Regency fun center 3s players

Lakewood is near Long Beach…so the answer to your redundant question is, yes.

fagats, fagats, faggats.

O, Tony Where Art Thou?

Easily one of the best tips Ray Ramos ever gave me-

“There some fineass bitches at IKEA.”

just trying to find some arcade players… been outta the game for 5 years… got my @ss handed to me in Diamond Bar and stopped playing at that point due to moving and not finding any locals that played… But I finally found my copy I ordered 3? years ago or something like that still in the packaging. Any people play there on weekends? basically the only time I would be able to make it as I live in Santa Barbara county but have friends in Anaheim and LB.

Wednesday is the day to show. You’ll get regulars and surprise special guests!

Weekends, on average, are not popping. But post up when you’ll show–we’re a friendly lot and we will try to accommodate.

Also, be sure to introduce yourself.

serious, we get people showing up and asking a random person who’s who, but never bother coming up to us to say anything.

We enjoy hanging with new people, seeing as a few our older fellows have been dying off.
Rip, John, Mike Tea, and Tony.

you’re all fags btw.

Juan beasting on Ray for three wins in a row is too sick.

Quote of the night:

“?if there?s one thing I hate, it?s incanting in Latin.”


i ordered that copy like 3 or 4 years ago and my Ma forgot about it, (I was outta country and it was my coming home gift to myself)

tonight I will try myself out at medium and see if I got it still or not… once I figure if I am decent once again I will let some peeps know, but for the most part it will be a weekend… it’s just too far for me to go on a weekday through LA to LB and back to northern Santa Barbara county in one night after working the entire day and having to go back to work the next morning.

if it’s a weekend, just post up, I might go down, seeing as we don’t do anything on weekends anymore.

LA to LB = 15mins

LB to Santa Barbara = roughly 2 hours.

am I correct?

I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

more like 2 1/2 but its 3 hours if there’s traffic (like that never happens) but I already live an hour out of SB… so quite a bit.

But for certain I will post here… I subscribed to this thread for that purpose.

So i got a few hours in today and realized 2 things…

1 I suck pretty badly…
2 My wireless gamepad doesnt help…

does anyone know of a decent arcade style stick?

depends on how much you’re willing to spend and whether or not you’re into the Japanese setup or American setup.

You’ve got your HRAP Sticks on Ebay or Lik- Sang or whatever the fuck those sites are for Japanese.


Hit up for an american stick. If you want small, go with the nova, if you don’t care, just look around and choose. I prefer the one with the white sticker top thing over the rest…but that’s just me. Also might want to consider switching out the stick with like a perfect 360 for MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY!

Consider hitting up regency sometime this weekend, I’m sure we’d all be willing to show up and help you out. I know I would try.



So is my Ken better than Dudley?

this weekend is a no-can do… pretty much broke… but pay day is next friday, I am sure I can make it down there then. I’ll keep people posted. will look in to the sticks mentioned.

Whats the difference between the US and JPN set-ups? I played on a Korean Cabinet but everything was the same visually… meaning 6 buttons (on the right) and a 16 way stick (on the left) for each player.

it’s really only the stick.

the japanese have the lollipop while the american sticks have like the handle bar.

I dunno.

Out of the two games I played you I’d say you’re manageable with dudley, and annoying with Ken.

Fuck that punk ass Ken

who are you? Are you UCLA?

I don’t want to be manageable, I want to be annoying. What better way to win than to frustrate your opponent into submission!

btw you got soooo lucky!!!1

Only when you mash like crazy. :wgrin: