Rate me thread (vids)

why do trial and error when you can just do trial safely =P

jumping over and over isn’t rushing by the way, that’s suicide

it’s hard to give advice since my house rat could probably have played better than your opponent, but I’d say by starting to not leave yourself completely open at all times and not waste meter or free combo ops, since you like to rush those should by your first priority to learn, rushing without leaving a lot of openings defines a strong rush (otherwise, if the other guy had half a brain cell they’d just hit you and there goes your rush), and you should be looking to land combos and supers when you rush (kinda the whole point of rushing…)

you’re gonna have to find a better opponent before we can give you better advice, right now that match is just a big gloop of indecipherable slop

I challenge your cat to a $10.00 money match.
Tape its paws to the stick and a fierce button and I’ll go at it blindfolded with one hand.

Sorry WEPEEL AKA JOHN THE PIMP. and Sorry blazn, yeah maybe the 10/10 is a little too high, maybe.

Nick eats… Jack in the box.

hahah for some reason i pictured that VIVIDLY, with the cat getting random hadoukens sometimes while squirming about haha ohh man…matches in the ghetto

“Oh nice you read it perfectly”:bgrin:

whoops. He said rat, not a cat.
oh well. Bet still stands. If there’s no cat, I’m sure a neighbor will lend you one lol

your k > your c, but you did well in C. it might just be who you’re playing against though. work on high/low mixups in K, you probably could have landed more supers that weren’t random with ryu.

the rat accepts your challenge, but you must agree that we are not responsible for any damages to your joystick wire (especially chewing related ones)

or, for that matter, your own personal physical health, as I never did test it for diseases, or gotten anywhere close to it for that matter…he mostly just sneaks in and out of our kitchen…sneaky bastard

thnx for critisism guys
but this isnt just for me, im trying to encourage you guys to post up your vids so we can help YOU out aswell.

I want to see Misterbean vs Kim’s N-Akuma.

how come you never combo’d super?
u were raged k rock and sagat whiffed hp tiger uppercut…

no you dont, shit is ugly.

Boswer is being a little too blunt be he is rite. way too many openings.

If i was playing you guys, I would notice the suicide style and turtle up, getting selective knockdowns and baiting bad DP’s and RC’s

Wakeup anything but jab and throw is bad…usually. Random wallgrab, random run with rock(though it may work once or twice) is esentially suicide.

Maybe you were thinking that it was OK vs vega or blanka with no super, but you still dont want to take those risks.
Think about it, your basically putting the option of loosing momentum out there. If you ae the better player you should be able to deal with pressure and bring the game back to your comfort zone.

When I play top comp, its usually 90% footsies, with the occasional knockdown pressure, that is not that hard to grit through. Jump less, special less, and think more. You really need to look for patterns too, or more specifically a “type” of play style…and adapt to that.

Ive playd people that fold under agression, or others that get frustrated at patcience…find what your oppnent dont like and exploit ti.

I understand what you mean but I guess its the way I play.
I get nailed by random supers sometimes because I like to play around alot.
and for me its more fun soaring in the air and running around. youkno?

but when I play against a turtle (which I have) time usually runs out because I usually because I know when my options are closed.

in the end I just dont like waiting around I like to go out and grab it. youknow what I mean?

p.s cmon ppl post up some vids.

oh and I dont know what I didnt do super when sagat whiffed his uppercut.

I’ll post up a video i had of me back in 2003, where i thought roll was the best thing ever. Jumping too.

They are duh. You’re like invincible for soooooooooooooooooooooooo long in the roll.

