I’m not saying you HAVE to learn RC, but you’re playing a rolling groove, that should be one of your weapons. Otherwise learn to play P or K.
Kuwabara: I don’t play Honda, so I can’t give great advice on him. But basically you need to wait more with him. Let them come get you, not the other way around.
You are saving that meter way too long. Figure out some tactics to try and bait people with any of your characters. That meter is no good to you, if you don’t use it. The guy you were playing was jumping at you like crazy, a big no-no when playing against someone with A-groove and a full meter. Make him pay for it!
Rolento needs some work too. Anti-air people who jump at you, its standing mp. Rolento has pretty decent pokes and range, so use them. Also, you’re playing A-rolento, which means runaway and build meter.
hey guys… thank you for the comments about my game… and I gotta say, maybe Kuwabara was unhappy to upload these vids since they are the worst ones! On that day we’ve played a lot better later, after these fights. I think these ones were the first ones he encoded anyway.
Well, thanks for your comments and critics… they are all constructive to my game… but this particular game I made a fcking BIG mistake placing my lv2 first. I NEVER do that… he is always the last one! I pressed start I do not know why! Anyway, this fight was good to me… I made a lot of mistakes (as I usually do!), I accept, but c’mon… I do not play that bad!! :)… My Sagat was pretty average this fight, IMO, but I missed many chances… my Sagat missed the chance to kill his Sagat because I pressed the fcking HP instead of HK…
well… any other comments are welcome… Ah… I know I jump too much, but it’s because I really rely on my JDs!!
learn some combos, use c.hp instead of c.hk w/sagat more, and dont get hit by so many random uppercuts (block more). when you learn combos, use them to punish easy openings. after u get all that, submit another video.
A team of Iori/Morrigan/ChunLi would be better in N-groove (a rolling groove) than P or K-groove, and you don’t necessarily have to RC with any of those characters. In fact, this team works great if you master their core gameplans. RC will help you with some matchups, but it is not required. If you play k-groove, you better start using JD, and likewise, if you choose P, you MUST be able to parry (otherwise…why pick it…), but it is not a requirement in C,A,N. I hope I’ve been redundant enough to make it clear for 4 days
placing lvl 2 first or 2nd can be use tactic wise.
sometimes I like to put it first because chances are, Il kill the first of his characters before they even get to my 2nd.
also some characters work better agaisnt others and when you know what charachter is coming first then thats another reason.
I know that sometimes, even when I’m winning, I jump too much… I know it… but I’m the type of guy that do not sit down and wait for the guy to come to me, just like my fella with Hibiki, in the other vid.
The best point about that guy is that he reads the opponent’s moves like those funny papers… I mean, he loses two or three times and then he already knows what to do to beat the opponent. He doesn’t jump… but he doesn’t play at all… he just waits to kick the opponent’s butts! He not even comboes!!
Video 4: Definitely alot better than those other videos. The A-groove player just needs to not jump so much. Also, learn to activate off of trip guard, or anti-air customs work well too. Oh yeah and STOP JUMPING!. Sagat made you pay for it a bunch of times.
Video 5: Kuwabara, I think you should drop Honda or turtle more with him. Pick up Sakura or Bison. Your opponents Bison just kept jumping at you. You have Blanka, so jump straight up fierce (Hand of God). Also, punish those deep scissors kicks hes doing. Then Rolento vs. Blanka. You’re letting him jump all over you. Standing mp anti-air or activate, you had like 5 chances to activate off trip guard. Punish that fucker, it’ll make him think twice about jumping at you with full meter.
Video 6: Again waaaaay too much jumping. Also, K-groove player, you need to use your low jumps. I don’t think you did one low jump the whole match. There’s plenty of offense that can come from low jumps. I don’t even know what to say about that Sagat lol.
Gouki jumps hella way too much. I stopped at the first video cuz you all jump too much and do too much random shit. Refer to my first post again. Stop jumping, being random,and doing straight out stupid bullshit.