Recent MvC2 Vids

MvC2: Hulk 11 Fierce Combo:

Hulk Meterless 100%Sequences (3 Variations):

Shit, 8 hours of Hulk combosā€¦ Nice results though.

Thank you. That was my first time doing Hulk combos, so it took me awhile to understand how his combos work.

Hulk to me always had the weirdest linkers, which I think is why most people in the post-2004 era generally ignored him. JWong destroyed me with Mag/Hulk/Doom for a while back at The Last Stand (I think, around that time) and opened my eyes to what you could do with him. Too bad heā€™s so big/unwieldy.

Hereā€™s some Pre #37 Reloaded matches at Super Arcade:

That timeover draw. In 14 years, that might be the first time Iā€™ve ever seen one in MvC2 :wtf:

Also glad to see Duc still around and doing his thing. <3

Yeah Duc was showing signs of life.

Edit: Next to Jwong vs Daigo at #37 Reloaded, they could have gone for a Santhrax vs Duc Do match. Complete the visit to the past.


MvC2 (37 Reloaded) stream will be starting in a short while

Duc vs Sanford picking up where they left off in '06 :blush:

For anyone who missed it - 37 Reloaded Top 8 is up on Youtube

Alt link to 37 Reloaded

Thanos Unblockable (Testing)

Ace gets a 7.9 on the Magnetometer.

That Thanos unblockable is weird. Opponent goes back to neutral after being launched, but canā€™t block the ballā€¦? Is that the only super in the game with those properties?

Does anybody know where I can watch the NEC 15 - Santhrax vs Jwong ft. 10?


Ah thanks!

small tourney starting at 1:56:00

MvC2 got lots of air time last time at Super Arcade.

UGC streaming MVC2 in recent weeks UGC MvC2 sessions [link]

NorCal Regionals 2015:
Winners Finals
Losers Finals
Grand Finals


  1. Jwong (Matrix)
  2. Spider-Dan (Strider/Doom/Cyclops, Strider/Doom/Commando)
  3. Tharimrattler (Storm/Sentinel/Colossus)
  4. Rxl Sp33dR4c3r (Cable/Sentinel/Cyclops, Cable/Sentinel/Commando)
  5. BryanPapa (Thrax)
  6. Chris G (Hayato/Cammy/Tron, Charlie/Chun/Spiral)