Id take videos of me if I had a camera haha

sry for opening a thread similar to this one. I’m copying my post:

Plz rate them also ^^'
I need some advices to beat those guys:

1- [media=youtube]UQ_QIy5AvX0[/media]
Sérgio (P1) is THE turtle, he plays defensively, if you jump he’ll anti-air, if you roll, he’ll throw. He throws a lot, basicaly, it’s his main weapon.
Giovani (P2) is different, kinda strange, sometimes do something ‘mashed’, sometimes turtles. His Athena: psycho ball -if you jump, she use her butt or d+hp. -if you roll, throw -if blocked, j.any kick, d+hp, dash back. And psycho ball again

2- [media=youtube]omryOwxuhf4[/media]
Gouki_psx (P1) is very good in JD. He relies on his JD and throws a lot. JD in mid-air->throw
Azis (P2) is Vega dependant. He claims his Vega is one of the best in the world…

3- [media=youtube]EI7baGevF9A[/media]
Fabiano(P1) plays defensively, but mashes some strange moves.
Kuwabara(P2), that’s me. My 2nd character isn’t decided yet. In this match I got really mad with so many ‘guessing’ uppercuts.

edit: video 1 wasn’t working, now it’s OK

  1. no comment
  2. tons of random uppercuts, how come blanka didnt lvl 3? he had like 6 opportunities
  3. why didnt you finish rolento custom with super? it looks like you just let him drop.

because I missed it. I just have problems in finishing CC with super

Just saw the Blazn videos…

Match 1: Not bad, but way too risky. RCing Rugals wallgrab is not a great idea, especially against Sagat. Against Vega, It’s alright, since he can’t really punish it. Ratio 2 Maki is not a great anchor in my opinion. Also, don’t jump at a person when they’re raged. If that guy knew what he was doing, you would’ve eaten a few supers. And that Rugal Air Dash shit should be used sparingly.

Match 2: Ehh

As for those Brazil matches…

I’m sorry but you guys fuckin’ suck. You’d get raped over here.

1st link: If you’re gonna play C-groove, learn to RC. Also, why the fuck is Hibiki just sitting there doing nothing? Are you trying not to win? Jump over those waves and hit his ass with a fat combo. And whats the deal with not punishing those extra close Mai shoulder tackle moves. cr. short, standing fierce into Jaiken. And I don’t even know what to say about that Vega. Both players were hot garbage.

2nd link: After the guy on the right misses the level 2 tiger raid. Whats he thinking doing the level 1 after that? That shit doesn’t have any kind of invincibility, he could’ve eaten anything there. Then after the guy whiffs a dp, instead of throwing, maybe fierce into tiger uppercut would’ve been an idea. And that guys Blanka, hahaha, that has to be the worst Blanka I’ve ever seen. Jump rh, sweep, repeat. This is not SF2 the World Warrior. C-R-A-P.

3rd link: If you’re gonna play Honda, learn how to play him. You’re just closing your eyes and doing headbutts. Fortunately that guy is a bigger scrub than you are, so you can get away with it. But if you ever play someone good, you’re fucked. Good lord you people cannot play Blanka for shit, I thought Blanka was from Brazil. And are you saving that meter for a rainy day? Burn that shit on him. You’re letting him jump all over you like a fairy.

Overall, keep practicing.

hey Biggzy
Thank you man! that’s what I want to read. If you guys don’t like, say it!

just some facts:

it’s his style, he DOESN’T attack, just sit and wait.

yes, he’s crap, but thinks he’s the best.

I just doesn’t know what to do with Honda. If I slap, they jump or roll, and they jump a lot, so I headbutt everytime for AA. Their first reaction is not to block, but to throw or jump. If you slap and dash to command throw, they will jump and punish.
I’m not good with activation with Blanka, but I can do the CC.
About jump all over, they jump a lot and I don’t know what to do against it.
Is my Rolento decent?

I saw the athena match and Imo its not bad.
there were a lot of predictable patterns but you guys solidly new the basics which is what I keep telling people to learn first.

nothing to say except gotta go beyond your basics and work on mixups.
todo especially can be taken down easily with that patten.

oh and you dont have to learn RC to be good. I hardly ever use it, I only use it for fun and agaisnt my friends and or scrubs.
learn without it and then when you think youve gotten to the point where you need it, then use it.

it will be too risky for you guys.