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I would like to know, all my attempts failed. This DDR version I got in a torrent

I’m assuming it’s dreamcast version, cus the music files are easy to find and there’s a codec available for the adx (iirc) format. Should be similar to changing MVC2 music if this is indeed the DC version, if not, I have no idea.

To vkuwabara:

I was a little worried after watching the first match with kyosuke just sucking hard ass there, I’m sure you won’t disagree. You say the second batch were with better teams, but it wasn’t just the teams that were (arguably) better; your knowledge of those characters is thankfully much better as well. I think you’re both pretty good players and the sort of comments I would give are the same as those I would say about myself after watching my own replays. Stuff like:

Making better use of situations. By that I mean when you’re standing right next to a knocked down blanka with bison and you have meter, if you’re going to stick something out at ALL it should be worth the risk, it should be a combo to scissors and activate and not jsut spamming normals. The A groover was particularly guilty of that.

Also, might want to look into your generic gameplan. After playing your friend a lot you’ll know what he’s likely to do, and once you give it a minute or two I’m sure you can come up with one nasty-ass way to counter or punish him. If you know what’s coming you can do some badass stuff. I find that I often just go by feeling and play on instincts and second nature, that’s why I try to be more aware of what and why I’m doing things. Kinda like how in poker they say “you don’t play your cards, you play your opponent”. You should try to not just play YOUR character and try to land YOUR combo, instead try to play your opponent by stopping his movement and countering his attacks. The reason I say that btw, is cus both of you seem to be very aggressive in your playstyle and do very few things that looked like counters to anything the other person was doing. Also, I don’t recall seeing much if any throws. To me that is an indication that you’re just gonna do what you’re gonna do regardless of eachother.

Thank you very much, I’m pleased with your words. You said something that I can’t avoid doing: “you’re just gonna do what you’re gonna do regardless of eachother.”

oh, and yes, it’s a DC version. I changed my mvc2 songs, but with cvs2 it always reboots, dunno why :frowning:

Do you think I’m better with A or K?

Hey, your K-Gief is pretty good. Nice use of the Aerial Russian Slam (QCFx2+K) in the first match against Vice on reaction to her dash. I like that shit.


Mickey D plz comment my vids :slight_smile:

lol that geif just do qcfx2 + k because he thought vice was going to jump again. he just land that shit lucky.

and HAK is the A-GROOVER the K-groover is James = misterbean

i’m not an extremely good kyo player but i am decent, so i’ll give u some tips for ur K-kyo.

u need to JD more, throw out more standing RH (it’s a lot better than u think), for kyo’s b&b, do cr.lk instead of cr.lp cuz it hits low. and u throw out too much stuff on random, like she missed her sho sho sho and u just throw out a close st.rh out of nowhere and she just punised u for it, only throw stuff out when she (sakura) gets in range.

I didin’t see these before and I just wanted to say some things cus I saw characters that I play too. Just some random tips and not much strategy wise. Joe can cover safe falls after kick throw with slash kick (I forget which strength I use) and still be safe if they don’t safe fall. Also, RC hands are very very good. Joe also has pretty simple BnB’s that aren’t that hard to do at all.

Maki’s genko punch is not safe, I wish ppl would punish it so he’d stop doing c.mp into genko punch at random and abusing it to kingdom come. I don’t blame him for doing it cus nobody’s making him pay apparently. Also, bushin chain on biggies like honda works miracles. That guy doesn’t use meter, I mean, not even a roll 720. Instead he does wakeup lv3. He had meter for a while and he was still doing c.mp xx genko instead of combo to kick super.

As for A-Rolento’s CC, if you have trouble finishing the last j.mp > lk at the right height for the super or just timing the super asap after you land, maybe you can try doing an early s.hp into grenades after the second j.mp > j.lk/lp. That’s what I do, and it’s easier.

That thing about RC hands for Joe goes double for Honda. Buffer the taps during a mk or something and once they start using that as a sign to jump you can AA them easily.

