Regency fun center 3s players

Lenin, can I be on your SBO qualifying team? I heard you get higher than Ray at Interface, so therefore you >>>>>>>> Ray.

I’ll bring cookies.

PS Ray quit telling Amir I have a big cock.

lol lol lol

if it’s for seriouses…I’ll work on that shit with you ray. I been practicing real fucking hard at home lately, and I definitely have an extremely positive outlook on the entire FFA tournaments and SBO qualifiers deal.

After yesterday though, I figured that regency probably isn’t the best place to practice because the sticks are really really really bad there. So we need to either keep to strict console play at like Jaime’s/Valle’s or start taking more than one trip a week to FFA. Because playing at regency is not going to help at all if we’re kept behind the line of decency due to shitty sticks.

I don’t think you should worry too much about what the “FFA guys” think though, ray, because in their eyes…Everyone sucks. That’s just how it is, I’ve had a few conversations with some of them and that’s just how they let it come out. Everyone knows Adolfo is one of the best in the country, but even he doesn’t get the credit due to him. So let’s not focus on their thoughts, instead lets just keep the game on mind.

One more thing…If we’re really thinking to take this to the max, we HAVE to, and I emphasize this, we HAVE to start going to the rest of the random tourneys in the area, and face up against people who will most likely be at qualifiers and we won’t have too much of an opportunity to go up against before then.

PS. Ray, the sticks were fucked up, but all it took was some getting used to. Don’t even say I got lucky because I was trying pretty hard. Not my hardest but pretty hard indeed.

With that said, I’mma go jack off.

[quote=“Dander, post:1463, topic:14147”]

PS. Ray, the sticks were fucked up, but all it took was some getting used to. Don’t even say I got lucky because I was trying pretty hard. Not my hardest but pretty hard indeed.

I didn said you got lucki bitch, you did pretty good, specially against Gootecks :pray: , that was some good shit, but me personaly i had a hard time :annoy: , and yeah we’re gonna fuck shit up for now on :nunchuck:

Yo I’m up for practicing at my crib. I don’t have kids/parents/stupid shit here. I don’t know if I will be able to make it to the ranbats since they are on weekends, and I’m not here weekends, but I do want to practice and go to as many tourneys during the week as possible, especially now that I wont have school :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

yoyo i’m down 2

regency 4 life

how about going to ucla, was there till 1030 with jr and adolfo

Ray has inspired me. Welcome to die, bitches!

ray you going to cal poly this weekend??? all you regency guys should hit that up.

calpoly this weekend, count team regency in…biatchesssssssssssss

hey ray gimme your aim.

Amir I’m going to own you now with UOH super.


I dont think u guys suck :sweat:

Amir sux cuz all he does on srk is search his name to see who talks about him on the forums :arazz:

I don’t know, if he could have been searching for “big cock” and found my post either way. :lovin: I know that’s how I find my most interesting posts. :wonder:

Oh, and was that training offer Ray?-Exclusive? Or was it for RFC in general?:sweat:

Randomly types the words Amir and big cock for searching purposes



uh mirror

aite bitches be ready tonight because you’re gonna get your asses handed to you by General SCRUBBY SCRUB SCRUB…THRILLAH!!! YES ITS THRILLAH NIGHT!


oh and about ray getting serious…dude if i am able to beat you once tonight than thats sayin something…

PS: ill be recording with my psp camera.


sup bitches

I’m serious about doing it at my place, graduation in less than a week and a half = free afternoons FTW.

So far I know Ray “You got so fucking lucky” Ramos, Leninade, Leo and RC from AI…probably other AI people too, and I haven’t asked but I’m sure Sanchez as well maybe RFC Tony too. You’re welcome to join :wgrin: Anyone else let me know.

My new job will be in Carson, I don’t mind giving rides (just ask Sanchez), as long as we do it during the week after 5pm when I get off work.

Also, I thought Ray’s favorite site was’sGay.php

Lets get this shit going!:nunchuck:

well for starters we should meet up at regency tonight at about 6

so yeah see you there, we’ll talk about it then and hold hands

shogo and amir should definitely show up, unless its too far of a drive for shogo, then I’d probably kicking it off with the rides.

I’ve never been given a blowjob on the freeway…