Regency fun center 3s players

fuck yo cat niggah.

and ray, the sticks are actually fine now, the jab button is the only problem and that can be fixed by just holding the button and moving.

and as for that video, you shoulda shown a better one than that, cause that guy in the blue fought like a little bitch…and then tried to play it off as good fighting.

What a pussy.

The guy in the brown shorts had a shitty wake up game. He finally got blue shorts on the ground and what the fuck does he do? He lets blue shorts get up with wake up low kick, that’s stupid. Brown shorts should have thrown out low MK into Super Stomping. They couldn’t even tech throws!

Fucking scrubs.

i found this vid. i think its pretty fucking funny.

aite mofos whos going to the west coast qualifiers, i registered yesterday its way cheper than if you try to do it the day of the event.
whoever’s going let me know and like i said register know.

come on.

i’m registered, but i need a place to stay. ha!

I registered for EVO West already.

chris, fuck yo cat niggah.

seriously fuck you ray ramos
im tired of your shit
you are fucking worse then a scrub… BITCH
you aint got shit on me

no fro= no go

1 for 5 :frowning:

why’d you shave your fro?..pubic lice? (yes, in your head)

i’ll be in chicago when evo west rolls around.

oh well, Better Luck Tomorrow :rolleyes:

i got a job AKA sold out to The Man

Not the same no more, man. You need to change your name to “Mars Howard”.

You’ve Messed Whit The Fro, You’ve Got To Go


Nacho Libre this weekend? Eh? Eh? Eh?

i saw it last night. if you liked Napoleon Dynamite, you’ll like this. same director. same humor.

I didn’t like Napolean Dynamite.

But i like lucha libre, will I like it now?

well at least I won’t just call you, “hey fro-boy! you’re up!”


who else wants to give me their money?