Regency fun center 3s players

Bet on it

Fuckin great. Money match Paper, rock, scissors anyone?

Bunch of retards…

ray give me a call on friday around 6.

haha wow…lenin you just wont stop at that fucking boringness talk. like your alex is the most interestingest thing to watch in the world. dude if its so boring than why is it that, when i play and pull some shit off on you or anyone, ray is saying “OOOO sick!” so if ray says something than that means to me that its interesting to watch. so please stfu with the negativity. damn dude, at least try to encourage or something. damn…

Ray says that shit to everybody, even if they don’t do sick shit. Just like he says, YOU GOT SO FUCKING LUCKY, even if he is stunned, with no life and you jab him.

damn, this thread is getting as gay as the ai one

There’s nothing fun about holding back and tapping fierce in 3s.
If you even tried to play Alex, you’d realize how much fucking harder it is to get a win with him. Half of his normals aren’t over prioritized bullshit like Chun. And his far reaching normals can be beaten out by fucking jabs. I’m not saying I’m a fucking beast or anything either…but I am saying that if I put as much time into chun as you have, I wouldn’t be hitting random buttons most of the time the way you do.

Ray says sick to anyone. He was calling Cedric a beast the other day, and we all know how cedric plays. Most of the time its a joke. Besides it being a joke, lets say you pull of something suuuuuuuuuuuper fancy and skillfull one day. Trust me man, the way you play, it was obviously luck, because when I mash I sometimes pull Dash Toward Fierce Kara EX Slash Elbow. That doesn’t mean I’m a bad ass, it means I’m a masher. Hope that kind of clued you in on something.

btw, before you get your panties all rumpled up and shit, I don’t money match Chuns, its pointless. Because when it matters, you’re just going turtle majority of the time, I’m going to get annoyed and do something stupid, and be punished for it.

Now if you wanted to play You alex, and Me chun, just to kind of show you how the match up works, then that would a different story.

And don’t use the excuse that you don’t know how to use Alex, because I don’t know how to use Chun. Little Jake beats the shit out of my Chun for free.


  • Kerrisa

Potential for Sarcasm goes unnoticed.


You fucks don’t want none of this shit. I beat Jose with straight Avalanche for 20 dollars. Don’t even try to hang with Sanchez at RPS. Fallback.

Sup Cyrus.

A while ago I went with Miguel to the Wendy’s near CSULB. Upon leaving the Wendy’s we ran into a group of LARP’ers on their way to a Renaissance fair. One of the guys pointed at Miguel and said he was a shoe in for 1st prize for best costume. I asked why he thought that and he responded with–

“I’ve never seen a better rendition of a gay Orc in my life!”

Dumbfounded, I looked over to Miguel as he chomped down his 4th Classic Triple and thought to myself:

I wonder he’ll get a money prize or if it’s just bragging rights.


this made me cum.

This thread is fucking gay, fagz :arazz:

Ok so, I didn’t make it to the tourney yesterday, but I did find 15 bucks, so I’m the real winner motha fuckaz. Not only that, but it was my last fuckign day of school…FUCK YEA:wgrin: :wgrin: :wgrin: :wasted:

And like, I’ve only slept like 4 hours everyday for the past week, and I’ve been tired as fuck for all of yesterday, but I still fucking managed to talk to Amir till 5 am about gay shit :confused: …and come to work at 7am… I pretty much hate this place, but atleast is my LAST FUCKING DAY, as I start my new job Monday :lovin: :lovin: :wgrin:
Oh, and I’m gonna start console shit Monday…It will be after 6 for sure, but not sure who I’m gonna pick up…depending on who I do pick up is when it will start in shit :confused:

good pies to you guys. sorry to senior ramos for a sloppy match =(
i’ll bring better game next time. bet on it



haha hitting random buttons… ohhhh sick~!~~! is it really that much harder to get a win with alex? trust me, the game wouldnt be a good game if it wasnt balanced. you’re talking about chuns priorities over alex’s fucking 3 hit combo that almost stuns you!? that freaking leaping fierce punch to elbow and hyper slash ? that already takes like half your life. and than once im down you dash towards me and play that fucking gay ass guessing grab game. you know that . little jab than super throw. please stop talking like chun is cheap when the game is balanced. if you were good enough, not saying that i am. i dont think you would be complaining. thats why we play the game to get better. you dont see Sanchez crying about that shit. and he plays with alex, and Q or whoever. this is just what i think, and im not even a good chun player. random buttons? its called playing mind games fool, or whatever you call it “zoning”

Omar says this “is gay”

Omar needs to go practice his ghost riding the whip skillz…

But yea, this is indeed quite gay.

anybody down for some sunday beastings? =]

yo anyone down to play at regency today? ill be there at like 6 =]

Ray I’ll catch you next time. I was too tired at the RanBat and just wanted to go home.

By home he means AI, since that’s where he went after he got kicked off ranbats right away :lovin: