Regency fun center 3s players

For anyone wondering–

Our resident homo, Jaime, is currently is Mexico. This explains Jose excessive increase in faggotry over the last few days.

Any of you guys going to the San Diego tourney? RazorRamos, I’m looking in your direction.

Scott told me to spam the RFC thread. So here goes…
Order now to increase the size of your penis for only 49.95. But wait theres more, if you order now we’ll give you an additional month’s supply absolutely free. This a special RFC thread offer and supplies are limited. ORDER NOW!!!
Oh yea something about AI tuesday tourney blah blah something like that.

Hi guys. I play at regency every once in awhile. I play a gold and black ibuki, maybe you guys have played me?

regency, cum to ai tourney, i swear there’ll be at least one hot asian girl that wears pocketless jeans and mebbe it’ll be nice and crowded and you could rub your butt against her butt and she’ll get the vibes and start getting wet in her panties but she’s not wearing any so you’ll see whatever wet spot there is

in conclusion, please cum

To tame the world again, let us keep resisting them.

today’s a great day to play magic the gathering

no it’s not

sanchez, come and do your british accent 3s commentary. i swear we need to create a mock tourney video and pretend we’re in britian.

Scrubulous: a scrub with such a high level of scrubicity that if there was a world composed of scrubs he would be the clouds

Good zing.:tup:

Anyone going tonight? Ramos? Jose? John? Cyrus? Jake? Punjabi? Cedric? Doogie Howser? Roland? Shady? Irish Joey? SCSA?

C’mon guys! Jaime and I will show up around 5ish.

i’m going now.

i like the way you didn’t even bother posting my name on that list…:frowning:

I’d have gone if I’d known earlier. My schedule’s looking a little off the walls, but Monday / Wednesday nights are good for me with having class at 12:30 Tues and Thurs.

I’ll be there Wednesday tho’, and I’ll bring Cerritos Shady.

GG’s to all tonight.

Props to Jose for being a Mexican, John for doing the stupidest combos, and that CSULB guy for showin up and trying to Stun Gun me.:rofl:

And thanks for Jaime for bringing me that tequila from Mexico.:tup:

Leninade? is TopTier.

I’ll see you bums there tomorrow night with ol’ Shady. Not Shadini. Shady. Cerritos comin’ back.

GG’s gentlemen.

Tonight was some vintage classic shit. Especially when Jutsin Wong showed up during closing and OWNED up Miguel like the sack of stupid he is…


that was the shittiest night ever. drove straight from work and to only play two games.

ray mis shaved.

Ha wtf…

I’ll be outside fixing a car, so I guess I’ll be in this shithole from like 6 - 7 or something. Maybe earlier. I"m only going to pop in and play one game vs. computer, unless there is somebody else there playing.

Who’s showing up tomorrow? My back is all fucked up–I’m not sure I’ll go, but then I think to myself:

If I don’t go, who’s going to keep Ray from sodomising the machine?

My sodomizing him will…

I might be here tomorrow around 5-7. Anyone going to play? iwst99?

ill play.