*Low invincibility (2 frames)


Diagonal Jumping Strong <{4 20*}> = 24 Smaller hitbox
({4?20}) = 24
Jab Spinning Knuckle <2 11 {12} 17?3?8?7> = 60
(2 11 {12} 17?3?8? 7) = 60
Strong Spinning Knuckle <2 11 {12} 17?3?8?7> = 60
(2 11 {12} 17?3?8? 7) = 60
Fierce Spinning Knuckle <2 11 {14} 17?3?8?7> = 62
(2 11 {14} 17?3?8? 7) = 62
Short Cannon Drill <4 5 {12 6} 10> = 37
(8?1 {14 7} 21) = 51
Forward Cannon Drill <4 5 {17 6} 11> = 43
(8?1 {21?6} 25) = 61
Roundhouse Cannon Drill <4 5 {17 6} 12> = 44
(8?1 {6?16?5} 29) = 64
Short Thrust Kick <[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]4 [/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]3 [/COLOR]{22 13} 5> = 47

(4[COLOR=Magenta] 3[/COLOR]?{22?13}?5) = 47
Forward Thrust Kick <4?[COLOR=Magenta]3[/COLOR]?{27?18}?5 > = 57*
(4 [COLOR=Magenta]3[/COLOR]?{27?18}?5) = 57
Roundhouse Thrust Kick <4?[COLOR=Magenta]3[/COLOR]?{32?24}?5> = 68*
(4 [COLOR=Magenta]3[/COLOR]?{32?24}?5) = 68


Jab Buffalo Headbutt <11 {10 16} 5> = 42
(11 {11 16} 5) = 43
Strong Buffalo Headbutt <13 {5 6 16} 5> = 45
(13 {[COLOR=Magenta]4 5 [/COLOR]15} 5) = 42
Strong throw range vs Ryu <>
Strong throw damage on 1st hit <>
(Normal 28, Behind 30)
Fierce throw range vs Ryu <>
Fierce throw damage on 1st hit <>
(Normal 28, Behind 30)


Fake Wall Dive <{varies}>
(didn’t exist)

Sagat (N.Sagat)

Jab Tiger Shot <11 40> = 51
(11?37) = 48
Strong Tiger Shot <11 41> = 52
(11?39) = 50
Fierce Tiger Shot <11 42> = 53
(11?41) = 52
Short Tiger Shot <11 40> = 51
(13?45) = 58
Forward Tiger Shot <11 41> = 52
(13?47) = 60
Roundhouse Tiger Shot <11 42> = 53
(13?49) = 62
Fierce Tiger Uppercut <3 [COLOR=Magenta]4 [/COLOR]3 {26 23} 12> = 71
(3 [COLOR=Magenta]4[/COLOR]?4 {25?25}?10) = 71
Super <1?[17]?6[COLOR=DarkOrange] [COLOR=Magenta]5[/COLOR] [/COLOR]{7 14} [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]2[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta] 4[/COLOR] 3 {26 22} 10> = 117
(1?[17]?6 [COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Magenta]5[/COLOR][/COLOR] {7 14} [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] 2[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta] 4[/COLOR]?4 {26?23}?9) = 118


Standing Jab <4 4* 4> = 12 *Bigger hitbox
(4?4?4) = 12
Fake Slide <30>
(didn’t exist)
Jab Devil’s Reverse <2 5 {84 8 keeps his hand out till reaching a pre-determined height ?} ?> = ?
(7 {38?keeps his hand out till reaching a pre-determined height?5}?6) = 56
Strong Devil’s Reverse <2 5 {84 8 keeps his hand out till reaching a pre-determined height ?} ?> = ?
(7 {38?keeps his hand out till reaching a pre-determined height?5}?8) = 58
Fierce Devil’s Reverse <2 5 {84 8 keeps his hand out till reaching a pre-determined height ?} ?> = ?
(7 {38?keeps his hand out till reaching a pre-determined height?5}?10) = 60


