Date: Saturday, Dec 15th, 2007
Location: Portland State University
Games: 3rd Strike, ST, CvS2, GGXX, T5:DR, MvC2
Entry Fees: $10 per game
Prizes: 70/20/10
We’ll be taking signups for games all day long but you need to signup at least 30 minutes before your first tournament. Money will be taken when you signup. Cash only.
11:00: Doors open - Signups start
12:00-3:00: CvS2 and T5:DR tournaments begin
3:15-6:15: GGXX and ST tournaments begin
6:30: 3rd Strike and MvC2 tournaments begin
After the tournaments will run a series of special events provided we have time
If you are entering CvS2 or T5:DR please try to be there AT 11am so we can get everyone signed up and finalize the brackets.
The tournament is being held at Portland State University in our roomy Smith Ballroom. It is located on the 3rd floor of the Smith Memorial Student Union building at 1825 SW Broadway Portland OR 97201. There are several restaurants and a few bars on campus. There are a few parking lots in the area that aren’t terribly expensive. I’ll get more info on that soon.
I too found that odd, seeing as how 3s and MvC2 are probably the two most popular 2d games in the country. Also, being in the NW, I’d always presumed that Marvel would always be a mainstay. But, the organizers should have final say.
Just now took a look at the event page. I noticed that Digital Watches and umbrellastyle (the two entrants at the top of the page) were both named Alex Kelly. I propose a grudge match where the loser has to change his legal name.
There’s interest in playing Marvel, there’s no doubt about that. But no one has committed to coming down for the tournament. The fact is, the Seattle Guilty Gear crew travels more than the Seattle Marvel crew.
What I need to hear is that Seattle Marvel players can commit to coming to this event. Until then, I can’t justify adding it to the list.
While I can understand that, at the sametime, only a handful of people that play Marvel up here, use SRK. You aren’t gonna see posts from Row, JMar, Rat, etc. So with it not being in the roster, there’s no way any of them will show. There’s no point in a maybe. My interest in Marvel isn’t nearly comparable to my current interest in ST and CvS2, but I wouldn’t think of going if Marvel wasn’t there. I also find it kinda random that Tekken is an addition when the Seattle Tekken group hasn’t been confirmed that they would show up.
EDIT-BTW I’m not hulkin up or anything in this thread, I’m just trying to promote healthy discussion. =]
Tekken is there simply due to the size of the Portland scene.
I understand that a lot of people don’t visit SRK very often if ever, so I’ll leave it to the people who do come here often to let me know how much interest there is. Talk to everyone up there and let me know what they think.
GGXX got it because of the size of the scene that may show up. While portland overall has about 6 serious players, I believe if all of washington shows up we can have a decent turn out.
Plus if you don’t want guilty gear than don’t enter it. I’m really not trying to be mean but there is no point in getting up in arms about one games inclusion, we can try and include marvel if there is enough want to do so. Just remember in the other thread Marvel players said they didn’t want to travel during winter… unless that has changed?
WoW, um so we are going by MAYBE entering. I dont care if this sounds mean b/c thats dumb as hell. So you are gonna tell me GGXX has a higher chance of a higher turn out then Marvel? If you think so, you need a top flight drop kick. I dont even think T5 should be in it b/c i dont think its gonna get past a 15 person turnout. Why dont we just put it out in the open b/c i know cats are gonna be to scared to say it. GGXX is in the this tourney b/c the people that got the tourney placed at PSU in the 1st place " aka you and Mark " and the rest of the players at PSU " all 7 of them ". I doubht SamY gave a damn and just said Fuck it. There is no rational explanation for SRK’S MOST POPULAR GAME not being in this tourney.
From discussions I’ve had with people so far, I do expect a larger turnout for GGXX than Marvel. As for T5, 15 entries seems like a low estimate considering the last Portland T5 tournament had 20 people.
I’m still waiting to hear that the Seattle crew wants to come tear up MvC2. I don’t have any way of contacting most of them, so I hope that someone can get in contact with the whole crew and find out what they think.
Not to hate you SamY but have you talked to anybody beyond the PSU players and people at Mark’s house seeing thats where all the GGXX players are located. and i cant name 15 current Tekken players in portland. Ill give it a shot.
Red Dennis " not gonna enter "
Purple Dennis " good luck on waking him up before 3 p.m. on a saturday "
Brian J
4-5 random mexicans " good luck with that "
and thats it.
Dont forget that pretty much all of washington plays Marvel while playing other games. so with every 2 washington players, 1 of them play marvel. atleast thats what i have as a ratio. and i saw people playing GGXX at Zach’s, there was maybe 3 people and it lasted maybe 15 minutes.
Another Question: How come the Marvel scene has to make Noise to get there game in and GGXX scene does not? b/c There was no noise on the NW SRK board for GGXX but plenty for marvel when this first was a idea. But yet GGXX is in the tournament. The logic isnt there.