Recent MvC2 Vids

Hey Romento, I just moved from Chicago to NY. Is there any gatherings for MVC2? Would love to play some peeps.

It is Romneto. That’s a common typo, no worries.

I am from Chicago too. Send me a private message and we will discuss MvC2 sessions.

MvC2: 2 Old 2 Furious Highlights

Smoothviper and that pause. :smiley:

Sanford vs Yips FT100:

They’re still playing. O_O

Yipes 81-96 Sanford.

Archive is here. Sanford vs Yipes Race to 100 begins at around 2:40:00

YT version might be here soon:

Wellman was saying how Clockw0rk didn’t want to accept a f.t.100, but I get it.

Sanford vs Yipes being uploaded in manageable 30-minute segments.

‘Run It Back’ (NYC) MvC2 Tournament

Team Tournament:

Singles Tournament:

from evo14 khaos vs josh360 ft10, hype as fugg. i always miss the side mvc2 hype every evo … :’(

that cable man 17:02

Not recent but might as well.

I think the older members remember him, Curse aka @TheMummy‌ from here and GameFAQs. He released a compilation vid :smile:

Finally, Higher Anakaris gameplay. Its been a good year for mvc2 so far

Thanks 4neqs! I uploaded the Anakaris Compilation video on Youtube as well.

Enjoy! :slight_smile:

SoCal MvC2

Psylocke Quadruple Infinite Combo:

This is the first Psylocke Quadruple Infinite Combo ever created.

Good videos lately.

Romneto, how many hours do you spend in lab still?

<3 Mummy PV

damn anakaris looks so sick, this compilation video inspires me to pick him up again. good stuff mummy.

Thank you.

My time in the lab varies. It took just over 2 hours for me to execute the Psylocke quadruple infinite combo. I didn’t even do it exactly how I wanted to do it. My goal was to do the quadruple infinite without using an assist. It is definitely possible, but it’s much more difficult.

On Friday I worked on Hulk combos for 7 or 8 hours. I never knew he had so much comboability! For example, I believe he may be the only character in the game who can combo a lk after a falling (from a superjump), hk on a standing character.

That lab time resulted in some Incredible (pun intended) stuff: 11 fierce combo and several meterless 100% sequences. I’ll post the videos in this topic.