Red Hot Combos: Combos/Resets Thread

Regarding the combo I mentioned earlier…

As far as I’ve been able to tell, the hit stun degradation prevents you from conveniently expanding on this particular combo. Also, Air Joe is best added on in the corner as some characters will be just out of place to be carried with it for long.

However, it’s a fantastic set up for resets. By omitting Air Joe at the end, you can use an air dash which will pass underneath characters. With a slight delay, you can create a cross up combo.

So, after (:l: Groovy Uppercut,)…

Air Dash (delay) j.:s: (:h: Red Hot Kick) (Mach Speed) :u:, :m: :m: :h: :up:, :m: :m: :h: :u:, :m: :h: :s:

By dashing, not dashing, or double jumping after the Groovy Uppercut you have a handful of attack options as the opponent air recovers.

Warioman good shit amigo

adding these combos right now

i bought it first day was gonna post these but you got here before me.

updated for now gonna eat dinner and ill be back to update more with damage #s.

  1. There should be more discussion/experimentation methinks. I haven’t really messed around with the slowing super at all but am interested to know the damage that could come of it.

  2. I don’t have the guide and am curious to know the frame advantage Joe has after his H. RHK and if there is any invincibility on his DP’s

  3. If you’re doing this sequence and the opponent blocks feel free to continue the combo until the first M. Upper. Immediately following this you can either dash, use S. to crossup, etc.

M> H> c.H> Med. Upper> H> jc > M> H> M. RHK> Air dash forward> H> M. RHK> H. RHK> delayed lauch> M> H> jc> M> H> jc> M> H> M. RHK> M. RHK> Desperado or M. RHK

Desperado = 635,4000
M. RHK = 501,400

Yes, this can be done midscreen. Yes, it’s very sexy. :woot:

Note: If you get in with IAD S you should straight into H> c.H because of damage scaling. Joe needs all the damage he can get.

Good stuff Daedalus, I’m def gonna use that as my BnB from now on. As for Slow combos, I usually do a variation of the one that Trag came up with. I’ll start with c.:l: as a frame trap of sorts if they try to press buttons. Then combo into launcher followed by as many j.:h: xx RHK’s I can dish out before hit stun gets too low. And of course you can always finish it off with a Desperado. Not sure about damage specifics.

Or if they try to block low:

f.:m:, :dp:+:m:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:m:, Airdash, j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcb:+:h:, Launch > fancy air stuff. Again, dunno bout damage #'s, sorry.

Ok guys, so I did some experimenting with Air Joe tonight.

So far i haven’t been able to use it to produce a combo more damaging than some of the best we’ve listed in the thread so far, but it’s definitely full of potential.

Air Joe is executed by quickly tapping the attack button 3 times. Depending on
The strength of the button used, the length of Joe’s string of attacks changes. Both the :l: and :m: versions can conveniently combo into j.:h: and therefore used to extend Joe’s air strings.

For instance, using Air Joe to elaborate on Joe’s standard air combo results in this…

:s::u:, j.:m:j.:m:j:h:xx(:l: Air Joe,)j.:h::u:,j.:m:j.:m:j:h:xx(:l: Air Joe,):h::u:,j.:m:j.:m:j:h:xx(:l: Air Joe,):h::s:

I also started incorporating it into different versions of the Groovy Upprrcut juggles we’re all using, but none of the results have been more damaging than Daedalus’ recently posted combo. Of course, I haven’t tried blending it in with that one yet either.

Because it ramps up the hit count, the hit stun degredation is definitely giving me problems. For now though, it seems like a great way to tack damage and comboability to anti-air combos if you happen to meet someone super jumping or if you interrupt an air dash.

Wow I didn’t realize thatbthe different strength air joes were different. Thanks teben!(what’s up from gbx in the old days! That let’s me find a finisher for the combo I was trying
430k no meter probably tack on god hand with a otg assist. Cr.m,cr.h -> dp+m, j.h-> qcb+h, j.h -> qcb+ m air dash h,s land s, j.h,dj.h,tj.h, m air Joe, s.

Maybe best damage for no meter right now.

In Joes B&B from the brady guide, after launching the opponent into the air you hit them with an aerial H, then double jump and use, M, H, S, H Red hot kick…

Now following this red hot kick you’re meant to use M then S to re-launch the opponent before he hits the ground, however I’m finding hitting with M to be pretty inconsistant due to the extremely small hitbox of the move. Does anyone have any advice for timing this? As things are at the moment it’s just luck whether I land it or not.

