Regency fun center 3s players

i have one.


Dildo Knife time. :lovin:

regency 2nites faggs.

heard stixs kinda suck but fuck it.

Psh. If the sticks suck that bad I’m leaving after an hour.

that guy in 300 who lost his eye, his name was dildo too.

nobody cares

don’t bother going then.


since sticks are bad i will not be attending

way to prevent people from going regency! yay!


I can assure yo of one thing though.

They are better than AI sticks.

Imma leave for regency right now see you all there


Up goes up. Down goes down. Left goes block. Right goes parry. Don’t take Jaime’s word for it. Consider the fact he plays a CHARGE CHARACTER and goes out of his way to do random, stupid, ridiculous charge shenanigans.

(All of you been hit by whiff cross up fierce->EX RAZOR KICK! Don’t front)

So it’s understandable that he would be whiny about the condition of the sticks. But, for the rest of us-who play characters who can deal damage without slicing our wrists in an attempt to get a flash kick to combo after a boom after a parry from a jump in…


I’mma leave in a bit to pick up SPECIAL GUESTS* then go to RFC.

*No one that matters.

is anyone going to regency tonight?

GG’s bitches. My Remy is sick. Better than Jaime’s… SINCE MINE ACTUALLY WINS!!


Nice seeing the Cerritos guys show up.

We appreciate the ass kickings and the chance to learn from the dirty D! EX fireball ftw

Sanchez is Right.

And how the hell am I gonna get better if I keep playing the same people over and over? No more secret stealthy console sessions.

Tony and Ray, I know you guys have your sticks at my house, let me know when you wanna pick them up. I’m more than happy to take my gay partitioning shit elsewhere, especially where the sticks might actually work, and where there are other games to play than just 3s.

And Sanchez, sorry if my being gay is such a big fucking problem. I enjoy jokes and all, but you’re just an asshole.

See you guys around.

I just noticed something…

On the character list for 3S strats section the characters are listed in alphabetical order. Except Alex is before Akuma. Ha!

WTF are you seriuos :confused:

So does that mean you won’t be going to FFA either because pyro called you gay one time and he’s also an asshole?

Come on man, I know you’re smarter than to be willing to be throw it away for everyone on account of one person. You and I both know his Remy doesn’t win, he didn’t beat ME once last night. and I kept picking Dudley against him.

And if playing the same people over and over doesn’t make you better, how is it that I’ve come this far after starting to play 3s about a year and half after everyone else at regency?

We know the problem isn’t the pace of things because you joined in on the valle “hate” as he calls it, and were glad of where you played. You go to FFA with us too. Hell we even went to interface without the crew. So saying you’re calling off the console sessions quits because of one guys gay jokes just doesn’t sound like Jaime. It’s definitely something deeper, but if that’s how you really feel then fuck it man, maybe we’ll see you around when you give amir a ride to FFA or something.

piece out.

ps. Shogo is actually going to regency today to fix the sticks, so there you have it, maybe this could be the change you wanted.

It’s not just “one of his gay jokes.” I don’t mind gay jokes, i get them from you guys all the time, and I joke about fags all the time as well. Sanchez seems to have taken it a little too far and doesn’t know when to stop, and he indeed made me feel like shit the other day. When I confronted him about he just said he knew what he had done and that’s just the way he was and he didn’t care.

I like the fact he’s picking Remy, as it’s kinda cool being able to play against my own char for once, and learn different shit, but I can only take so much of his dumb shit. There’s jokes and then there’s jokes.

Sorry for being a bitch but that’s just the way I feel. Either way, I have to take work with me today and do some research, so I can’t do shit tonight anyways.