Rebuilding our knowledge base

Here’s another thought. Just to save space, howabout I don’t include the stuff stickied since they’d be redundant anyway.

How’s this thread going? I’m just now done obsessing over reskinning the boards.

I’ll probably create a new knowledge base thread, separated and organized into multiple posts later tonight (which is early tomorrow morning for regular folks).

did you get my email d3v?

Yes, I’ll go through it later though.

We’re just that good. :cool:

I’d hope your sharing the wealth, but Stylish doesn’t agree with Linux Chrome. Or it doesn’t agree with MY Linux Chrome.

Damn Straight…also helps that I had nothing to do in the morning…

Is there a Stylish extension now for Chrome? Chrome can install natively as JS but it kind of sucks. It renders the page and then makes the changes. Firefox and Opera can make the changes before rendering the page.

Yeah, there’s been one for about 6 months at least. I knew about it shortly after you posted the old styles for SRK. However, it’s unstable in Chrome and crashes constantly. At least it does on Linux, but I haven’t tried it on Windows (don’t even have Windows to try it out on).

NICE! Thanks chuu :slight_smile:

How does Opera run for you in Linux? It’s been my browser of choice for a while now. It doesn’t even need an extension to load the skin.

happy to be of assistance.

I haven’t really messed with it in Linux lately. It doesn’t theme well with GTK, and Chrome does what I need it to. Plus, unless its changed lately, I HATE Opera’s ad-blocking setup.


Darn. It’s been a while since I’ve used Linux but no GTK would also irritate me. Gnome FTW.

For real, although I don’t use Gnome. I stick to Openbox, but when Fedora 15 releases tomorrow, I’m going to give Gnome 3 a shot. If I hate it, back to Openbox.

I think Opera really only skins in QT. If it doesn’t, it skins entirely independently, which makes it ugly in both Gnome and KDE environments.


foams at mouth

I agree, we are here to talk about the knowledge base for SRK tech Talk’s Guides, not Linux. Far as I concern there is no Linux, it does not exist, not with in the confines of this thread, the board this universe.
Now I just need to find a thread with a good daisy chain example. GRRrrrrrrrrrr…

Sigh. Want to update my 3 tutorials so that the cross links to the proper threads work. But with a 5 image limit… what will happen if I dare hit edit on the first post of these threads?

Daisy Chain you say?


Thanks. I ended up using it to help some one with their first mod, and I added it to my list of links on my The Beginners guide to planning a Mod like a Pro thread. I want to update the links I had provided. The guide is also going to be the used for the first part of my Otakon Panel. I will know next week if my application to hold the panel is accepted or not. Which reminds me, I do not want to plagiarize so besides giving credit to any tech talk members whose have guides I borrow info from, it be only right if I asked them if I use their materials.
Rtdzign, since you are already here I asked you first, are you cool with me using using some of the info and pictures from some of your post for the panel?