EDIT:Disregard this i’m just going to use the launcher on it’s own instead, much easier and it’s only measily damage anyway.

Yea im not a joe main but im thinking of playing him as a main, from the streams i saw they just use :s:, is it that much damage or will it scale?

Ok guys… I don’t have the guide and I’m sorry if tragic has already done this one (I can’t recheck the videos at the moment, slow net)

I haven’t been able to replicate this exactly, I can’t remember my opening string, and it varies off how many hits you get off jumping :s: but if you absolutely need to kill anyone with 950,000 or less, this should work.

That being said I somehow managed to get it to 962,200 using some variation. I may have just added an extra :m: in one of the triple jump things.

Done on Captain America 944,900 damage in the Corner: Corner, 1 bar of meter, 1 OTG assist (I was using wesker low gun) and level 1 X-factor

j.:h:, s. :h:, Cr.:h:, :f::d::df::h:, fall a little bit, j.:h:, double jump, j.:h:, :d::db::b::h: (2 hits) land KFC, s.:h: :s: SJC j.:m: j.:h: double jump j.:m:, j.:h:, triple jump j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, land, OTG assist, :f::d::df::atk::atk:, sjc j.:s:.

If you don’t want to use X-factor you have to delay your initial fall off the uppercut as much as possible and also delay the :h: and :s: launch off the RHK and will see approx 530-550K damage for 1 bar and 1 assist. I have an idea that at least the X-factor one can work midscreen.

Then again, I just started fooling around with Joe today and haven’t read much of the thread. Your combos may be more practical/probably are, but this may lead to some other cool stuff. Fun fact: you can technically delay the j. :h: off the :h: uppercut and actually and and do instant j. :h: instead of doing a double jump cancel. It’s all up to you.

Check out the Joe combo that starts at 1:48…


Transcribed as follows:

IAD, j.:m:, j.:h:, Land, std.:h:, c.:h:, :dp:+:m:, j.:h:, :qcb:+:h:, Land, Instant j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, Airdash, j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, Airdash, j.:h:, j.:s:, Land, std.:s:, sj.:h:, Double Jump, j.:h:, Triple Jump, j.:h:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcf:+:atk:+:atk:

Not sure bout damage #'s (TBH, was having trouble hitting the j.:h: after the first :qcb:+:h:)

'Tis indeed viewtiful, but I think the Daedalus/FlashMetroid BnB is still the best right now.

I have a similar combo that i found (or not) that goes:

IAD, J.:m:, j.:h:, land (i like to hold up to continue the combo), j.:m:, j.:h:,(slight delay) j.:s: then any combo after that. it’s just mostly the fact that joe can continue that loop a little bit, and have high low tricks with the instant jump :m: to :h: the jumping :s: is there so you can continue into a combo from there.

Less X Factor combos. Anyone can do ridiculous damage with a simple magic series xx hyper with X Factor.

also XFC>KFC

Can shocking pink hit otg? If it can, has anyone tried to practice any combos with it? I know it will be hard because you would have to time the bomb just right. I would try it now but im busy with school work.

I’m new to this game and I have interest in Viewtiful Joe. Can someone list for me the absolute easiest bnbs Joe has? I’d like to start by memorizing that and then progress from there.

It can otg all three of them but i really dont know how hard it would be i can experiment with this. I know for a fact it otgs but it is 2 seconds at the least to explode so i would use the 6 second bomb and this would prolly use xfc.

It’d prolly be hard to set up in a real match, but you can drop a :l: or :m: Shocking Pink, then immediately throw them into the OTG explosion for a full combo off :dp:+:m:. I’ve also heard of people using Joe’s Shocking Pink assist for some unique corner combos, don’t have examples, but definitely something to explore a bit.

Couldn’t hurt to start here:


The combos are transcribed in the video description.

Just wanted to share the combo I use after Viewtiful Godhand most of the time:

Overhead, :dp:+:m:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:m:, Airdash, j.:h:, :qcb:+:h:, Land, :s:, slight delay j.:h:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcb:+:h:, Land, :s:, slight delay j.:h:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:m:, :qcb:+:h:, Land, Viewtiful Godhand.

Not including the first Godhand, this does 623,300. It works anywhere on the screen and builds a meter for the 2nd Godhand for free.