Jab Hadoken <4 10 39> = 53
(11?40) = 51
Strong Hadoken <4 10 39> = 53
(11?41) = 52
Fierce Hadoken <4 10 39> = 53
(11?42) = 53
Jab Flame Hadoken <4 16 41> = 61
(16?41) = 57
Strong Flame Hadoken <4 16 49> = 69
(16?49) = 65
Fierce Flame Hadoken <4 16 59> = 79
(16?59) = 75
Air Hadoken <{9 11}> = 20
Jab Shoryuken <1 3 4 14 16 6> = 44
Strong Shoryuken <1 3 4 [COLOR=Magenta]22 [/COLOR]19 6> = 55
Fierce Shoryuken <1 4 4 26 25 7> = 67
(Shoryukens weren’t changed for Remix)
Super <1?[17] 46 8> = 72
(didn’t exist)

BTW, you got exactly the same frame counts for Cammy’s Thrust Kicks as the Classic version, including the last 5 grounded recovery frames. This is impossible, as everyone agrees that Remix Thrust Kick has much greater recovery, esp the Short. Even the total frame counts are exactly the same. The total counts should be more for Remix, or at least the descending or grounded recovery should be greater.

Short Thrust Kick <[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]4 [/COLOR]3 {22 13} 5> = 47
(4?[COLOR=DarkOrange]3?[/COLOR]{22?13}?5) = 47
Forward Thrust Kick <4 [COLOR=DarkOrange]3 [/COLOR]{27 18} 5> = 57
(4?[COLOR=DarkOrange]3?[/COLOR]{27?18}?5) = 57
Roundhouse Thrust Kick <4 [COLOR=DarkOrange]3 [/COLOR]{32 24} 5> = 68
(4?[COLOR=DarkOrange]3?[/COLOR]{32?24}?5) = 68

Other than that, everything looks good. Yeah, Cammy’s Spinning Knuckle sucks, but for Remix she was given partial invincibility when she’s airborne, so it’s a little better.

Thanks again Rufus.

I’ll delete this post but you really need to reserve a few more in succession.

Just reconfirmed those numbers. The new versions do seem to have different trajectories.

Double posting is an infraction. I know a lot of times it’s overlooked, but no one should be double posting if they can avoid it.

So the frame numbers are still the same? I’m thinking maybe the last 5 frames are not the only grounded ones. Is the red dot grounded for the 5, 8 and 12 frames before the last 5?

It’s too late anyway, but whatever. If you’re making a guide like this it’s way better to keep everything in one place. Reserving posts at the beginning of the thread allows you to condense information so everyone doesnt have to read the whole thread. And you dont run out space at the beginning of the thread like you already did.

I’m sure the SRK mod gods would understand considering they do it all over the place in the SF4 threads.

It’s mainly only a problem when the poster posts several replies all at once to different people using separate posts.

Yeah, I know, and thanks for your suggestion. I didn’t actually want to create a new thread, but I didn’t see any other choice. If a mod deletes this thread, that’s fine as I’ve got the frame data saved, and I’ll just add it to one of my later posts in the community thread. TBH tho, the frame data actually does deserve its own thread, much like the hitstun/blockstun data thread.

Jab Buffalo Headbutt
B11 O10 16 5
Strong Buffalo headbutt
B13 O5 R6 16 5
(The end may be 4 grounded frames…)

Tiger Shot
Jab, Strong, Short, Roundhouse
11 41
Fierce, Foward
11 42

Tiger Genocide
B24 (Includes Flash) O12 B16 O4 R3 R26 22 10

Akuma Hadoken
Jab, Fierce
B4 10 (fireball) 39
B8 20 42

Akuma Red Hadoken
B4 16 (fireball) 41
I think the other two strengths have the same timing, but hit/block freeze is hard to avoid

Air Hadoken
9 (fireball) 11

Akuma Shoryuken
B1 O3 O4 O14 16 6
B1 O3 O4 O22 19 6
B1 O4 O4 O26 25 7

64 (includes flash, at least 38 of that is after the flash)

Rufus, the frame numbers for Cammy’s Thrust Kicks are still the same even with different trajectories? I’m thinking maybe the last 5 frames are not the only grounded ones. Is the red dot grounded for the 5, 8 and 12 frames before the last 5?

