The issue with elected officials is that they can’t be easily yanked out whenever they go against their voters’ wishes. That and none of them really go in to pass legislation. They go in to make contacts. That influence is what spurs the lobbying industry and why they give no fucks about what you really want. Vote me out after one term? That’s fine. I already know all the people I need to talk to for influence and will sell that experience to a lobbying firm for a high six-figure salary.
It should be 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% illegal for any elected official to ever work as or for a lobbyist.
Oh fuck yeah.
Having Insider Info and pals in the system, that is some dirty shit seeing any formerly elected official as a Lobbyist.
Maybe have a period where said official can’t be a lobbyist for at least 5 years, and even then he has to take a non-paid/volunteer position with a worthy non-profit.
Like benefiting charity or education or something to that effect, Absolute ban on any private/corporate interests of any kind.
And no Club Fed 6 months in jail shit, I speaking minimum 35 years in Federal Super Max, General population.
The fucking Anti-vac supporter who was a medical doctor and should know better, just happen to be running for office why pretending to be the female Burnie minus the bad hair.
No wonder no one takes the Green Party seriously. Although Stein is the most groomed person they had , usually the Green party send out who ever just happens to owns a suit knows what hygiene is and looks presentable to public as the majority of the party looks like old dirty hippies from the 60s and 70s and their national convention takes place in someone’s dinning room.
All that is left is Gary Johnson, and despite he not suited for office ether is not a hypocrite like Stine or a criminal/idiot like Hilary or Trump.
Gary is more of a Bush level idiot instead of full blown pass-potato Trump level idiot who felt the Republican party can go fuck off and switch to Libertarian.
Difference between Hilary and Trump is Hillary has the sense to do her angry rants behind closed doors and not on twitter, but Hillary has more of a mean streak and often threaten peoples carers when she don’t get her way.
So we have Shrilliry, Drumpf, a fucking Antivac idiot and Bush if he had a extra +1 to int and Wis.
Wouldn’t that kill them off too? To be honest I believe it’s the Jewish people who want all whites dead. Not to go off topic but it makes sense what with everything happening in the world.