Remix Frame Data

Whoa, just noticed the Chun pages. Good stuff! I ALWAYS knew I wasn’t crazy when I thought that Chun was invincible at two different points in her SBK startup.

A few things:

  • The pictures show the first vulnerable hitbox of Chun’s Short SBK as being bigger than Forward and Roundhouse. Is that a mistake, or is it really twice as large?

  • Can you do me a special favor with Chun when you have the time? I would like pictures of Chun’s super connecting against:

  1. Guile, Fei, Sagat, or Dhalsim, because there are a lot of situations where they only get hit by 4/6 hits of Chun’s super, and

  2. Anyone else besides those four characters and Chun herself; the rest of the cast only gets hit by 5/6 hits.

I want to see exactly which hits of the super are whiffing, and why. This is the only HD Remix change to Chun-Li that I can’t figure out on my own. Thank you!

Oh, and one last thing: Whenever you have time, it might be nice to add links at the top and bottom of each page that lets you go back to the list of a character’s moves.

I think it makes sense that the Short SBK has a bigger vulnerable hitbox than Forward or Roundhouse. Ryu and Ken’s Jab Shoryukens have a smaller vulnerable hitbox than Strong or Fierce Shoryuken, which makes Jab the best for going through fireballs and for beating meaties. So I’m guessing that Forward and Roundhouse SBK would be the best in terms of escaping meaties and stuff.

That is correct. Those 4 vulnerable frames are invulnerable on the stronger versions - you’ll notice that the short SBK has ‘small hitbox’ frames that are the same as those for short and forward as well.

Wow, great work Rufus! These are excellent.

Can’t believe Chun-Li’s short SBK is the most vulnerable; that’s good to know. Seems a bit counter-intuitive, doesn’t it?

Dunno, she also recovers from fireballs more quickly after heavier attacks.


Bison’s neutral jumping Forward here is showing an incorrect hit box:

Great site though. :slight_smile:

Really? What’s wrong with it? It looks fine to me.

Edit: Never mind. I just cross referenced with YBH scans, you’re right, the vulnerable blue hitbox should extend about halfway into the red hitbox.

Looking closely, you can see that the blue shading is there too.

Is there a way to extrapolate this data into frame advantage on block and on hit? For example, dictator’s standing short is +N frames on block, but how many frames? Ryu’s low RH is -N frames on block, but how many?

It’s not simple:

It’s not simple or completely understood:

If the thread is correct, for example, Ken’s RH (don’t have Ryu’s numbers handy) has 6 startup, 6 hitting and 25 recovery frames. Depending on when in the move it’s blocked, it will be -5 (super-meaty) to -10 (hitting on the first frame).

Very insightful; it’s really interesting comparing some of the things between here and YBH or the T.Akiba/NKI frame data page. You kick ass =)

One thing that I haven’t been able to find anywhere, though, is a frame breakdown of Cammy’s Hooligan roll when she snaps out of it with a kick button in the air. Of course the number of frames would depend on when you hit the kick button in the air, but the more important things would be the stills of her hitboxes as she travels though the air, and her landing frames. If you could post those as well on your site, you’d…kick even more ass!

I just finished the Blue Hadoken Eye chart:

Were you guys aware that the different strengths of Hadoken are animated differently?

That would take alot of work, but you could create a range from earliest hit to latest hit.

They did it with SFIV frame data, so maybe there is a “standard” for calculating advantage/disadvantage

I suspect the standard is to assume hitting on the first frame.

That’s a good start, only problem is that is doesn’t take spacing into account. Pointblank would give skewed results since poking/counterpoking doesn’t happen point blank.

What about rough calculations, knowing the set hit/block stun on an attack you could calculate the adv/disadv by just subtracting.

For example if it hits on the first frame, then it would be
**[total hitting frames -1] + [total recovery frames] - [hitstun/blockstun] = advantage/disadvantage **

I second this!

Very nice Rufus, thanks. It’s very interesting to see how Chun Li’s new Super behaves. I think the reason it whiffs is due to the earlier juggling, which like you said, causes one of her low hitboxes to miss.

It just one of those things you get when you start messing with the game… Sirlin… :wink: