Just saw the Blazn videos…
Match 1: Not bad, but way too risky. RCing Rugals wallgrab is not a great idea, especially against Sagat. Against Vega, It’s alright, since he can’t really punish it. Ratio 2 Maki is not a great anchor in my opinion. Also, don’t jump at a person when they’re raged. If that guy knew what he was doing, you would’ve eaten a few supers. And that Rugal Air Dash shit should be used sparingly.
Match 2: Ehh
As for those Brazil matches…
I’m sorry but you guys fuckin’ suck. You’d get raped over here.
1st link: If you’re gonna play C-groove, learn to RC. Also, why the fuck is Hibiki just sitting there doing nothing? Are you trying not to win? Jump over those waves and hit his ass with a fat combo. And whats the deal with not punishing those extra close Mai shoulder tackle moves. cr. short, standing fierce into Jaiken. And I don’t even know what to say about that Vega. Both players were hot garbage.
2nd link: After the guy on the right misses the level 2 tiger raid. Whats he thinking doing the level 1 after that? That shit doesn’t have any kind of invincibility, he could’ve eaten anything there. Then after the guy whiffs a dp, instead of throwing, maybe fierce into tiger uppercut would’ve been an idea. And that guys Blanka, hahaha, that has to be the worst Blanka I’ve ever seen. Jump rh, sweep, repeat. This is not SF2 the World Warrior. C-R-A-P.
3rd link: If you’re gonna play Honda, learn how to play him. You’re just closing your eyes and doing headbutts. Fortunately that guy is a bigger scrub than you are, so you can get away with it. But if you ever play someone good, you’re fucked. Good lord you people cannot play Blanka for shit, I thought Blanka was from Brazil. And are you saving that meter for a rainy day? Burn that shit on him. You’re letting him jump all over you like a fairy.
Overall, keep practicing.