Regency fun center 3s players


GGs yesterday to Dagger G, Leviathan IIDX and Edma. (And that random black guy).

Good luck to everybody at quals.

fuck you I’ve driven everytime this month you can drive yourself and us or not bother going at all because Sanchez hasn’t driven more three times since I’ve known him. So let make him drive. Or Jose. Or once again, you.


No actually he was turned down. I was trying to say that I would’ve given it to him.

I don’t know why the fuck I’m here, but yea, Me and Som changed the left side 3rd strike 360’s, I’m working tomorrow so if anyones not on the machine and I’m not occupied I’ll change the Right side if i can find the other spare 360’s hidden from my knowledge.

you guys need to calm down on the cabs though, the left side of the base is practically falling apart. I messed with the other 3rd strike cab a few weeks ago with “only yamazaki” it started to work better than what it was but still not up to par with the main cab. I’ll fuck with it periodically since from what we’ve seen, it needs a completely new panel because whoever drilled it fucked up a little. and that a little is whats making it a little, shitty. Still works though.

I can’t make magic happen though, let me know in person I guess and I’ll take a note of it. I know I know, You mofos been telling me the sticks suck for a while, and it took a while to finally get it changed, like i said, we didn’t have any 360’s to use, seems like we might have a few now though. only yamazaki’s been taking care of the cabs as much as he can though, so most of the improvements or maintenance are as result of him working on shit. I can only take credit for uh, cleaning the mofos so they are nice and clean?

—I’ll be back to check on these forums in another 6 months or something. If we get both 3rd strikes going good again… I’ll set up tournaments like the old days.

oh yea this be johnie

edited because one good turn deserves another.

edited ** balsamic vinegar ^^

Everything, Scott. Everything.

Now before you guys try to nail ol’ Johnny boy to a cross let us examine his statement (which will be rather hard since he managed to NINJA-edit his post).

It’s difficult to infer which group of degenerates he’s referring to. Given the focus of this very forum one could assume he is directing his anger towards the 3S community at AI. But, he mentions “DRUMMANIA” which leads me to believe his rage lies not with the 3s’ers but the the “DRUMMANIA”'ers.

My point is that without more context Johnny’s words aren’t easily interpreted.

So let’s just forget this ever happened and go back to our regularly scheduled talks about going out to eat with Kerissa, sans Kai.

which is fine cuz i don’t play the 3’S

regency tonite bitchez, might be there around 7ish.

She took all the winnings as soon as I took it out.

Whatever future winnings I may hold, will automatically go to her.

Apparently so she can treat you guys.

i went to regency tonight. I played the computer.

Ramos is on a streak.

well, like everybody know already, regency tomorrow biatchez, dunno whats the situation with the fucking stixs some foos say theyre good some others say theyre garbage, so fuck it, im still showing up mofos. ill be there like around 7ish.

i think 1p side is fine, 2p side is kinda whack

I’m with Tony on this one.

aww thanks I think you’re cute too.

show up tonight faggot.

enjoy you sobs…

Anyone going tomorrow evening? I’mma be there from 5ish until close (assuming people show up).

Ramos? Lee? Chavez? Tea? I’m looking in you guy’s direction.