Rashid General Thread: Desert Storm - second new character

cr.mp is the main AA and EX qcf+p.

As mentioned cr.mp xx qcf+k for pressure if you think they won’t mash and xx qcf+a or xx roll can do some crossunder stuff. the MK tornado seems best after cr.mp AA.

And yeah wind projectile opens up some hella swag stuff. I hadn’t seen that mk crossup before thats dope.

I’m going to be so sad if they remove this lmao. Dat swag

I’m kinda scared they’ll do something about him lol.

His pressure is insane, he gave my necalli fits, but I did better with other characters

guys is it better to do end combos with LP spinning mixer than eagle spike ? for example st.MP cr.MK xxx lp. SM ? cuz your enemy has to guess is it regular spinning mixer or you gonna extend it with pressing punches… So you can play guessing game and go lp. spinning mixer into throw, cuz they gonna expect extended spinning mixer ? Does this make sense ?

I haven’t played SFV yet but what gives more damage? What you’re talking about might work once or twice but I think players would blow you up for it once they got a read. Not to mention I think throws suck in this game or does LP spinning mixer leave you in a really good spot to go for a throw? Just my opinion though

That mixup isn’t strong but it is another option to have and it is more potent if you always end with spinning mixer.

Eagle kick does a bit more damage but spinning mixer A mash leaves you in a good position to throw meaty fireballs. Both have their uses and its important to decide what you want to do depending on the ender.

Probably better to use spinning mixer then when you’re close to stunning them so you can keep the momentum going.

I was the one in the chat that told Gootecks about it, and it was Mo0nz, the marvel player, that found this:) Credit goes to him!

I see… i was watching the stream replay at work with the sound off (slacking off) when i saw that. Solid find guys. Hope theres more things like this to find.

I was ending all my combos in mashed MP spinning mixer or LP if they were crouching.

Eagle spike does marginally more damage I think but resets into a neutral situation, I felt the momentum was stronger, even with multiple wakeup options and Rashid’s pretty solid mid distance game.


fuck i wish i’d known about this tech earlier. great stuff.

Love this Character, he reminds me of Juri with a touch of Ibuki. Anyways I see you guys figured out most all of his tricky movement buffs f rom whirlwinds , so all I have to add is an alternate ending for the V trigger combos. Its a basic combo but its easy to do and just one bar.

I think the EX eagle kick ender does more damage but I didn’t check the fight data.

Also, no brainer but, point blank vtrigger on your opponents wakeup is a nasty 50/50 guess for them.

This was a good match vs a Ken player.

So this beta was my first time playing the game, i like it allot so far, looking forward to playing some more.

While everyone else is crying about what their character can’t do, Rashid force putting in work. I saw this on Vesper’s stream…Kreygasm

Definitely had more fun with Rashid than I did with Bison. Been a Bison main for years but it might be time for a switch, Rashid has got some tricks.

can anyone explain how you get him to move to the other side of the screen like that? is that literally just his dash?

Rashid gains momentum off any move of his that passes through the V Trigger Tornado. So the small hop he makes on his f.HP overhead now crosses like, hella distance lol.



Anything that moves Rashid through his vtrigger/fireball gains momentum.

Including things like his specials and f+mp. Overhead is off the ground so it leads to that happening.

Holy shit the K followup to Rolling Assault is -8. No one punished me for that I figured it was safe…ish. This is eye opening.

lol that’s ridiculous.