Rate me thread (vids)

I know that Rolento’s s.mp is anti-air, but they jump in an angle that it doesn’t work.
It’s not that I let them jump, they jump everytime I’m trying to do something, just as Hail And Kill said: they do too much random stuff, and it makes me dizzy.

Activation with Rolento against a jump-in: I’ve never connected a CC, they always block!

I just don’t use Bison because I can’t PTF at all. Shoshosho sometimes work, but only in P1 side.

about video 4, Shin (A-groove) is very good in PTF and Shoshosho, he even connects those 1 frames links (hk tatsumaki, s.lp, activate, d.mk, s.mk, shoshosho). and he’s also consistent on RC. However, he usually loses to scrubish tactics

if they block CC, then throw.

all of you jump too much. just learn ratio 4 sagat and uppercut them when they jump in and youre 100% gaurteed to win every time.

LoL are you fn serious?
this stuff like is cpu vs cpu matches

jk man i <3 you all

lol. That is actually a good plan. Seriously, listen to dentron, you’ll win. JUST DO IT!

Don’t forget for K-groove, When he’s raged, he’s a beast!

And like people said STOP THE JUMPING! I mean it’s so bad I can probally own most of you with my fricken R4 S-Ryo that whoops at my school (yeah, they’re horrible, I OCV’ed with Yuri in A.)

Not bad Blazn, come to T7. :tup:

Re: How to play morrigan

gumber is right, do not do her air fireball. That just puts up a flag that says “Punish me, please”

When you play as her, have one goal: Land her raging demon (Darkness Illusion). Thats it. So get good with it.

Before you’re raged, aim to get c.lk->c.mp->c.mk->c.hk chain. When they fall down, throw a slow fireball, then dash (fly) in and mix it up. Hit them high forward. Cross them up and hit them high. Cross them up, land, hit them low. Dont cross them up, land, hit them low. Don’t cross them up, command throw. Cross them up, command throw. Run and quick drill down, combo to c.lk -> c.hk. Don’t throw fireballs to mix up the timings sometimes. Do jump -> Instand D.hk (drill) to work that guard bar. Dash quick then land and block to bait out DPs. You get the picture.

The best thing Morrigan has in her mixups is that if you, as the player, aren’t even 100% sure if something is going to cross up, not cross up, or cross up then land un crossed up, how is your opponent? Keep them on their toes.

As far as her Darkness Illusion goes, learn ways to land it. c.lk->s.hl->DI, c.hp -> DI, fly, lp->DI (in the air). Dash cross up, c.lk->s.hk -> DI. So many ways, you’ll have your opponent shitting their pants. Mix it up with command grabs when they get block happy.

And don’t burn your meter on random supers. Wait for it. Many times, you’ll land the DI right when your meter is about to expire, it’s worth it to wait. I’d rather do no super in the hopes that I can squeeze out a DI than a random super with half a bar left. Only do any other super if you have a good AA opportunity (uppercut super).

Or, just read Buktooths guide, because he can actually win tourneys with her and not just local games (like me).

you guys are amazingly solid, like OG solid. come to t7 and win cvs2 with me :sad:

Hi, i’m not sure if this thread is still active and all, but ill try…
This is a cvs2 match from a while ago, i would like some critics and stuff >D
heres the link:


I liked the Rock the best.
There’s no real need to jump with Cammy.
Learn spacing and punishment situations better.
Block more
Learn to poke better.

Hi, i’m posting another video. I was quite nervous this day, specially on this match, so theres a lot of mistakes, and a lot of jumping too >D, I think I know what will be the most critics but still, i want to hear them >D

heres the link: [media=youtube]FD9gVsdAl7Q[/media]

The second video isn’t up yet, but on the first video, basically what nick t said.

With Rock
No Random qcb+fp, it’s always punishable, at least the other ones sometimes aren’t.

With everyone
Learn to punish better, you misses alot of opportunities to do some really big damage and just ended up throwing or something. Learn more effective punishment as that is often how you get big damage in this game.
No wake up supers! Sure every once in awhile they are useful, but I’d suggest cutting them out of your game entirely until you play more and can see when they are useful.

OMFG ME TOO ME TOO !!! here is me OCVing xbox live’s #1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=X2sU_gIYSkc

those are cool gamefaqs colors.

opinions please

I would like for you guys to comment those 2 matches about my friend (P1) and me (P2). I’ll try posting 3 matches of our main teams later.

but for now, please tell me what both of us can do to get better

1- [media=youtube]JtMTsqIfSLM[/media]

2- [media=youtube]5VlX–rwQWs[/media]

well, there are 4 matches with better teams, please take a look and comment it

A-Sakura/Bison/Blanka vs K-Kyo/Blanka/Sagat

A-Sakura/Bison/Blanka vs K-Kyo/Blanka/Sagat

A-Sakura/Bison/Blanka vs A-Vega/Blanka/Rolento

ieiei im a little butterfly.

dont do so much risky shit in your game play. oh and stop playing in patterns.

Indeed, some of your stuff got a tad bit predicatable.

How’d you change the stage music?

No… I am sure you will give using upper cut against my k groove…:wgrin:

K mai pretty good.

I’m the K groover