Ooooh, Raging Demon. LOL Thanks Rufus. BTW, Akuma’s Shoryukens haven’t been changed for Remix, but it’s interesting that you captured it as hitting on the 2nd frame. Both Akiba and YBH captured 1st frame hitting Shoryukens, same as Ken’s Fierce.

Some of this data doesn’t make sense. You captured Boxer’s Jab Buffalo Headbutt as having the same recovery as the Classic version (5 frames). All Boxer players will say that the Jab has a lot worse recovery, IMO the same as Guile’s Somersault recovery (8 frames). You also got the Strong Buffalo Headbutt the same as Classic, and its recovery was nerfed too.

Also Sagat has greater startup frames on his Kick Tiger Shots. Akiba and YBH both have it as 13 startup for all Kick Shots. The 41 recovery frames doesn’t make sense either, since it’s hard to believe that all of Sagat’s Shots have the same recovery. Are you sure you’re not kara cancelling a normal attack before capturing the Shots?

Plus, Cammy’s Thrust Kicks make absolutely no sense given the Remix changes. Are you sure your equipment is not flaking out? :wonder:

Fierce Tiger Uppercut
343 2623 12

Guile Roundhouse Overhead
4 11 5 6 7 9
(the 11 and 9 have sweep invulnerability)

Roundhouse Flashkick
522 1 429 12

H Rolls - not sure about recovery.
Jab 23 5
Strong 24 6
Fierce ?

Bounce Roll
Short 1 12 4 3 24 1[color] 6
12, 3, and 24 are off the ground AFAICT
Forward 1 12 4 2 [color=red]27 1 6
12,2 and 27 are off the ground AFAICT
Roundhouse 1 12 4 3 29 1 7
12,3, and 29 are off the ground AFAICT

I think this is everything on your list except for 'sim, Blanka, and Guile’s supers.

I am having equipment issues, but it’s basically just producing total failure when it happens.
I’m quite confident in the numbers although there might be recovery frames that look like Bison’s neutral pose

I’m pretty sure that the Akuma uppercut first frame thing can be tested in the following way:
Honda grabs Akuma with FP grab, and doesn’t mash, then holds up on the stick.
Akuma has a 49 frame recovery from the grab, Honda’s neutral jump is 50 frames to land, so this should be an automatic safe jump if the first frame does not hit.

Good contributions. Thank you!

I second the opinion about that the different tiger shots do have different recoveries. There are several setups you can do with the Jab/ Short TS that you can not do with the Fierce/ Roundhouse TS. I think it is due to the longer recoveries on the stronger versions. I could be wrong, I don’t have any real proof. So, I am open to other explanations.

Great job Rufus!

Awesome! You da mang Rufus!:lovin:

Bison’s neutral pose?

Why don’t you try capturing the data again, especially Cammy’s Thrust Kicks, Boxer’s Jab/Strong Buffalo and Sagat’s Tiger Shots? Everything else looks good, just these attacks. Might it be possible that you captured those attacks in Classic mode instead of Remix? It’s possible, who knows. If you have the classic sprites enabled, there would be no way to visibly tell if you’re in classic or remix mode unless you do a remix only attack such as Fake Hadoken.

Also, this is just a suggestion, but if I was capturing the frame data myself, and I’m a big whore for accuracy and quality, I would capture each attack at least 5 times and average out the results. Given that there are some discrepancies that you yourself admitted, I think this would help iron them out. Just a thought.

A lot of Akuma players don’t think he hits on the 1st frame (including me).

No, you’re not wrong fatboy. All the frame data ever captured for Sagat’s Tiger Shot recovery (including NKI’s site and Yoga Book Hyper) show N.Sagat’s recovery increasing with each strength. And Remix Sagat is a buffed version of N.Sagat. I have the YBH data in the 1st post which shows each recovery as 37/39/41. If Rufus captured 41 frames of recovery for all the Shots, it just doesn’t make sense. I’m hoping Cammy, Boxer and Sagat players will comment on the frame data, cuz it doesn’t look right to me.

The trajectory of the RH Thrust Kick is visibly different in the remixed version where it actually goes down on the last hitting frames.

I meant Boxer’s neutral pose.

It is possible that there are trailing recovery frames that I’m mistaking for ‘stand neutral pose’, and I can check for that. That said, the equipment is being uncooperative, and my patience meter is running low, so it might be a little while.

… and now the SRK forum software is being a … about logging in …

Canopus is basically DOA, so no more frame data from me for a while.

Yeah, but that still doesn’t explain how that translates into greater recovery. If the new trajectory leaves Cammy closer to her opponent after a blocked Thrust Kick than Classic ST, then I can understand how this would leave her more vulnerable. But to me, both Remix and Classic Thrust Kick look visually the same and they both seem to end up just as far away from the opponent. But there’s no doubt that the remix version has greater recovery.

Usually, recovery frames are not the neutral pose of a character. Usually, they’re the same as the animation of landing from a jump. But I could be wrong.

That’s cool. Thanks for all your hard work Rufus. Show this dude some love and praise y’all. I hope you can fix or replace your card soon. Thanks again. :bgrin:

Edit: The only frame data missing are Ken’s Tatsus, Dictator’s Devil’s Reverse, Guile, Dhalsim and Blanka’s Supers.

Dhalsim Super:
B34 (indcludes flash, flame appears) B4 24 63
The 24 frames have head invulnerability.

Blanka Super:
B21 O30 R(1) R…
(1) can be held for up to 389 frames.

Devils reverse:
2 frames invulnerability
Variable from there starting with a bunch of body invulnerability. The one I recorded was:
B2 89 R8

Guile Super
B21 (indcludes flash) B2 O2 O2 O4 B15 O4 O4 O1 32 7
Last 7 on ground, not sure how the hitting boxes group

Ken Hurricane Kick
1 R3 7 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 13 7
1 R3 7 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 13 7
1 R3 7 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 2 R2 1 Y2 13 7

Very nice Rufus. Thank you. I thought your equipment was DOA?

Dhalsim Super <1?[29] 8 24* 63> = 125 *High invincibility
Which ones are the hitting frames?

Blanka Super <1?[17] 3 30 389 ?> = ?
What about the recovery frames?

Devil’s Reverse <2* 89 8 ?> = ? *partial invincibility
Which strength is this? They all have the same startup, but it’s the recovery that changes based on which punch is used for the classic version.

Guile Super <1 [17] 5 {8 12}*[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]3[/COLOR] {9 32}*7> = 94 *Not sure exactly how many airborne frames
Looks good.

Short Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?13}*7> = 49 *Not sure exactly how many airborne frames
Forward Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?13}*7> = 57 *Not sure exactly how many airborne frames
Roundhouse Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?13}*7 > = 64 *Not sure exactly how many airborne frames
Looks good too.

Thanks again brother. :tup:

The recorder seems to work for 30 seconds at a time…

Dhalsim’s super is a projectile, so there are no hitboxes. My best guess is:
B34 {B4 24 45} 18
With the frames in {} hitting.

The tatsus are all airborne except for the initial 1 and trailing 7 frames.

Guile super:
B21 (indcludes flash) B2 {O2 O2 O4 B10} B5 {O4 O4 O1 32} 7
Frames in {} airborne.

For blanka the O30 woudl be O2 O26 O2 with the 26 airborne. Not sure how to get him to miss in training mode.