here’s a 'gay’gis setup that i use:
i set a jab headbutt in two ways:
a)cr. jb(x2)->jb DH or
b)cr sht->jb DH
then immediately upon landing 3P aegis. this juggles for 1hit. then dash fp. DH to land on the opposite side. finaly dash foward twice. now u have several options as your opponent is rising :
a)safe: jump back Rh. if it hits follow with a ‘volley’ combo of your choise. i usually do (cr fwd, ,walk in cr fwd, ,walk in cr jb(x2), ,cr fp, w/e juggle).
im not to sure if this is an unblockable but i often connect the jp back Rh. the problem w/ this setup is that most ppl will crouch the second time they c it so…
b)they saw it already: instead jump straight up and rh (most ppl will take the hit but its cr damage now :badboy: ), then cr. fp(1hit)->jb DH or rh takle on smaller chars(i couldnt think of a better combo for this senario, so if anyone comes up w/ something lemme know)
b1)mixup: or jp up rh, wait then n+throw. after the n+throw be ready to juggle w/ a takle, dash DH,cr fp., etc.
i have to be honest, i didnt put too much work into situation b/b1 because i feel jp back rh is safer. even if they getup crouching after the jp bk rh, i still have enough time to set up 2-3 high/low situations( =free damage).
c)high/low wakeup: as they rise into the mirror f+fp(x2)doesnt combo or cr fwd(follow up w/ volley combo).
like b/b1 i dont use to often. instead of 2 f+fp u can mixit up (f+fp, walk in throw into mirror, etc.)
one thing u have to be carefull with when using the jb headbutt setup is that most chars can slip underneath it: elena(df+rh) ibuki(df+fwd) yun(qcf+jb) yang(qcf+p) sean(qcb+P) alex(ex elbow) urien(cr strg). and if u decide to hover over the shotos u can garantee a dp for the trade. some chars can get under w/ their SAs so thats why its best to jump back and decide what to do on the way down(parry,rh,nothing)
i usually go for this setup if its a close match and its necessary that i take the last 15-25% of energy. gimme some feedback on this one :karate:
here’s a weird setup i use for the dragon twins when i feel like wasting meter:
near corner/semi-midstage
cf fp, ex DH, strg DH (they safe fall), strg SA3 (yun/yang should now b about a character space away from the corner), rh takle as he rises. u ground crossover at the last second putting him in UBS. u can replace rh takle w/ 2 foward dashes but the timing is tricky
lastly, what r some good corner combos against alex in the corner w/o using meter. i find i hard to land any good juggles on him since he appears to fall quickly.