Rashid Video Thread

Want to see some good examples of top players using Rashid? Want to post your own matches for critique and advice from fellow Forum members? This is the thread for you.

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TS NerdJosh



LAMERBOI (Rashid) vs PR Balrog (Vega)

Fuck knows that had to go straight in. Everything starting from 1:02 is Hollywood tier.

SFV: Rashid Optimal Combos
by: Richard Nguyen



Help, I suck.

punishable moves


I actually hadn’t seen Richards video before finishing mine just now… Posting it though, hopefully something to like :slight_smile:



That lamerboi combo is the sickest thing. Just labbed out the timing. Pretty strange, but I can kind of explain it now, if anyone is having trouble with it :v

Can I get some feedback/critique?

In general just work on fundamentals, but a good thing to get you started is do everything purposefully. If you throw out a move/ special or jump, dash, walk, have a reason behind doing it, or a plan.

Yeah that last bit of advice has helped quite a bit. I have an actual battle plan or am starting to build one. I went from like 900lp to around 1400lp in a day. Granted I still fluxated between those numbers but I feel it is helping. Thanks.


I liked this: 5:47 Although, he did block it.

That was actually supposed to combo but he messed it up.
EDIT: Watching this, two big things I’m taking away from it are that if you avoid a fireball early enough with V-skill roll, if you did it early enough and catch them in recovery, you can do a full combo instead of just the follow-up kick. In addition, the second hit of cr.HP, when it Crush Counters, can actually be followed up into cr.MK xx [special]. I think this’ll be important to learn for match-ups where the opponent uses armor moves in neutral because those are the most practical ways to end up landing that particular CC (Birdie in particular stands out to me).

Awesome set FT15


Was trying to come up with anti-nash Tech because I hate the matchup and I ended finding out that his v-reversal is very punishable with v-trigger.


I tried with a whole lot of normals at a whole bunch of ranges, only one I did not have much success with was cr.HP and st.HP, other than that I always got clean punishes. If you do it from st.LK range without moving, you only get one hit from v-trigger and a guaranteed mixup because they’re standing right on top of the tornado, if you walk just a bit backwards, you get a clean full v-trigger for you to extend how you wish. This is merely a proof of concept, by all means everyone elaborate more on this.

Awesome share man. I am following gachikun and studying him to get a better grasp on what I should be doing as rashid. Alot of frametraps, netural jumps, and whirlwind shot pressure. Gonna try to implement that more into my game and see how it goes.

So I’m trying to to improve my Rashid game, any tips would be great from you all.
I feel like I did fairly well, but Laura still gives me some trouble.


I think you did a pretty good job in this match-up. I liked your Rashid movement and use of v-trigger alot. Also there was a sequence that I thought was really good and kept her from pressing alot of shit. A couple things that I think you should take advantage of:

  1. In situations where WWS hits in the air or V-trigger hits, and you are able to convert off of it even if you got hit, you should attempt to convert off it. Beginning of the second match, I think what you wanted was H Eagle spike after you hit her in the air with WWS, but you did or got sweep. In that situation however, I don’t think H Eagle Spike would work, at least from that height and distance. In that situation, you could probably do M spinning mixer and get a nice little screen carry plus a meaty set-up. At 2:15, you could of converted that. Get all the little damage and oki you can.

  2. None of your tick throw set ups were working because he was delay teching every time. Throw some shimmy in your game. Rashid’s back walk speed is nice. If he whiffs a throw, you can punish with st. Hp xxx V-skill Nail Assault, spinning mixer (M, H or EX) for a solid 20% at least plus a little v-meter and oki, or even better if you wanna spend meter, you can do st. HP xxx EX Eagle Spike, H mixer for like 30% plus oki.

  3. When Laura has you cornered and tries to keep you cornered with EX thunder clap, v-reversal out. Rashid gets v-meter soooooo fast. You should never let Laura bully you, nor should Laura let you bully her.

Other than that, I think you did pretty well.