"Remember what we used to say? JACKPOT!" The Vergil Team Building Thread

Yes dante teleport after rapid slash assist can combo a jS. I haven’t connected it yet, but Vergil combo into hard knockdown then high time call jam session(delayed) trick down xx spiral swords jump/trick up looks like it will work…Really need a good jam session ender for Vergil combos

I have a team of Wesker(samurai edge)/Dormammu(Dark Hole)/Vergil(Rapid Slash). I basically use the dark hole assists for mix-ups is that good or should use any character?

I’m a Taskmaster player looking at picking up Vergil rather than the other way around and I think he’s fine. Those solo relaunches are gone, but he still does decent damage with no meter and good damage with one – my Taskmaster/(variable)/Vergil team has been working fine.

and fraudulently.

Well, according to the guide. Taskmaster still has his OTG arrow lifts. But it might be tighter timing. Could be an error, since I’ve yet to see anyone use it.

Okay guys, here is my dilemma.

I want to run Nova/Frank West/Vergil, but the assists choices are what is causing me issues. Frank’s Shopping Cart and Vergil’s Rapid Slash assists are very similar and I can’t decide which one to use. Vergil does go through the opponent, so it’s safer, but I’ve been hearing Frank’s is extremely good too. If I do choose Rapid Slash for Vergil, I’ll probably use Frank’s meter building assist. However, if Frank’s turns out being better, I’d like to know how good the Judgement Cut assist is.

I’m thinking of running Vergil/ Hawkeye/Strider.

I can DHC DT to golden arrow for punish and having Vergil DT AAA will give Hawkeye a get off me assist. Strider assist can keep people grounded for Hawkeye and Vergil since they both have limited air options. Vergil can use hawkeye assist for mixups

DHC options seem good for damage and safeness. Team just seems meter whoreish.

What assist would you guys use for this team: Vergil / Strider (y) / Doom (a)?

I found a very strong assist for Vergil before the game was even released. Glad to know my theory was correct. :coffee:

Also thinking of running vergil and strider, currently have Vergil (y)/???/Strider (y). Thinking of putting doc strange in second with bolts of balthaak any thoughts?

ive only messed with this team for about 20 minutes but i like the way it feels
Rocky (pendulum)/ Vergil (rapid)/ Chun (legs)

i really dont think vergil needs two assists to back him up (though it never hurts) and if hes coming in second he’ll have enough meter so tear shit up
something tells me vergil with chun behind him could mean trouble for whoevers on the receiving end :]

My team so far is Zero (Ryuujin), Vergil (Rapid Slash), and Doom (Plasma Beam).
It seems to hold up well so far, though I question if I’m using the right assist with Zero.

So whose a strong point/meterbuilder for vergil that works well with him

Ryuujin should be great if you can confirm it into an air combo often. As for doom I prefer missiles since my usual b&b get an 150k+ boost from it.

The problem I see with Ryuujin is that it isn’t all that necessary and hardly adds anything to Vergil or Doom besides combo filler. But I use it since it has more uses than the others do (to me at least). Hadangeki is outclassed by Plasma Beam, and I never liked Shippuga. Ryuujin can be a crossover counter and a situational anti-air at least.
Also, I keep Plasma Beam since I use it for Zero combos (throws, enders)/mix-ups/zoning and Vergil 50/50s. It also out prioritizes many other assists. Hidden missiles isn’t incredible for Zero’s new combos scaling, and he’s much safer now to begin with so have a free breaker isn’t as useful.

Switched to the team in my sig. Think it’s going to be really strong. Zero has a new bob with those two assists that is pretty gdlk.

I’ve been running Frank(cart)/Vergil(Dash slice thing)/Strange(Eye) and been using the cart assist mostly to cross up with Vergil’s teleports, and also to pressure with it, but how can I go beyond that? Also with Strange’s assist, I’ve found is good to extend a combo off of Vergil’s df+H with the right timing, but what other uses can eye have with Vergil?

I want to run Vergil/???/ Strider but I’m debating on either Hawkeye or Sentinel. I feel like DHC wise Hawkeye is much better, but I feel like Drones would be better than Arrows for Vergil/ Strider.

What do you guys think?

I was running PW/Wesker/Doom, but I think Vergil will take Dooms place. I can use maya and vergils cross slash assist to cover me while I pick up items. The Wesker otg assist will let PW combo into turnabout mode. After that I can dhc Wesker in with glasses off, and he will have the almost invincible turnabout press the witness assist and Vergils cross slash assist.

If it comes down to Vergil as my last character, having lvl3 xf and 5 bars should be a nasty ending to the fight.


Vergil’s Rapid Slash looks to be great for keepaway teams or as a slight get off me move. I might experiment with Wright/Vergil and see if it can’t help put the opponent far so Wright can nab some evidence.