I said something before about actually playing to your opponent. It holds true here as well because I see a lot of unpunished stuff happening like jumps and blatant blocked dp’s that aren’t punished hard enough. I know what it’s like because I make these mistakes too. I get SOOO caught up into doing my own thing that even when someone dp’s and I block in my head I’m still reading from a page in my own book entitled “How to play in robotic patterns… for dummies” or the sequel “Spazzing out: the art of inefficient play”.

most of you guys play way to random. random roll super, random jump in, etc. the whole a-groove match was like people mashing out different rc moves, without much thought.

Why would you jump in on honda when he has charge? and I dunno why Bison alpha countered. when blanka was doing the block cc. Bison with full meter should almost never alpha counter, unless you were going to die from guard break -> combo.

I noticed that you guys like to throw away meter for fun or something. random supers are exactly that. They have a small chance of actually working, but that’s why you get that excitement when you actually land it.

Yeah, I need to use more that st.Rh, sometimes I just don’t believe in that kick

I’m glad you had all the work of searching those vids. Those vids are like 6 months ago (about august 06). I that opportunity I was having trouble finishing Rolento’s CC, now I can do s.hp xx grenades all the time.

Specifically in my match, all the dash->roll were meant to be dash->rc slaps…
I don’t know how I activated that CC, probably by touching rh while trying to slap.

Well, I’m following you suggestion about playing my opponent, it really changed my life. I’m trying hard to play like that, most of the time playing at kaillera (st or sfa3). I think if I can play well in ST it’ll make my gameplay better in cvs2 and 3s.

those matches labeled at ‘Maringa vs Londrina’ are a city vs city (except for giovani_cwb, he was a guest). Those on 1p side are more random than the 2p (me and shin-chan on srk).

I guess I got way better in those 6 months. I improved a bit last couple weeks most likely because of you guys, thank you

Wallo… Im Shin, one of the A-Scrub Guy ( I think the name on the video is Shin too… cause there is a friend who plays with same team… anyway)… also the Kyosuke-N sucker =p

NOt much things were said to me in special, but the stuff like “play your opponent” and random shits helped me a lot! I mean… I started to look more carefully to things that I just ignored some time before…

there is a player in Maringa (near city,same as our city vs city event) that I almost never winned before… like, he dont almost anything in the battle… just countering… and I got really desperated cause I dont really know how to get in with such defensive game…

but when I read “play your oponent” I started to think a little different… I started to find a lot of holes that I could just take and go… not lokking at the turtle game, but jut lokking at the way HE plays…
that just one of the situations that helped me a lot…, in slow steps but I think Im getting better…

And I want to ask more comments bout my performance… where is my mistakes, what should I stop doing and all… cause Im sure that will help a lot!

Well thats all…glad Im not a noob anymore for u guys =p

Actually, in that match, HAK was the N-Groover and I was the K-Groover, so I was commenting on my own Zangief. That Aerial Russian Slam super was pretty lucky though.

opps i thought gene was refering to the first 4 matches with james, my bad

haha phobos is kidding. james is the k grooevr and im the a groover in the matches. as for N vs K that was from tijuana filmed at some casual place i forgot. I think it was called “El Cuarto de Videojuego” iirc.

when i said i was the k groover, i was just joking around pretending to be james.

I wanna be James…
minus the Korean part.

Dirty Revival of Thread long dead for personal glory, starring Kevin Spacey

I present to you, for your personal scrutiny, a recent batch of replays from casual matches between a friend and me. We know for the most part what we do wrong from looking at the vids, but it’s harder for me to apply when I’m playing :wasted: Enough excuses, here be the vids:

If you watch any, watch these:

If you are bored at work/home, the rest:

If you can’t stop watching cus it’s too much like a car-wreck:
There’s some older ones on my account.

Brazilians definitely suck at CvS2 :stuck_out_tongue:

no, they suck at the only game that exists there and also they ‘think’ they are good:kof2002

Erased message. My bad.