Rashid Video Thread

Yeah that sweep I did after the WWS hit was an execution error, I did try Eagle Spike. I didn’t think about doing M Mixer to carry.
Shimmy is something I really do need to use, I agree, seeing as I find myself in so many throw situations.

What do you think is the best thing Rashid can do for oki? I’m kind of at a loss there.

Rashid’s oki is pretty basic without v-trigger. After you knock your opponent down with a spinning mixer, you can do a meaty, throw, or shimmy. You get them scared to press buttons on wake up, start throwing them. If they are delay teching, shimmy.

Can I get some feedback please?


Messed around and found some nice meaty setups for our boy. Couldn’t find a video for them so I made one. :smiley:


Alex Valle Rashid and Nerd Josh

Ok! I watched a good bit of the video (no audio) and jump a bit to see the different MUs.

Firstly…STOP opening your matches with HK.WWS/roll. It is extremely unsafe and easy to punish by good players. I dunno why that Cammy didn’t punish you hard for doing it so many times!

Also, don’t depend so much on the running mixer since it is very punishable on block. I only use it if I see a Mika using V-skill microphone (I think good Mikas don’t even use it anymore outside of combos) or when Ysaar is on the screen for a corner carry (it’s zero on block too). And of course…you used ex.mixer for the follow-up!! I had to roll my eyes since I knew you were going to use it lol. Just try not to depend on that gimmicky habit too.

Next, work on being a little more patient. One minute you’re in the air or tossing out a button and taking trade hits.

Against Sim use cr.mp to stop the teleports and then St.HP (or St.HK) after the air reset. You might score a CC since Sim players become very panicky.

I noticed some drop combs…gotta work on that for sure. This character needs very bit of damage so don’t waste those hit confirms.

Use cr.mk to low profile Mika’s charge HK and then punish her. I’m at work so I can’t really type more but hopefully you’ll find my feedback a bit helpful.

MADKOF plays rashid in sfv, uploads alot of his footage to yt




Nice. Didn’t know he played SFV. I’ll have to watch later.

Hey guys, got GFs at a local small tournament here in Portugal, mind giving an opinion on where I can improve with him?

I made some pretty bad and obvious mistakes but aside from that, where do you think I can do to improve the most?


Please critique.

EDIT: I use st. HK too much. That much I know lol.

You play pretty risky and use way too much ex mixer. Try to play a more solid neutral and save your meter for EX Whirlwind pressure.

Not enough cr.HP in neutral in the first few matches. Think of cr.HP as your fireball. Most characters can’t fuck with it. At all. Use it as your fireball and on block be ready for a whiff punish with st.HP or L Mixer.

Your shimmy game needs work. You walk way too far back when you do it and you don’t do it after a tick. Do st.LK, st.LP, walk forward slightly, walk back slightly. (WAIT FOR WHIFF HERE).

Shimmy’s work when the opponent isn’t mashing anything and is scared of your throws.

Also more st.MK. That’s probably your best tool at whiff punishing buttons close up. I didn’t see many whiff punishes.

I liked your use of st.LK and the setups you get off of that. Really nice stuff. Maybe mix it up with cr.MP xx H Wind? Honestly though vs Ken you should do air to air into divekick since he can change his jump arc so easily.

You didn’t roll under any of Ken’s fireballs either. That is freeeeee vs Ken.

Also not enough throws. You don’t throw enough. Throw more.

Anyway, that’s what I noticed! Hope it helps.

Hey guys. After attending egx and watching the finals, I decided to jump back into sfv.

I just played a friend’s Juri on their stream, we went back and forth.

Should be time stamped, but if not 03.43.
00 and onwards

I know I missed a couple of punishes and made some highly questionable decisions (heat of the moment, brain farts, muscle spasms etc) but I think i did ok throughout the set considering ive only fought against juri about 6 times (it may actually be better to skip past the first set, and start watching at 03.49.00 onwards instead - after we’ve warmed up a little)

All feedback is welcome, but i would also like specific feedback in terms of spacing/positioning/sweet spots, and any useful set ups (CH combos, meaties etc)

There is also a ryu set I did slightly earlier in the vid, around 00.15.00. I get bodied lol

I’ll have to give this one a look when I get home.
