Regency fun center 3s players

Alright, you know, I was thinking about it, and GT I want to apologize for whatever may have been thrown off to you as negative energy.

Your response elicited a pissed off response from me, but regardless, let it be known that when I said to stop using the command hop, I was giving you advice, not to criticize your play.

Fuck you Ray Ramos, OLDE ENGLISH SUCKS.

ode engrish?

thank you happytang

i hear you on the hop thing tang, but like i said and let me refrase it, i do it to people who i know will get caught in it, or just to throw it out to mess up a game plan. but yeah thanks for apologizing instead of trying to criticize and actually helping and keeping it positive. unlike some other fucks in the forums. i respect everyone, but if you choose to just be negative, than negative feedback is what you get in return. im trying to improve, not to make enemys. sorry to anyone mainly lennin for coming off the wrong way. but the money match is still up for fun times.




he mashed it, but it was still cool.

well. what can i say son, im a beast

this guy’s siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick



regency 2nite niggas, get ready for the pwnage

GGs to whomever I played at AI last night.

Good games to a guy from here with the nickname spiffy I believe thats the name Hahaha, that was nuts when I got that Remy bug on your Urien. I was actually testing that glitch at wicked’s pad last night, but its been disabled in the PS2 version. Good matches to man, hope to see you at AI again soon.

WTF…Y’all niggas need to start posting in the RIGHT thread.

Wicked Element: WTF are you talkin about.

LWK: You mean Cerritos thread.

I missed out on wednesday beast day… so ima be there today around 4.30 if anyone cares… later homies…

There was some ppl from regency as well as some cerritos players at AI that night. So thats why I posted in both threads.
But yeah, I just wasn’t sure exactly who was there other than smiffy. :wonder:

i’ll see about meeting you there later mike. Don’t leave to early fagat.

fucking fagats.

btw, where the fuck is john.

tought he was gonna post like everyday now and shit.

I’m going to go today because I’m bored. Hope to see someone other than John and Jose there today.


I might show.