Some of the attacks in Remix were changed from their Classic versions, sped up or slowed down, and as a result, the frame data was changed. I created a list of changes that (probably) had their frame data changed. This list is based on David Sirlin’s balance articles.
All Classic frame data taken from Yoga Book Hyper scans and NKI’s site. In cases of conflicting info, I’ve used YBH’s data except for Honda’s Super as YBH needs translation there, and all of Akuma’s attacks as YBH has no data for his attacks. N.Sagat data is from YBH.
All Remix frame data captured by Rufus on XBOX360, training mode, speed zero, hitboxes on, using video capture device Canopus ADVC 100 and edited with Kino. Many thanks Rufus. (Note: Some discrepancies on the order of 1 frame every 2-400 or so have been noticed.)
List of Attacks
Attack <Remix Frame Data> = Total Frames
(Classic Frame Data) = Total Frames
Black = non-hitting frames that are vulnerable
Blue = non-hitting frames that are completely invincible*
Purple = hitting frames that are completely invincible*
Red = hitting frames that are vulnerable
Yellow = hitting frames for spinning attacks (eg Tatsu, Lariats) that the character has their back turned
[] = Super flash and other (unknown) states
{} = airborne frames*
*based on YBH and NKI’s YBH translation pic (airborne frames for Remix data may not be exact)
**some attacks have not been captured yet, such as throw ranges and damage
Fake Hadoken <22>
(didn’t exist)
Strong Shoryuken <2 4 [COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR]{20 24} 3> = 55
(2?4?2?{20?24}?3) = 55
Fierce Shoryuken <5 2 {23 31} 3> = 64
(4?2?{24?31}?3) = 64
Short Tatsu <1?{3?7?2? 1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?13} 7> = 49
(1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?14}?0) = 43
Forward Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2? 2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2? 1?2?13} 7> = 57
(1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?14}?0) = 51
Roundhouse Tatsu <1?{3?7?2?1?2? 2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2? 1?2?2?2? 1?2?13} 7 > = 64
(1?{3?7?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2?1?2?2?2? 1?2?2?2?1?2? 14}?0) = 58
Knee Bash range vs Ryu <>
Knee Bash damage on 1st hit <>
(Normal 26, Behind 27)
Diagonal Jumping Short <{7 35*}> = 42 *Bigger hitbox
({7 35}) = 42
Jab Torpedo <8[COLOR=DarkOrange] [COLOR=Magenta]3[/COLOR][/COLOR] 3 {20} 25> = 59
(8[COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Magenta] 3[/COLOR][/COLOR]?4 {20} 1? 25) = 61
Super <1 [19] 3 [COLOR=Magenta]1 [/COLOR]? 5 1 ? 25> = 55
(1?[18]?5?1???8?1??? 12?8) = 54
Chun Li
Knee Drop <{36 14} 0> = 50
({37?14}?0) = 51
Short Lightning Legs <4 4?4?4?4?4?4?4? 4?4?4?3 6>?= 57
(4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4? 4?3?4) = 55
Forward Lightning Legs <6 2?2?2?2?2?2?2? 2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2 10>?= 47
(7?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2? 2?2?2?2?2?1?8) = 44
Roundhouse Lightning Legs <10?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?1?1?12>?= 43
(10?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1? 1?1?13) = 44
Short SBK <13 8 2 {9 2 3 1 4 1 5 2 11 1 2} 11 3> = 79
(17 4 2 {9 ?2?3?1?5?2?11?2 2} [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]13[/COLOR] 6) = 79
Forward SBK <17 4 2 {10 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 1 1 1} 12 3> = 74
(17 4 2 {11 ?3?5?1?3?1?3?1?4?2? 8?4?3 1} 14 5) = 92
Roundhouse SBK <17 4 2 {11 3 4 1 3 1 4 1 7 2 1 1 1} 16 3> = 82
(17 4 2 {13 ?3?7?2?3?1?3?1?3?1? 3?1?3?1?4?1?7?3 8} 3 18 2) = 114
Short Air SBK <{22 3 9 2 9 3 2} 14 2 [?]> = 66
({24?3?9?2?[?]} 10) = 48
Forward Air SBK <{22 3 9 2 9 1} 14 2 [?] > = 62
({24?3?9?2?[?]} 10) = 48
Roundhouse Air SBK <{22 3 9 2 7} 14 2 [?]> = 59
({21?2?6?2?[?]} 10) = 41
Jab Horizontal Roll <{23) 5> = 28
({25} 4) = 29
Strong Horizontal Roll <{24} 6> = 30
({25} 5) = 30
Fierce Horizontal Roll <{?} ?> = ?
({?} 6) = ?
Short Rainbow Roll <1 {12} 4 {3 24} 1 6> = 51
(11 {13} 10 {10 20} 4) = 68
Forward Rainbow Roll <1 {12} 4 {2 27} 1 6> = 53
(8 {14} 8 {9 24}6) = 67
Roundhouse Rainbow Roll <1 {12} 4 {3 29} 1 7> = 57
(5 {13} 5 {9 25} 6) = 63
Super <when it whiffs 1?[17] 3 [COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR]{26}[COLOR=Magenta] 2[/COLOR] 389 0> = 440
(when it hits 1?[17]?13?{28}???28?8,
when it doesn’t hit 1?[17]?13?{28}???19) = 95, 78
Crouching Fierce <7?8* 23> = 38 Bigger hitbox
(7?8 23) = 38
Diagonal Jumping Strong <{2 3 8}> = 13 Bigger hitbox
({2?11}) = 13
Fierce Hop <5 {6 10 5} 6> = 32
(7 {8?10?6} 12) = 43
Jab Banishing Fist <6 12 18> = 36
(6?12?22) = 40
Strong/Fierce Banishing Fist <6 12 22> = 40
(6?12?22) = 40
Punch Lariat <1 65 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3> = 60 Bigger hitbox
(1?6 5?5?5?5?5?5? 5?5?5?5?3) = 60
Kick Lariat <1 [COLOR=Red]6 [/COLOR] 5 5 55 5 5 6> = 43 *Low invincibility ends
(1?6?5?5?5?5?5?5? 6) = 43
Short Running Grab <10 15 5 5 22> = 57
(10?16?5?5?22) = 58
Forward Running Grab <12 18 5 5 24> = 64
(12?16?5?5?24) = 62
Roundhouse Running Grab <14 17 5 5 26> = 67
(14?16?5?5?26) = 66
Overhead <4 115 6 7 9> = 42 *Low invincibility (11 and 9 frames)
(16?6?16) = 38
Roundhouse Somersault <3 {2 [COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR]7 29} 12> = 55
(3 {2[COLOR=Magenta] 2 [/COLOR] 7?2?1?38}?8) = 63
Super <1 [17] 5 {[COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]2 [/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]4 [/COLOR] 10} 5 {[COLOR=Magenta]4[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta] 4[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]1 [/COLOR] 32} 7> = 94
(1?[17]?5?{3 1 [COLOR=Magenta]4[/COLOR] 12} [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] 3[/COLOR]?{3 [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]5 [/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]1[/COLOR] 32}?7) = 94
Short Yoga Upflame <15 16 9> = 40
(15 16 9) = 40
Forward Yoga Upflame <17 21 9> = 47
(17?21 9) = 47
Roundhouse Yoga Upflame <20 27 9> = 56
(20?27 9) = 56
Noogie range vs Ryu <>
Teleport <37 [changes location] 20 9> = 66
(37?[changes location]?26 3) = 66
Super <1?[29]?4 4 24[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]*[/COLOR] 45 18> = 125 *High invincibility ends
(1?[29]?4 28 43 20) = 125